
No Other Name

Salvation By His Name Alone

I remember a time when I first heard the gospel. A part of me wanted to still cling to my sin. I doubted God’s word because it didn’t line up with my life.

I whole heartedly believed what I was doing was right. God gently and somewhat not as gently showed me the authority of His Word and power of His love which opened my eyes to see His truth.

The truth was, I was out of line and not living in accordance to His ways. I was celebrating in my sin. As much as I tried to justify my actions, I was in sin.

I didn’t need anyone to condemn me or point it out. I stood before a Holy God and my condition became apparent quickly. Rather than confess it, I hid and tried to keep living my life according to me.

Then I attended a summer camp in Colorado. I heard the account of what happened to Jesus because of my sin.

Keep in mind, I had always been a science and math guy and did not just accept things without proof.

Genuine tears streamed down my face as I realized that Jesus loved me as I was, even in my sinful state, so much so that he went to the cross for me to pay for my sin.

As hard as I had worked to be good and justify my attempts, I came up short. I found true acceptance and salvation in Jesus and His finished work at the cross.

Now I live for Him and to tell others of His love and forgiveness. For I am fully loved and free and want the same for everyone.





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