
Encouragement & Prayer For You

Fellow brothers and sisters in Christ:

I continue to pray for you as you shine the light of Christ in darkness.  Oh how alone the enemy tries to make us feel as followers of Christ.  Thoughts prevade, am I the only one who cares?  Am I really making a difference? Is it really worth it?  

With a loud shout I say Yes!  For the trials of this life are not worthy to be compared with the glory being revealed to us in Christ.  I love seeing your name in my inbox or on my Facebook likes not just because it reminds me of my love for you but even more so that I know that God is at work in and through you for the sake of Christ Jesus.  That you, like me, labor along side the saints with me regardless of earthly results and yet our God is so gracious that He allows us even to see His fruit. 

May you not be afraid or discouraged, but filled with the spirit in full measure to carry out the works He has prepared in advance for you to do.  Do not grow weary but know your cause is greater than any other….you are a minister of reconciliation, sharing the good news of our Lord and Savior!


Father, I pray Your blessing upon all who have given their lives to You.  Let them know the beauty of Your presence.  May their vigor and passion be stirred so much so that their hearts have no choice but to take action in love.  Give them a bold spirit that shouts Your praise day and night.  Reveal Your mission and vision for each of their lives in Jesus’ name, Amen!

Photo credit: @ChadWiege

3 thoughts on “Encouragement & Prayer For You

  1. Fear Not! He reminds us so many times…..He will never leave us or forsake us.

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