Christian livingEncouragement

Provision, Presence, and Protection

Hebrews 13.5-6

I’m convinced that the greatest temptation in the Christian life is to not trust in the provision of God.  God continues to remind us that He is our provider.  If we journey back to the garden for a moment, we find the fall was the result of not trusting in God’s provision.  Adam and Eve let the seed of doubt take root and grow into the weed of discontent and as a result we are born into sin.

The ironic part was that everything they needed was already in the garden, including God Himself.  Notice in verse 5 that discontent and the love of money are solved in the person of God.  Said another way, when God is with us, we are without need.  The very presence of God fills us to overflowing in abundance.  The provision and presence of Jesus and His finished work at the cross is our provision.  Even as Christ gave us the great commission, He promised His presence.  As we meditate on the Word of God and seek to know Him, we learn that we can be completely content in Him.

Finally, we see the absence of fear as a result of God’s presence.  Not only are our needs met, we are protected.  This does not mean that God is going to protect us from every physical ailment or harm, though I believe He does protect us often and we don’t even realize.  It means that from an eternal perspective, we are protected.  There is nothing in this life that can separate us from God’s love when we trust in the provision of Christ.

Personal Reflection:

1. Are you content withe the provision of Jesus and His finished work at the cross?  Set a goal to read through the book of John over the next several weeks, paying careful attention to the provision found in Christ.  Challenge yourself the next time you ask the question, how does the provision of Christ compare to this trial (I’m going to guess that the trial cannot compare 🙂

2. Are you experiencing the presence of God?  Maybe said another way, are you taking time to prepare your heart and mind for God’s presence?  Set a goal to carve out time each day this week to just focus on Him.  This will most likely take some work if this is new to you.  Don’t lose heart just keep doing it and you will not regret it!

3. Are you living in the confidence of God’s protection?  Too many times our eyes are fixed on the temporal rather than the eternal.  Begin each day thanking God for His protection and Him securing your salvation.

Prayer Focus:

Gracious God, almighty LORD, you have given us our portion in Christ.  Help us to see the love and power in your provision.  Guide us into your presence every moment of every day.  Let us experience the power of your protection as we carry your truth to the nations, the name above every name, Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen!


#provision #presence #protection #truthtalk4life

One thought on “Provision, Presence, and Protection

  1. I look forward to your daily emails. This is so right on the mark for what is going on in my life right now.

    Blessings to you and your family. Lisa Fox

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