Christian livingEncouragementRelationship

What Is God Doing Now?


Praise and thank you’s to the LORD are something that should spill over into all of our relationships. I love hearing peoples testimonies of how the Lord has rescued them but equally amazing are the stories of what he did in their life last week yesterday and in the last five minutes.

Perhaps one of the reasons believers are not seen any different than nonbelievers are because we never tell of the good deeds God has done for us.  Instead we reduce it to sharing what was shared in the sermon on Sunday. While that’s good, if it’s the only thing we share, it leads to a mentality that God is only in church on Sundays or Saturdays instead of ever present in relationship with us protecting, guiding, and directing our steps.

Personal Reflection

Our relationship with God is just that a relationship.  It takes time, investment, learning, and walking together to grow that relationship.   If we don’t spend time with our family how we can expect that relationship will grow.  The subjects of our conversations are often about our experiences with our friends family and other relationships. Why would our relationship with God be any different? 

Be watching for evidence of God’s work in you this week and share that with one person and(or) look for one way God has blessed you and share that

Prayer Focus

Heavenly father we thank you that you are ever present with us. You never leave me nor for sake us. Instead you continue to guide and direct our steps while blessing us. Let our  mouths be filled with praises and our lips speak of your great deeds that you’re doing in our lives right now! May the truth of your word and your gospel be seen in every conversation we have. In the Name of Christ we pray, amen!

@ brianfriedl

#tellofhismightydeeds #lipsfilledwithpraise #truthtalk4life