
Truth And Love

As a Christian I stand for truth and love. My truth comes directly from God’s word which clearly points out we all have sinned and need a Savior. It also tells of a love that is willing to do whatever it takes to reconcile us even to the point of death.

There are several who would like you to believe because of my beliefs, I am a hater. Before you subscribe to that belief, know that I willingly identify that I am included in that category of “sinner” also. I need a Savior as much as anyone; probably more.

I’m not driven to tell you these things because I want to prove I’m right or condemn. On the contrary, I’m driven by the love I received while yet a sinner (see Romans 5:8) and desire others to know this truth.

When the law (10 Commandments) came into being sin became clear. When Jesus came to fulfill the law, sin became even more clear. Men and women were no longer able to justify God’s truth as stories. For they had seen the Living God and all His signs and wonders.

As children of the Living God, our sins our forgiven because of faith in Christ’s finished work at the cross. The text says that He “chose us out of the world”. As a result the word hates us.

The world hating me will not keep me from telling others about sin and what God has done to resolve it, in my life and the lives of many. When we are in sin, and apart from Christ, we are in bondage.

I do not condone or seek to continue in sin, but instead seek To follow Jesus and all His ways.

In a loving manner, I will continue share the truths of the gospel to those around me. Some will receive and some will hate.




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