salvation – Brian Friedl Making Your Life's Mission Possible Mon, 11 Jun 2018 13:50:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 64732294 Glory Days Fri, 17 Nov 2017 10:34:14 +0000 If you have sincerely placed your trust in Jesus as your Savior, His victory over sin has become yours. It’s easy in the Christian life to let the moment that this happened become a distant memory like the glory days of high school. We may even long for those days again.

It ought not be so. Our salvation is meant to be the beginning, as well as the catalyst, that propels us deeper into relationship with God. As we thank God each day for the victory He has given us throughout the Christ, the gift seems to grow. The depth of His love is magnified as we see the depths of our depravity and need of Him.

We also see the power of His grace conforming us in the image of Christ. This ought to increase the excitement of our journey with Him. Each day is more glorifying then the previous. The glory days are now and ahead of us!


When was the last time you thanked God for Your salvation?

When was the last time you praised Him out loud for all He has done.

Take a moment today to sing your own song of praise to Him. It doesn’t need to rhyme. Just sing words of praise to Him out loud, in the shower, car, or wherever you are.


Heavenly Father, we thank you for your victory secured for us through the blood of Your Son. May our hearts be filled with gratitude and praise and may it cause each day to be better than the last. For You are worthy of glory all the days of our lives. For the best is yet to come. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Never Forget The Debt Wed, 19 Jul 2017 11:33:23 +0000 Before we put our trust in Jesus, we often think we’re a pretty good people.  We can even recall the good deeds we’ve done if we’re questioned and we especially like to share how we’ve sacrificed for others so we look good. 

After we surrender to Christ, our life is no longer about our performance, but instead it centers around the amazing work of our Savior at the cross. For the debt that was paid there cannot fully be comprehended by the human mind.  

While we stood convicted of all of our crimes and lawlessness, Christ hung in pain for everyone of them to free us from those sins for His glory.  We must never forget the cost of this exchange.  May the depths of His love move us to present our bodies as a living sacrifice here forward.  Let every thought be captive to the One who rescued us from our hopelessness once and for all and let us advance by faith. 


How do you keep from forgetting your faith and trusting in yourself again?

Read Luke 23 and Meditate on what was paid for your freedom and rejoice out loud for His mercy and grace!


Father, help us to never forget the debt that was paid for our freedom.  Keep us from the temptation to to return to trusting ourselves.  May our hearts be fully surrendered to You and our faith abound; leading us to walk in the good works you have prepared for us to walk in. All for Your glory in Jesus’ name, Amen!

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God Has The Victory Mon, 26 Jun 2017 10:30:25 +0000 As a kid, I learned to adapt to my situation and took on the mindset that success is the best revenge.  I out-performed person after person that came into my life, hoping and trusting in my own ability. 

This “Be the best” attitude worked great until I was made aware of my sin. My attempt to overcome it was in vain.  The harder I tried to do away with it, the more I longed for it. I wish I could say I learned this truth from scripture quickly.  Unfortunately, that is not the case. 

After wearing myself into the ground, I finally understood that I must surrender to have victory.  For Jesus has overcome the enemy. I simply need to surrender and trust in Him.  I wouldn’t need this reminder just once but every day of my life I must revisit this truth. 


Are you struggling in your own strength to wage war in your flesh?

Why are you fighting the battles that have already been won? 

Simply surrender and seek to know and love your Savior more deeply each day.  Bathe in His word today!


Gracious God, You are our victory.  You go before us as a consuming fire, overpowering our enemies with Your righteous hand.  Help us to trust in Your victory at the cross. In the name of Jesus, Amen!

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Authority Over All Thu, 04 May 2017 11:26:10 +0000 Somedays life has a way of crowding out truth and leaving us in a place of anxiety or fear.  Scripture tells us perfect love casts out fear.  The perfect act of love at the cross has conquered fear and death forever!   The power and authority of this love holds every realm in its grasp; forever restoring it to God’s perfection. 

In Mark 2, the paralytic is lowered through the roof as the impenetrable crowd watches. Jesus commends the man for his faith, reminds him of his greatest need, and meets both that spiritual need as well as his physical need.  Jesus’ authority was on undeniably on display.  

The Pharisees in the story were right, ythough they did not understand what they were saying when they said, “Who can forgive sins, but God alone?”  For truly, He was not blaspheming, He was God.  Every molecule in the universe must obey Him.  

For the paralytic, he had an insurmountable physical need and yet his spiritual need was even greater. He came for healing and the authority of Jesus’ was dispensed with one phrase; overcoming both of these realms and enabling this man to get up and walk away, blameless before God.  


For us too, our greatest need in spiritual.  The good news is that the need has been fully satisfied.  For He is more than able to supply every need in every realm.   His authority knows no bounds!

What are you stressing about today? 

What are your needs?

How do those needs compare to your salvation?

Rejoice over your salvation today!  Praise God for His gift of Jesus and His authority over every realm. We can trust that He can supply every need. 


Father in heaven, You have authority over all the universe. Every molecule is yours to command. You have chosen to use Your authority and power to rescue Your servants and we are forever grateful.   Let our minds not be anxious, but instead let us rejoice in salvation and trust in Your majesty, dominion and authority, now and forever more.  In Jesus’ name, Amen!





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Do Your Father’s Work Tue, 17 Jan 2017 13:07:03 +0000 What a merciful God and loving Father we have!  We were once dead in our trespasses happily letting our bodies do whatever they desired in accordance with every dark and evil force of wickedness. Without acknowledging Him, we carried on as children deserving His wrath.  

But God, being rich in mercy, had other plans to redeem us and call us by name into a relationship with Him.  By His perfect plan He reconciled humanity to a state better even than the original unfallen one.  For we now are adopted as sons and daughters and know new depths of His loves daily. 

While this is life changing for us personally, God’s plan doesn’t stop there.  His plan includes you embracing the sin of your past, depending on Him in the present to overcome it, and apply it for others in the future.  Every gift, skill, ability, role, activity, and attribute is to be used for His good work in the lives of others.  Your story of God’s salvation and His faithful walking with you needs to be heard by someone in your life. 

The blessing of His reconciliation and redemption are designed to be multiplied to those in your path today.  There are good works to be done.  Your Father in heaven has comforted you that you may comfort others. He has loved you that you may love others and  He has forgiven you that you may forgive others.   Be about this work that He has prepared in advance for you to walk in. 

#truthtalk4life #knowlivespeaktruthinlove


The Ultimate Plot Twist Fri, 23 Dec 2016 13:31:30 +0000
I love an unforeseen twist in plot.   After seeing so many movies, I can predict about 98% the endings. So much so that it’s not fun to watch movies sometimes.  This may have something to do with all of the episodes of Scooby-do, Columbo and Murder She Wrote I watched as a kid.  

The ultimate plot twist of all time certainly has to be our powerful Savior, Jesus incarnate; making His way to Earth as a humble babe born in a manger.  The King of the world in a stable?  Who could have predicted?  His mission as King, should be to rule the world, right?

The fact of the matter is that God’s plan for His son, was the perfect way to satisfy the law, stone for our sin, and reestablish our relationship with Him that He may dwell with us forever.  With Christ as our righteousness, the Holy Spirit can dwell within us.  How much closer can we get to our Lord? 

Even the disciples were anxiously expecting an overthrow of government.  Witnessing miracle after miracle only amplified their anticipation of His unleashing of raw power.  As Jesus began to share His plan with them, they did not want to entertain the thought of a cross being the display of His power.  Peter, with emotions high, even attempted to rebuke Jesus as a result.  

While a plot twist can tweak our emotions, I’m certainly thankful for this one.  Our Father in heaven has made a way for all to enter in; not by our merit and works, but by the perfect work of His son.  

Set down the wrapping paper, tape and cookie recipe for a moment today and praise God for His amazing plot twist that changed our fate from an eternity in hell to one with Him at His table as sons and daughters.  Praise Him for His merciful twist!



Pleasing Sacrifice Tue, 02 Aug 2016 11:15:25 +0000 In a world where we are busy and rushing from place to place, we can easily lose our focus and forget the amazing love we have been shown in Jesus and His finished work at the cross. 

The answer to that focus lies in His precious word.  As we fully take in today’s dose of spiritual food, consider this:  The peace won for you through the blood of Jesus pleases the Father.  What a loving Father we have in Him, that He would give what was most precious in exchange for our freedom!

He desired our reconciliation with Him and His plan of salvation is perfect. Satisfying the law and pouring out grace simultaneously.  It is suffering and surrender that produced the ultimate joy and victory.  We have been transferred from the kingdom of darkness into His family!  Let that blow your mind and minister to your heart today!

Personal Reflection

Spend time reflecting on the depth of God’s love for you.  Read a gospel account of the crucifixion.  Let the cost of your freedom sink deeply into you mind and heart.  How deep the Father’s love for us!  Sing out loud, to Him, your own song of thank you and praise. Don’t worry about rhyming.  Just let your thoughts pour out in song.  What a joyful noise it is when the love in our hearts spill over to our lips in praise!

Prayer Focus

Father, you are the greatest Giver of all!   You have paid the greatest price that we might be free and unified with You in Your glorious Son Christ.  Fill our hearts today with Your Love that we may carry the truth of Your salvation with passion and boldness to every listening ear in the Name of Jesus, Amen!



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Powerful Grace Tue, 14 Jun 2016 11:17:16 +0000 God’s grace is nothing short of amazing just as the great hymn proclaims.  It rescues us from inborn death and willful disobedience. God, has given us the promise that if we walk in the light as He is in the light, the blood of Jesus not only justifies, but cleanses us from all unrighteousness.

Grace is not just a reset button for our lives.  It is an ongoing powerful change agent reminding us of God’s love for us.  It strengthens our heart, is part of God’s gifting a to us, and is unleashed by faith.  It  holds arms with truth and our Savior was found full of both.  True grace increases our desire for righteousness spurred on by our love for the One who has given it to us.

Personal Reflection

In a world with disregard for God and seemingly increasing wickedness, it’s tempting to run only to truth and point out the sin and error all around us.  Yet we are administers of grace also.  Think of some times you’ve been given grace.

How did it change you?

Who do you know that needs grace today?

In what ways can you give them grace?

What impact might that have on their walk with God and others?

Prayer Focus

Gracious Father, thank you that your grace never ends and that it instructs us as we are being conformed to the image of Christ. Your plan is perfect and your grace is sufficient. May we be like Christ, full of grace and truth, in Jesus’ Name, Amen!
