
Humble Me And Keep Me Close

When we experience the amazing lovingkindness of the Lord, we never want to be without Him again.

He becomes our life and our light. The beauty of His holiness surrounds us and His powerful sacrifice draws us in close to Our Savior.

The enemy is not content with your contentment. He is like a fly in the cool and rainy fall; looking for a place to enter your home and torment you even when you try to rest.

He brings with him pride and he is as crafty as they get. He will try to convince you that all you have has come from your hand instead of God’s.

He simply needs you to trust yourself and doubt the provision of God. It’s the same trick he has used since Adam and Eve were tricked in the garden.

We must ask for God to humble us that we may see the devil’s schemes clearly and avoid the foot of pride. Truly all that we have is not by our own doing, but by the Lord who has given it to us.

May God crush every ounce of pride in us and all those who oppose us as we carry out His mission to advance the gospel.


