Truth – Brian Friedl Making Your Life's Mission Possible Sat, 12 Oct 2019 17:31:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 64732294 Truth And Love Sat, 12 Oct 2019 17:31:08 +0000 As a Christian I stand for truth and love. My truth comes directly from God’s word which clearly points out we all have sinned and need a Savior. It also tells of a love that is willing to do whatever it takes to reconcile us even to the point of death.

There are several who would like you to believe because of my beliefs, I am a hater. Before you subscribe to that belief, know that I willingly identify that I am included in that category of “sinner” also. I need a Savior as much as anyone; probably more.

I’m not driven to tell you these things because I want to prove I’m right or condemn. On the contrary, I’m driven by the love I received while yet a sinner (see Romans 5:8) and desire others to know this truth.

When the law (10 Commandments) came into being sin became clear. When Jesus came to fulfill the law, sin became even more clear. Men and women were no longer able to justify God’s truth as stories. For they had seen the Living God and all His signs and wonders.

As children of the Living God, our sins our forgiven because of faith in Christ’s finished work at the cross. The text says that He “chose us out of the world”. As a result the word hates us.

The world hating me will not keep me from telling others about sin and what God has done to resolve it, in my life and the lives of many. When we are in sin, and apart from Christ, we are in bondage.

I do not condone or seek to continue in sin, but instead seek To follow Jesus and all His ways.

In a loving manner, I will continue share the truths of the gospel to those around me. Some will receive and some will hate.




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Walking In Truth Tue, 10 Oct 2017 10:10:42 +0000 What a beautiful, simple, and powerful verse and prayer request!  What impact would we have  if every step we took was in line with God’s word?  Each one a simple act of obedience to our Heavenly Father giving Him glory. How sweet that would be!  When we walk on the foundation of the Word, our steps are sure and confident.  We do not stumble but instead have wisdom and knowledge beyond our years. 

When we humbly submit to the dominion of Adonai, we experience life free of iniquity. This is not a one-time decision, but instead a battle of many decisions for Him day in and day out. We cry out to Him asking That He May keep us from sin, that He would guard our minds that we would desire Him only on the throne of our lives. For He is faithful and has the power to grant that request.  


Are you actively praying for a hunger for His Word?

Are you diving deep into that Word equipping your feet to walk in it?

Are you petitioning our Heavenly Father to prevent any iniquity from having dominion over you?


Father, You search and know our hearts. Give us a hunger for Your Word that is everlasting.  May our footsteps be established in it moment by moment.  Guard our minds to know the truth and keep our hearts under Your dominion.  Let no sin overtake us.  May our eyes be fixed on Christ now and forever more. Amen!

Unity And Truth Sat, 30 Sep 2017 12:05:13 +0000 I have to admit that I’m tempted to think I’m right most of the time.  Anyone else suffer from this delusion?  It can really get me in trouble, especially when it’s fueled with emotion.   I would argue that it’s one of satan’s greatest tools to produce division in the body of Christ.  We must fight this pride-filled way of thinking as we do all deception; we fight with the Truth!  Pride aside, sometimes I am right but my delivery needs some work because my passion for truth can override my love for others.  We must fight for unity with both truth and love. 

Jesus packs powerful prayer in John 17 for himself, the disciples and all of us.  4 things grab my attention:

His Joy made full in us.  I love that Jesus desires that His joy be made full in us.  Think about the depth of joy Jesus must have had to endure the cross for us!  A joy worth dying for.  That’s the joy He prays for us and the joy I want!

Keep them from evil.  He doesn’t pray that we would be taken out of the world to avoid evil.  Instead He prays that we would be kept from it.  This is critical for those around us to see the power of the One true living God at work in us in spit of being surrounded by an evil world. 

 Sanctify them in truth.  God knows and sees all including the lies and truth. Furthermore, He is truth. His word stands forever, is unchanging, and frees us from the bonds of deception.  Ultimately it reveals the truth about who Jesus is, what He has done, and what He is capable of. 

 We are in one in Him.  Unity in the body of Christ is critical. After all, a house divided against itself cannot stand.  Jesus prays that we would be one as He and the Father are one.  How can you get any closer?  They are One.  No space can be found between them.  We are to have unity that they may know the Father sent the Son…so they might have life. For it is the sake of the gospel that should keep us united.  


Do you see a desire to be right in you?

Are you able to speak the truth in love when other brothers/sisters are out of line with scripture?

Jesus never compromised love for truth. He loved people with the truth.  Some received and some did not. 

Pray that the LORD would give wisdom and discernment if what to say and how to say it to bring unity and truth. 


Father, you have sent Your son, full of grace and truth,  thank you for His example of unity with You.  Thank you For joy, protection, truth, and unity.  Guide us and give us wisdom to walk out this prayer in Your Spirit.  Help us to speak the truth in love.  In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Live It! Mon, 17 Jul 2017 10:46:10 +0000 I’ve always been fascinated by science and how things work.  When the Lord interrupted my shallow life and revealed His truth, I immediately went into a mode of methodical practicing of the principles in scripture.  

And what did I discover? God’s word is true. He is faithful, powerful, and sovereign.  He transforms and confirms us to the image of Christ.   My faith grew by leaps and bounds as I practiced what God has given us in His word. 

I’m not proposing that you put God to the test but instead take Him at His word and do what He has instructed you to do and see what happens.  

We have been given the great commission in Matthew 28:18-20. Pay careful attention to the third instruction.  “Teach them to OBSERVE all that I have commanded you”.  This assumes that you, yourself are doing the command.  We have all had teachers who teach not from a place of experience but only knowledge.  Don’t be that teacher!

Our Lord was clear, He wants us to Know, Live, and then Speak His word to those around us.  We cannot skip the Live step of this equation and think it’s going to go well.  Start living His word today!


In what ways are acquiring Gods truth but not living it?

What’s one step you’re going to do to change that?


Father, You have given us your word to be lived out that we may effectively conduct the ministry of reconciliation we now have in Christ.  May our hearts delight in Your word and be moved to action.  Lead us on in Jesus, Amen!

Word 👍🏻 Sat, 31 Dec 2016 12:32:03 +0000 I have been reading God’s word for almost 30yrs now.  There is no writing that has impacted my life more.  Being a skeptic by nature, I have tested every sentence I’ve ever read against life and I have found all of these things to be true. The more I test it the more it’s validity is revealed.  

This book is like no other. Listen to some of the words used to describe it:





Able to judge

You will not experience anything from it unless you submit yourself to the Word and spend time meditating on it.  The transformation that the Bible has the power to deliver is just one of the reasons this book is the bestseller of all times.  If you want an amazing, adventure-filled life, with great hope, get in this book!

Challenge for today:

Pick one of the 66 books in God’s word (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, proverbs, Psalms, etc) and then begin reading today. Take time away to organize your life by its truths. 
It will shape every aspect of your life; prayer, worldview, and mission. 


Acts Bible Study 17:10-15 Thu, 13 Oct 2016 10:52:40 +0000   
Luke shares that those in the synagogue at Berea were more “noble-minded” than their previous counterparts at Thessalonica.  What made them so?  They received the word with eagerness and searched the scriptures to confirm what he was saying.  

As God is revealing truth to you through your preacher, are you eager to test the message against scripture?  That’s one of my absolute favorite parts!  It’s like putting together a 10 million piece puzzle that uncovers an amazing picture of God and takes an entire lifetime to complete.  

Acts 17:10-15

1) What observations can you make about the passage with regard to who, what,when,where,why, and how?

2) What challenges or questions need to be addressed or answered to more fully understand the text?

3) What’s the main idea summarized in a sentence?

4) What is the original readers’ takeaway and applications?

5) How does this passage apply to believers like you today?

Enjoy your time in His word today!

Not Ashamed, But In Love Fri, 29 Jul 2016 11:38:32 +0000 I remember early on in my walk with God, I would be afraid to talk about My faith.  I’m guessing I thought people would think I’m not intelligent because I believe “those things”.  In essence I was ashamed of the gospel.  

How could I be ashamed of the very thing that rescued me from myself?  The power of pressure to conform in this world is great, but the gospel is greater!  It has the power to change our eternal destiny!  There reached a point where I finally understood that Jesus was my answer to every question.  I was now in love with Jesus and no longer ashamed of Him. 

Personal Reflection 

Are you living your life like you are ashamed of the gospel’s impact in your life?  Do others around you know that you are a follower of Jesus and lover of His gospel?   Get in His Word – it will change you! Maybe it’s time to have your mind fully grasp the truth and power of Jesus’ finished work at the cross.  Christ is now your righteousness.  As God looks at you He sees His beautiful Son.  Let that truth not be contained, but burst forth that it may produce bountiful fruit abundantly!

Prayer Focus

Father, we thank You for the amazing gift of salvation through Your Son. Your ways are perfect and true.  May we never be afraid of sharing the truth of Your word that brings life.  What can man do to us, for we are Your children now. You have sealed this promise with the Holy Spirit.  All glory to You in the name of Jesus, Amen!



Where Is Truth? Mon, 25 Jul 2016 12:42:38 +0000   
My mind has always been curious and wanting to understand how everything works. Yes I was that annoying student in class that occupied the teacher as she answered all my questions.  When I first read the Bible in between my freshmen and sophomore year, I couldn’t get enough!

The more I read the more I understood myself, others around me, and who God is.   I was finally getting answers to my questions that others seemed to have a hard time answering.  Questions like what is my purpose in this world?  Why is there so much suffering?  How do I have hope in the midst of my struggle?  I’m not the only one who has discovered this

You want the ultimate answer book to life’s biggest questions?   You probably already own 2-3 copies.  It’s time to read it and start getting some answers.  

Personal Reflection

Warning: direct questions forthcoming

If you compare your hours in scripture this week to hours in front of the TV, how does it line up?

Do you believe with all your heart that The Bible is the ultimate place of truth? 

Do you have a genuine desire for God’s Word?

This is not the time to spend the rest of the day feeling guilty.  It the time to fix your priorities and start knowing, living, and speaking the truth!  There is is so much life waiting for you in there.  Take it in and let it shape you like you do with your TV.  

Prayer Focus
Father we have all prioritized other things above Your word. For this we confess that we have been distracted.  Fill our hearts with a desire for Your word that is unwavering. May our minds be filled with truth that blesses those around us and shows them who You are.  All this by the power of Jesus, Amen!



Powerful Grace Tue, 14 Jun 2016 11:17:16 +0000 God’s grace is nothing short of amazing just as the great hymn proclaims.  It rescues us from inborn death and willful disobedience. God, has given us the promise that if we walk in the light as He is in the light, the blood of Jesus not only justifies, but cleanses us from all unrighteousness.

Grace is not just a reset button for our lives.  It is an ongoing powerful change agent reminding us of God’s love for us.  It strengthens our heart, is part of God’s gifting a to us, and is unleashed by faith.  It  holds arms with truth and our Savior was found full of both.  True grace increases our desire for righteousness spurred on by our love for the One who has given it to us.

Personal Reflection

In a world with disregard for God and seemingly increasing wickedness, it’s tempting to run only to truth and point out the sin and error all around us.  Yet we are administers of grace also.  Think of some times you’ve been given grace.

How did it change you?

Who do you know that needs grace today?

In what ways can you give them grace?

What impact might that have on their walk with God and others?

Prayer Focus

Gracious Father, thank you that your grace never ends and that it instructs us as we are being conformed to the image of Christ. Your plan is perfect and your grace is sufficient. May we be like Christ, full of grace and truth, in Jesus’ Name, Amen!

God’s Word Is Light Tue, 07 Jun 2016 10:14:47 +0000 As we pour over the pages of scripture looking for truth, we find the Light from His Word exposes our darkness.  I am convinced we are changed every time we open this book.  We can no longer go back to living the same way when the truth Is exposed.  

The beauty of it is, this point doesn’t simply point out the darkness, it gives you the answer of how to overcome it. It instructs us in matters of righteousness all with the end goal of us being equipped for The good works that He prepared in advance for us to do.

Personal Reflection

Where are you at in your walk with Christ today?   Are you longing for the truth of His Word, even if that means you are in error? Or are you burnt out and feeling less than a light in this world?  Are you feeling like His Word is keeping you from something good?   Turn from any deception that keeps you from His truth.  Bathe in His Word today for it is profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness.  God’s plan is for you to be equipped.  There are good works to be done today.

Prayer Focus

Father break through the the lies and deliver your truth to our hearts today. Remove bitterness, unforgiveness, lies, and depression.  Align our eyes with yours that we may see the good works to be done and do them while being equipped by your Word.  Our hope is in you and your truth, in Jesus’ Name, Amen!

#Godswordhasitall #thepoweroftruth #truthtalk4life


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