
Pray And Work

Our Work

The shepherds chose to trust in God’s provision and went to see the thing that was told to them (Luke 2:15)

Then end result, they went back, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen.

The same is true today when we go to the cross, hear, and see the mighty work Jesus has done there. Our trust in His provision ultimately results in praise and glory to God.

Our lives become living sacrifices(Romans 12:2) as we carry out our mission(Matthew 28:18-20) for the sake of the Gospel.

Some of our brothers and sisters around the give the ultimate sacrifice with their lives.

Today, let us remember them and lift them in prayer and do the good work God has prepared for us (Ephesians 2:10) right where we are.





Want to know more clearly the work God has for you?

Consider one on one or group coaching to prepare yourself for the new year.

Groups of 3 or more get 33% off the normal price! Message me for details.

You can also grab a copy of my book on Amazon.



