Christian livingDiscipline

Own It And Live It

I’ve worked with thousands of people over the years and can honestly say it saddens my heart to work with are those who cannot receive discipline and reproof.   There is nothing more frustrating for a boss or parent than someone who is unwilling to own their mistakes and receive their consequence.  One of the phrases I say over and over again is, “If you are uncoachable, you are miserable.”  I say that because you won’t grow without rebuke and correction.  How miserable is that!

We are seeing more and more adults refusing to take ownership for their actions.  This creates many problems in the workplace and at home including strained relationships, resentment, and an environment that people want to escape.  

What’s the best solution?  Don’t be that person!  How can we glorify God if we are unwilling to listen to His reproof and discipline?   The truth is there is always room for improvement for all of us, me included!  God continues to discipline us according to our actions and His love.  Receive it, pray for change, and then walk in it; seeking to honor Him.  


What areas do you struggle with receiving reproof/rebuke and discipline?

What are you choosing to do about it?


Father, help us to see your love through discipline and reproof. For You have said that you chasten those you love.  May our desire be to bring You honor and glory in all things.  Align our hearts with Yours and conform us in the image of Christ, Amen!

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