Christian living

Cry Out In Truth

I have worked with thousands of people over the years who find themselves in a place of needing to cry out to God; including me.

There are times where life seems just too overwhelming to bear. It is often times caused by our own choices. It’s during these times that if we are not right with God, we may be tempted cry out and test Him to see IF He can do anything to help us?

There is no IF He can help. He is our ever present help in time of need. The if applies more to our intent.

Notice the LORD is near to those who call upon Him in ‘truth’. It also says that He will fulfill the desires of those who ‘fear Him’.

God is not our project manager or cleanup crew that we command after we willingly disobey Him. He is not fooled by self-focused cries. He knows our heart and perceives our thoughts.

When we find ourselves in the mess of our own sin, it is time for us to humble ourselves and own our mistakes. When we cry out to Him, we do it knowing full well that we cannot possibly pay for our own sin; we need Jesus to do that.

At the same time we know His grace, we know what we really deserved and what our punishment would have been. It ought to produce genuine mourning and a growing desire to follow Jesus.

Crying out with a genuine heart is far different that just wanting God to clean up a mess. One leads to repentance and the other leads to more mess.

If you find yourself overwhelmed by a sin mess, I urge you to own it and cry out in truth to God for help. He can save you and He desires for you to do the good works He prepared in advance for you to walk in.

You are never too far to be restored and His purpose for you is unchanging.

Want to hear more about God’s purpose for your life? Grab a copy of my new book MISSION POSSIBLE: Living A Life That Matters.




