Christian livingPowerStrength

Show Your Weakness

See His Power

One of the hardest parts of the Christian life is surrender. Our pride is more crafty than we realize. It hides under cover of what appears to be humility and good intentions.

If the power of Christ is to be seen and experienced through our life to others, we must be intentional about Him getting all the glory. His grace for us must be received as sufficient for our portion.

Though many say they aspire to be like Billy Graham so that their impact for the Lord may increase, secretly they seek the approval of men.

We have all fallen into this trap. We want to know we are valuable. The truth is we are most valuable when we are able to showcase our weakness and the Lord’s strength He has provided.

People are able to see there is hope for them in the midst of their weakness. The Lord’s power can be fully seen when we step out of the way and point to Him.

What is our mission? Are we more interested in accolades for us or people coming to a saving faith in Christ?





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