
Praise For Bread

This verse comes in the middle of a section where Jesus appears to be helping the people interpret the feeding of the fivethousand  that had happened recently.  They have likened the feeding to manna in the wilderness.  

The same Father who provided manna from heaven in the wilderness has provided the true bread (Jesus) from heaven.  When we eat of it we will never hunger again. When we sincerely seek God’s provision in Christ we will not be cast out but instead will receive to full measure.  

Personal Reflection

Think of, or look up as many verses as you can that speak to God’s beautiful provision in Christ. Spend 15 minutes praising God with your voice (out loud)   Why out loud?  Because we will complete the praise.  Too many times if we keep the praise in our heads, our minds wander and we drift away from praising. Speaking helps us ensure we will complete it.   Why 15 minutes?  It forces us to concentrate rather than just roll off the last five minutes of insight.   Enjoy!

Prayer Focus

LORD, help us to grasp your amazing love in the provision of your Son for us.  Let our lips not only speak but shout your praise!   You have always provide for your people in every circumstance you are faithful; even when we don’t see.  We thank you for your overflowing grace and for revealing your truth to our hearts.  We lift this praise in the power and cleansing Name of Jesus, Amen!


#shoutsofpraise #breadfromheaven #truthtalk4life