
One True King

I marvel in disbelief at myself sometimes as I have forgotten my king. Life takes it’s busy course and my eyes shift from Him and His mission to my own tasks and desires.

Sin will not be content in our lives until it is on the throne. It will produce an insanity in our minds over time to make us crave only ourselves as kings.

Even as a believer, sin will cause us to forget our true King and forge ahead trying to sit in a throne that was never meant for us.

As Jesus stood before pilate, the Jews willingly pledged their allegiance to Caesar and denied their God and His precious Son. This insanity was brought on through prideful hearts filled with sin.

Our True King has always been Jesus, even before the world was formed. We were made through Him, by Him, and for Him.

Let us never forget our one and only King worthy to be on the throne. The One who conquered death and sin for all eternity. May the allegiance of our hearts never waver again!


