promise – Brian Friedl Making Your Life's Mission Possible Thu, 19 Apr 2018 09:44:50 +0000 en-US hourly 1 64732294 Hope In Dark Days Sat, 15 Apr 2017 13:41:51 +0000 There have been many dark days in my life where I felt I couldn’t press on; times when I felt like circumstances around me seemed they would never work out in my favor.  So many hurts, rejections, and perceived failures.  None of these days compare to the day after Jesus’ death on the cross. 

For centuries they waited for the Savior to come and establish His kingdom; to once again make right the world and all in it.  But now, He lay dead in a tomb; for it seemed that truly all hope was lost.  

How many times have we been at our “bottom” with only hope of God’s promise to cling to?  How else are we to see our faith and His faithfulness unless it it tested?  There are times in life where the only thing that keeps me going is my hope in Christ.  I can honestly say that He has never let me down. My understanding and desires may have been off and so the end result was not what I originally wanted but over time, I have seen the His higher ways unfold. 

How true that is of the day between the cross and the resurrection!  What a day of confusion and mystery! The people wanted Jesus to come establish His Kingdom in Israel and His way was even higher as He established a His kingdom in the hearts of His people.  Though He told them and their minds rejected it, His death and resurrection was necessary to conquer the power of sin once and for all. 

The dark days are necessary and testify to the greatness of the resurrection as they grow our faith in Him and demonstrated His faithfulness!


Where are you at today?  Are you in a dark day or season of days?   Take heart for the light of the world has conquered the darkness forever.  Look to the day that’s coming. Cling to His promises!

Take some time to read Lamentations 3. 

There is true hope and strength in the promises of the LORD!


LORD, You are our portion and prize. We hope in You alone. For when times seem unbearable, we cry out to You and You hear our cry.  Help us surrender our hearts, cling to Your promises, and see Your goodness.  Guide us through the dark days into Your everlasting light and love in Jesus, Amen!

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Patient In His Promise Tue, 19 Apr 2016 13:09:43 +0000 One of the greatest characteristics of our LORD is His patience.  Where we fret and worry He stands strong and confident; patiently waiting.

There are days when my heart cannot deal with anymore grief and I just want Him to finish His judgement and take me home. I see the corruption, deception, and death all around me and want it to be done.

But then I’m reminded; before I knew the LORD, He was patient with me as I wrestled with scripture versus worldly knowledge. He didn’t hastily cast judgement on my questioning heart.  He patiently revealed Himself to me and continues to do so today. I need His patience each day.

Now that I have kids of my own, I am more thankful than ever that He is patient. It is my desire that every one of my children would know the Lord and live for Him. I am beyond grateful and my lips are filled with praise for every moment He has given me!


Sometimes we want Him to finish this life because we are tired.  Tired of dealing with sin in ourselves and the lives of others.  It may simply be that we have lost sight of where our strength comes from.  We may be tired because we are trying to operate in our own strength rather than Resting in God and his strength.  Turn your eyes to Him and ask Him to use you in His process of salvation to those He is being patient with.  May patience flow from the Spirit He has made to dwell in us.

Prayer Focus

Patient, Almighty Father, we confess to you that we get anxious out of our own striving. Help us to rest in you and find strength and patience to endure. May you come have your way in us and may we find contentment to full measure in you alone.  Thank you for your patience with us.  May we do likewise to all who you place in our path.  Our lips will praise you forever in Jesus Name, Amen!





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Love Leads To Obedience Tue, 09 Feb 2016 10:58:18 +0000 God promised life and longevity and simply commanded His people to love Him  and obey Him.  Have you noticed that when fueled by love, people will work tirelessly to the point of exhaustion and never give up.  I want to be driven by that kind of love. 

Love is powerful and it produces a desire to obey.  When we truly love Christ, it is not work to obey but a privilege and blessing. While we may be able to fool others, we cannot fool God, He will not be mocked.  Our heart is either for Him or against Him. 

Obedience is not far off and unobtainable.  In fact, the power to choose life is ever present.  What/who we love will guide our obedience.  May you be found with your heart desiring Him alone. 

Personal Reflection

Look at the area of your life you struggle the most with obeying.  Rather than trying to work/try harder, ponder how the LORD loves you and why you love the LORD.  If it helps make a list of all of the reasons you love Him.  The power to overcome is found in love.  First the love Jesus had for us at the cross and then the  love that returns to Him. The more we love the more we desire obedience

Prayer Focus

Heavenly Father, we pray for all struggling today with obedience. May we come to a place of surrender and love and find victory.  We pray that we, your people, would love you above all else; that obedience would be the sweet fruit of our love for you. Give us that kind of love.  May we encourage those around us today to obey you out of love.  In Jesus’ Holy and precious Name, Amen. 
