
Boast In My Weaknesses?

I used to love seeing myself as strong.  Perhaps it’s all those Chuck Norris, Arnold Schwarzenegger,  and Sylvester Stallone movies I watched as a kids.  Or, it could be born out of insecurities and not correctly understanding my value.  
We typically boast in ourselves to hide those weaknesses and insecurities. What if insecurities played no factor in our daily lives? How would our lives be different?
When we became Christians, we received a new identity. We were adopted as sons and daughters of the Most High. Our focus also should have changed from ourselves to Jesus. 
We no longer need to look to ourselves for all the answers, but instead to Him.  We will continue to fall short even as sons and daughters, but Jesus is our strength. 
We can fully trust and boast in Him and His work because they are perfection.  We can confidently boast in our weakness because we know that through our weaknesses, His strength is seen by all. 
If we try to boast in our strength who will see the power of Christ?  We are not only called to lay down the burden of insecurity but in fact, boast in our weaknesses so that Christ may be clearly seen in all His power.
Boast in your weaknesses so that the power of Christ may richly dwell in you. 
Part of living a life that matters is learning that your weakness and brokenness are to be used for the sake of the gospel. 
Want to know how you can do that more effectively? Check out my new book: MISSION POSSIBLE: Living A Life That Matters at the link below: