Christian livingFaithMission

Do You Believe?

Today’s verse challenges us to answer the question Do you believe?  We can have our heads filled with knowledge of scripture and great stories of everything that has happened to everyone one else, but at the end of the day, when you’re by yourself, do you believe?

Furthermore, is that belief followed up by action? Jesus asked His disciples who others said He was and then asked them who They say He is.  To challenge to the next level, who do we live that He is?   Our actions flow from what we genuinely believe at the core of who we are.  If we believe the Gospel and God’s Word to be true we will live according to that truth.

Personal Reflection

Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. Want to grow your faith?  Get in your Bible today. Find a reading plan on or pick one up from a Christian book store.  Get involved in a bible study at your church.  Dig in today!

Prayer Focus

Heavenly Father, help us in our unbelief. Direct our minds to you. Let us recount the miracles of old and see you in our lives today. May praise flood our minds and be delivered from our lips forever.  May our faith please you, lead others to you, and bring you honor and glory. In Jesus Name, Amen!




One thought on “Do You Believe?

  1. So many people call themselves Christians yet they lack a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. The reality is Constantine created Christianity aka Catholicism to control the people and hold his throne. Catholicism was a mix of paganism and the Bible to pull Born Again Believers into paganism and Baal worship. The reality of Biblical Salvation is anyone who believes on what Jesus Christ did on the cross is a saved saint. He/She is born again and has eternal salvation. There are no good works required to be saved and that certainly includes repentance. Repentance does not even mean turning from sin, as so many religious heretics try and push. 99% of the churches in America preach a false gospel and have perverted it to the point of no return. The problem is, the people themselves are not reading the Bible because they are too busy worshiping at the throne of statism, atheism or some other ridiculous cult like the tele vision set.

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