
What Good Is The Word?

The Power Of His Word

I spent the first 13 years of my life apart from God’s word, separated from its power, and void of its transformational power.

The first time I heard it read, I was blessed and captivated by how straight forward, confident, and powerful it was.

The truths that poured out from the pages left no room to fence-ride. It gave me no opportunity to justify my sins. It simply left me bare with a clear vision of my need.

This description of God’s word in Hebrews 4 is one of my favorite. I want to live my purpose and there are things within myself that hinder me in doing that.

I need His word to pierce, convict, and transform me so that I am more confirmed to the image of Christ each day.

Do you really want to know and live your purpose?

Then develop a daily practice of being in the Bible daily. Invite a friend to come along with you so you stay on track.




Want to know more about what scripture says about living your purpose?

Come join the ranks of MP Warriors and take a journey to discovering the mission you were designed for. Here are your journey options:



Vision Mapping course Coming soon!

Get TEN 1 hour sessions and a personalized copy of MISSION POSSIBLE. Invite 2 or more friends to come along and get a huge discount! Message me for details.