Christian livingObedienceOvercoming Sin

You Are God’s Dwelling Place

This weekend our pastor shared from Ephesians 3:24-21. One word jumped out at me many all the others…dwell. It’s not just that He desires to dwell “with” us but even desires to dwell “in” us.  It’s as if He purchased us as a house and is going to live in us.

Furthermore, if we are His house, He is able to redecorate that house however He chooses.  That implies that some things have to go and new things must be incorporated.  As the house, it’s not up to us but instead the owner has authority to choose.  While change is hard, it is necessary.

Personal Reflection

If indeed you are the house of God, are you letting Him as the owner, choose the furnishings and floor plan?  Or are you fighting Him on every decorating decision? Confess any stubbornness and acknowledge God’s ownership today!

Prayer Focus

Heavenly Father, we too like Paul pray that You in all three persons would dwell in us, that we would know the love of Christ, and be filled up to the fullness of God! Free our hearts to serve Him willingly as He prepares His dwelling in us. May it be so in Jesus Name, Amen!


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