Christian livingFaithFear

No Room For Fear

Have Joy And Hope

Lately, all I see is fear and panic. Toilet paper has become the new security blanket. At the root of it all is still the same problem that’s always been there.

Trusting in ourselves will cause us to fear the unknown. When life all depends on us, we will feel the weight of the world and be riddled with the fear of letting ourselves and others down.

On the other hand, when we are confident in what we are believing in (The One True Living God and His provision), we will be filled with joy and peace.

The Holy Spirit will cause you to abound in hope, not in the work of your hands, but instead His. There are no unknowns for God and therefore no need to fear. Nothing escapes His knowledge.

Faith has carried many a human through the toughest of times and the greatest of life’s challenges. Whether facing life without a spouse or storming the beaches of foreign soil in war, the Holy Spirit has and will continue to deliver hope.

Take time today to thank God for His provision. For He rescued us and it is by His hand that He will finish what He began in us. May we live like He is in control because He is!


