Christian livingOvercoming Sin

Mystery Solved


When I was young I enjoyed reading the Hardy Boys mystery books.  I was also drawn to shows like Columbo and Murder She Wrote.  I love solving mysteries.

The greatest mystery of all time is summed up in the question What is the solution to our sin problem?   Praise God that he has revealed that mystery to us.  The answer is none other than Jesus Christ himself and His finished work at the cross!

Only a couple versus earlier than these, we see:

“In Him we have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of His grace”

‭There is nothing in this life that can compare to that kind of joy! There is no greater mystery solved. Praise God for all his mighty work and never cease to praise Him!

Personal Reflection

Are you experiencing overflowing joy today?  Take some time reflecting on the power and victory that happened at the cross and what that means specifically for you and your eternity. Dedicate time to praise God today!

Prayer Focus

Holy LORD, you have rescued us from the depths of despair.  Without you we were left without hope.   Remind us of the powerful love you rescued us with.  Let it have its way in our hearts unrestrained.  Father we pray for those have have no answer to the question of sin.  Help us to share what you’ve done in our lives.   Help us to know, live, and speak your truth in Jesus Name, Amen!