
Peace That Rules

My life gets a little busy. Having 22 children, 11 grandchildren, an international Young Living business, prayer group of close to 900, and my MP Warrior brand is a lot to manage.

There are times when I can get sucked into a mode of busyness and begin to travel at Mach V. When this happens there is no peace. No peace ruling in me or in my relationships.

I act more like the energizer bunny than a human. The pace is not sustainable and is not healthy for me or my relationships.

I’ve noticed this pace happens when I don’t begin my day feasting on God’s word and spending time Him in prayer.

Jesus is the ultimate example of peace. When the storm is raging, He is able to rest deeply. When He knew one of his own disciple would sell Him out and the rest would abandon, He was at peace.

How is this possible when He knew the cross was before Him? His faith and trust in the Father’s plan was unwavering. He knew His mission, had built a vision to carry it out. He stuck to the plan and walked it out in faith. He didn’t run it out.

You were called to let that same peace rule in your hearts, to which you were called into one body. You are not alone in this endeavor. There is no self-made peaceful Christian. You need Christ and you need others.

Peace comes when we begin each day and moment with Christ at the center. When we feast in His word, we too, are able to understand our mission and build a vision to carry it out. This is even more powerful when we carry it out together with other believers.

In faith, we are the benefactors of the Lord’s peace. As we walk with Him and meditate on His mighty works, our thankfulness fills to overflowing. The peace of God that passes all understanding guards our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus (Phil. 4:7)

Let your schedule reflect your purpose. Don’t let it be filled by default or overpacked with mindless entertainment. Intentionally let the Lord’s peace rule in your heart. Make time for Him and carrying out your mission first and throughout the day.





Want to have clarity in your mission so, you too, can be unwavering and filled with peace? Grab a copy of my new book MISSION POSSIBLE: Living A Life That Matters at the link below:
