
Come Taste and See – a reflection on psalm 34

One of my favorite answers to give someone when they ask about how I know God is real is, “Come, taste and see”.  Too many times as Christians we feel like we have to have the perfect answers to “convert” others from death to life in that moment or explain our entire walk with God in one conversation.  We forget that the Christian life is a life of investment and is meant to be lived in community.  We are to make disciples not just converts.

Have we forgotten the model that Jesus used to teach His disciples?  He poured Himself out for others; teaching from God’s word and living it out with them daily.  He addressed the issues of life, day in and day out, by applying scriptural truth to every situation.

Have we forgotten the power of our God?  Do we really think that our words are more powerful than the Living Word?  Let’s put away our subtle pride.  Remember He is able to do immeasurably more than we can ever ask or imagine and it is His Word that is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword…not ours.  We don’t need to take on evangelism as a burden for us to perform.  We simply need to submit and trust in humble confidence that He will reveal Himself to all who come with a broken and contrite heart.

When we love and invite others to come with us to taste and see the Lord’s goodness, we find that the depths of His goodness continue to abound in us also.  We see God’s faithfulness and His nearness.  For the Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves the crushed in spirit.

Let’s spend our days with His praise continually in our mouths.  Let’s share the ways He has taken us from death to life with others.  This includes stories of deliverance from all the of the “bad stuff” we would love to forget.  Let’s give a listening ear to the one who has been rejected.  Let’s exalt the name of the Lord together!  Let’s love, invest and invite others to come, taste and see with us instead of limiting our relationships to single conversations.

So, go love, invest and invite others to come taste and that the Lord is good!

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