Christian living

Mary’s Mission And Vision

Mary knew her mission and vision

Mary clearly had the potential for one of the most stressful Christmases on record. She was with child and without husband which would have been would have been incredibly disgraceful and socially sanitizing.

On top of the social pressures, she had to take a long trip in the late stages of her pregnancy. What mother do you know that wouldn’t be concerned about this?

I’m sure her visit with Gabriel was still bouncing around in her head too. Think about this: She was giving birth to the Messiah and would be responsible for raising Him. Her life had already begun to be all about Him.

Despite the many unknowns, Mary trusted God. She kept her sights on what He had told her through the angel, Gabriel. She had a mission and now a clear vision of her part in it. It was simple, but not easy.

Fast forward the clock to present day. We have a mission that God has given us (Matthew 28:18-20) and He is guiding us to build a vision of our part in it. Our lives are to be all about Jesus as well.

When we fully embrace this truth, we experience joy that supersedes any trial or suffering. We have the endurance to press on confidently in our purpose and advance the Gospel.

Will you join me in gaining clarity in your mission and vision in 2020?





Want to gain real clarity on your Mission and Vision for 2020?

I do intensive coaching with individuals and groups to discover their purpose and customize a plan using biblical principles.

Message me for details on flexible options and pricing. Rates for group participants are discounted 33% for 3 or more

You’ll want to grab a copy of my new book for this journey.