Christian living

Prayer Answered – A Mind To Work

Have you ever prayed for God to remove an enemy that stood in the way of you doing His work and instead He strengthens you to face that giant?

When Sanballat, Tobias, and the Arabs heard that Nehemiah was rebuilding the wall they were furious and they did everything in their power to discourage them.

What’s Nehemiah’s response? You guessed it…prayer. He prays that the Lord would “give them up for plunder in a land of captivity”. He’s basically praying for the Lord’s judgement to remove their enemies.

God answered the prayer but not as Nehemiah had requested. He strengthened Nehemiah and the people and gave them “a mind to work”

God’s plan for thwarting their enemies including demonstrating His power through Nehemiah and the people of Israel.

What giants are you facing today?

Have you prayed for God to remove them?

In what ways is God strengthening you to face your enemies and demonstrate His power?


