Christian livingLovePowerRelationship

A Loaded Weapon

Our tongues are a loaded weapon that can be used for good or evil. This small part of our body possesses more power to destroy than an army of trained soldiers with nukes. For it has the power to pierce the soul. Yet it also has to power to bring life to the most desolate of places. 
While none of us can tame this tongue of ours, we serve One who can; our Creator who crafted every cell in it as well as our heart which initiate its use. This gives me great hope as this area is one I also struggle with.  

Again, the secret to having our tongues bless instead of curse is to surrender control to our loving Father in heaven. Only then will we know, live, and SPEAK the truth. Only then will we seek to build up others with it rather than tear down. 

For it is God’s living in and through me that has burdened my heart for others. Surrender to God is the reason I post daily from His word to bless all of us. If you have not fully given your life to Him, today is the day to surrender and start enjoying your freedom and cleansing! 

