
Strive For Souls Not Wind

emember my zeal in amassing wealth and stature. I would pour over home catalogs and trade journals looking for mansions I may want to live in and jobs I wanted to possess.

Then I would go to my corporate job and do my best to be the best. Day after day, I gave my all to the company worked for.

Meanwhile, people around me were perishing while I was focused on acquiring more stuff and praise. More and more, my conscience would be pricked and show me my selfishness.

The temptation of this world is strong and we only have so much time here. We need to not strive after the wind but souls.

The work of our hands for ourselves is just vanity. When we carry out the good works God has prepared us to walk in, we don’t strive in vain, but instead accomplish the perfect plan of our Father in heaven which will last forever.

Here’s a quick test. Do you spend more time thinking about people and their needs or what to do with your stuff and how to get more?

Fix your mind on the Lord and His work. Everything else is vanity.


