
Love, Not Lie

Hypocrisy and false profession are alive and well. No greater way do we see it than when a man makes a profession to love God when he likewise professes to hate his brother.

This cannot be love, but instead lies intended to manipulate and get ones way.

For if you cannot love those whom you can see, touch and experience in the physical realm, how will your mind and heart be able to love that which you cannot see?

True love is a choice born out of the realization that God first loved us. When we contemplate the depth of what He went through for us to be with Him, we are struck to the core and are filled with love and gratitude.

This love desires to go to as many people as we can reach. It is not content with staying just with you. It must spread to those around us freely. It penetrates every corner of our being, squashing hate in its path.

Have you held on to some form of hate for a brother or sister? If so, it’s time to go back to the cross and remember the love which God bestowed upon you. You did nothing to receive it, yet He freely gave it to you.

Pray that God’s love would overthrow the hate in your heart and align your mind and emotions with His.





When we truly understand our mission and see people with the same value God sees them with, our whole perspective changes.

Want to make that perspective change? Grab a copy of my new book: MISSION POSSIBLE: Living A Life That matters are the link below;