
Which Good Works Are Mine?

I’m convinced that a good portion of the body of Christ lives as I once did: semi-disconnected from my purpose. I was well aware of the commission God had given me and actively shared my faith, but still felt something was missing.

My mission looked a lot like a roller coaster of mountain top experiences with amazing experiences with God on the highs and confusion and guilt on the lows.

Thoughts like “I know I am called to more than what I am living” plagued me. These thoughts when examined closely were not an ‘awaken the giant or greatness within’ mentality.

Instead, there was a genuine desire to truly apply every aspect of God’s workmanship in me for the sake of the gospel. The lacking part was knowing how.

I believe that when we answer that question of how, then our lives are filled with joy as we walk in the good works He prepared for us.

The part that keeps me up at night is that many never find the answer to how. We can be confident in our salvation and yet never move on to the work He has prepared and miss the joy we have in serving Him we all that we have been given.

Don’t stop until you get the question answered, continue to present your bodies as a living sacrifice to Him (Romans 12:1), and see all of His design in you being used to advance the Gospel.





Want a comprehensive guide to discovering God’s workmanship of you and a plan to build a vision so you can more confidently identify and walk in the works He has prepared for you?

Grab a copy of my new book MISSION POSSIBLE:Living A Life That Matters at the link below:
