Christian livingLoveMissionVision

Lay Down Your Life

What greater love is there that someone would lay down their life for yours? We know that Jesus did that exact thing for us and demonstrated His love because we were sinners.

These thoughts should not only move us to love Jesus back but to give ourselves to the body of Christ (believers).

Everyone needs to experience the love of Christ. When we give of ourselves to others, we are sharing that love. While we may not have to lose our lives physically, we ought to lay down our plans and take Up Christ’s attitude and work.

What have you been holding on to that is keeping you from fully following God and giving yourself to His work?

Let it Go and have the same mind as Christ to give all you have for the sake of the gospel. Give of yourself to the brethren (believers)






Want to build a plan to lay down your life for the sake of the gospel?

Grab a copy of my new book MISSION POSSIBLE: Living A Life That Matters at this link