Pride – Brian Friedl Making Your Life's Mission Possible Wed, 19 Feb 2020 13:08:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 64732294 Reconcile Not Condemn Wed, 19 Feb 2020 13:08:38 +0000

Ministers Of Reconciliation

As Christians, our end game is to reconcile others to God. Paul calls us ministers of reconciliation. (2 Corinthians 5:17-21).

This goal applies whether it is regarding someone who is or isn’t walking in the Lord. Our desire should be for ALL to reconcile with Him.

This goal never changes. Paul warns against pride and finger pointing. For all of us find ourselves caught in the clutches of sin at times.

Where would we be if another had not helped us reconcile with the Father through Christ? We need our brothers and sisters!

The next time you are tempted to point out the errors in others try this:

1) Examine tour own life instead

2) Pray for God to give you a right spirit that desires reconciliation.

2) Encourage your brother or sister to repent, return, and be reconciled.

Walk in a manner worthy of the gospel that saved and reconciled you. Never forget the grace you have been given. Be focused on Jesus as you help to restore those around you.






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Solomon’s Demise Sun, 09 Jul 2017 12:26:08 +0000 Was reading the John Maxwell’s leadership devotional today.  He was teaching about Solomon’s fall and described 6 steps to his fall:

Read 1 Kinds 11

The temptations that enticed Solomon continue to attack every leader. Once we “arrive,” it becomes easy to stop feeling hungry for growth and excellence. How quickly we become satisfied—and how soon we begin to spiral downward. Note how this process of decay looked for Solomon:

  1. Distractions: He deviated from his call to lead and be a light to the nations.
  2. Adversaries: God raised up adversaries to steer him back to his priorities and call.
  3. Self-absorption: He became consumed with himself rather than his call.
  4. Loss of God’s presence: God withdrew His anointing.
  5. Pursuit of pleasure: He became even more obsessed with his own pleasure.
  6. Emptiness: He finally grew weary of his pursuits and recognized his emptiness.

None of us are exempt from this temptation. We must keep our eyes on Christ and press on to the mission He has for us. We must not get distracted or we may find ourselves in the same place Solomon did. 


What things in life distract/tempt you the most?

How do you keep yourself pressing on instead of just growing complacent?


Father, we pray that You would fix our eyes on Christ and not let them waver.  Let us not suffer the same fall that Solomon did.  May we keep our mission before us and run the race with diligence that You have marked out for us.  In Jesus’ name

The Truth About Freedom Mon, 17 Apr 2017 12:38:06 +0000 I remember my well my desires for freedom.  I would echo things I had heard on movies like, “I have to get out of this town” and “I need to spread my wings”.  As high school was coming to a close, I began to get really irritated with my parents. I never really spoke it out loud to them, but in my mind I had somehow been convinced that they were standing in the way of this freedom I longed for.  

Up to this point I had pretty much taken the path of least resistance by doing whatever they said.  Not because I wanted to obey, but because I didn’t like conflict.  I had allowed my mind to be convinced that heir instructions were shackles and chains.  I quickly found a way out right after graduation and moved in with a friend. 

Shortly thereafter, I realized that freedom wasn’t the result of not having any instruction but instead the result of following good instruction.  I noticed that the easiest part of life had come to a close.  I was now responsible for myself and all the bills, chores, etc.   There were so many things I didn’t know how to do because my pride had kept me from learning, and Google was nowhere to be found 

If we look closely at today’s passage there are two parts contrasted:

  • Ignoring instruction
  • Receiving Correction

What’s the challenge with receiving instruction and correction?  It’s simple. PRIDE

My pride had taken me to a place where I despised myself and was unwilling to listen.  There are many people around us every day who have the ability to share some great instruction and offer correction to us.  We all have the opportunity to be blessed by these individuals if our pride is put away. 

Freedom FROM instruction And correction leads to bondage; not freedom.  We need our brothers and sisters in Christ speaking the truth in love to us (both instruction and correction) so that we may grow in the obedience that leads to true freedom. 


How are you at receiving instruction?  

Is your first reaction, “I already know how to do this” or “I am so thankful he is showing me how to…”?

How are you receiving correction?

Is your first reaction, “who is she to correct me”?

Mediate on this verse. Confess your pride as ask God to humble and grow you. 


Father, your instruction is priceless. We delight in the law of Your word.  Humble us where necessary that we may grow in obedience to You and experience the true freedom You give. We thank You for all that you put I our path to instruct and correct us.  May we be Your humble, ever-growing servants in Jesus’ name, Amen!

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Whose Name Are You Proclaiming? Wed, 15 Mar 2017 09:21:25 +0000 “Rise up and make a name for yourself” was the ultimate goal the world had drilled into my head and so I pursued it at all costs even after hearing the truth of the gospel.  Everyone loves hearing the story of the man or woman who raised themselves out of the muck and mire and are now at the top by the work of their own hands. 

The problem with the self-made man story is that apart from God, the climb to victory is nothing more than a display of selfish ambitions and wickedness that masquerade as a great life.  In my case I was climbing the corporate ladder with my pride around my neck on display for all to see.  Being interviewed by trade magazines and quintupling my salary in 5yrs are only a couple of the accolades I used to justify my greatness. 

At the core of this ambition, I was going to prove to everyone who hurt or bullied me that I was successful.  Afterall success was the best revenge I had been taught.  While at the top of my game, I noticed that I still wasn’t fulfilled. I was still weak and my heart and flesh were failing, though my pocketbook and achievements touted otherwise. 

God opened my eyes and reminded me all the more that He is my strength and portion forever. This truth transformed my desires from making a name for myself, to proclaiming the name of the LORD and all He has done.  My necklace of pride was stripped from my stiff neck and humility began to flourish as I took my rightful place on my knees. 

What we have in Christ is far more precious than anything we can craft in our own strength.  For He is sufficient for all things.  He is our portion forever!


What work of your own hands have you been proclaiming in the place of the beautiful work of our Father in heaven?  

Has it really given you the strength and happiness you hoped for or has it left you empty and longing for more?

The next time you’re tempted to be jealous of someone else who seems to have it all by living for themselves remember the Lord is your portion forever. 

The next time you feel the need to brag on yourself and all your achievements brag on your mighty God and all He has done instead. 


Father, You alone are our portion forever. The riches of Your love are beyond our comprehension.  Break our pride and fill us with A spirit of humility and contentment in Christ.  Move our hearts to proclaim Your goodness and not accomplishments.  May Your name be made known through our lives as living sacrifices.  In our powerful Savior’s name we pray, Amen!

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Resist With Humility By Faith Wed, 17 Aug 2016 11:30:23 +0000 Is it not true that the minute we think we’re doing our best, pride sweeps in and we’re destined for a fall?  Humility is key in the spiritual battle we all face.  For we are no match for the devil in our strength.  We can only resist him by faith, trusting in the One who has won the victory by His finished work at the cross. 

While the enemy seeks to devour, we will seek the LORD.  For in Him all things are possible and all victories have been won.  We must not try to win again, but simply trust in the ultimate victory already won by our Savior Jesus Christ. 

Personal Reflection

Spend some time today searching areas where pride may still be creeping in.  A good starting point may be anything surrounding your strengths.  Examine honestly and ask a close friend to assist.  

Sincerely pray that God would conquer that pride and replace it with trust in Jesus

Prayer Focus

Father, we desire that our pride would be squashed and You would clothe us with humility, that we may resist the devil,  and that You wold receive all the glory due Your name.  We pray this not in our own strength but instead in the powerful name of Jesus!



When Do I Get My Reward? Sat, 23 Jul 2016 12:48:42 +0000   
I grew  up as a people pleaser, I admit it!  Something about seeing smiles on faces and hearing the words,”Well done!” that gave me a sense of worth and accomplishment. 

Later in life as God continued to mature me, I realized that this was all an outflow of my pride.  My “good” was not fit to be counted as righteousness apart from Christ. God defines my value not man 

I concluded that like finances, you can spend your reward now or invest for the future.  My goal is to make daily deposits in the heavenly treasure account; not for the approval of men, but to one day hear my LORD say, “Well done good and faithful servant!”  Not to earn anything, but to thank Him for all He has done!

Personal Reflection

Do you struggle with wanting your reward now?  Do you feel like you have to hear well done?  Perhaps your real struggle is self-worth like mine was.  If that’s the case take some time to read this post on value:

I read these four reasons/truth daily until it banished the lies I had been believing about myself and took up residence as MY truth.  With my self doubt and worry out of the way I was free to serve God and being comfortable with His future reward. 

Prayer Focus

Amazing Father, you are our great reward. The truth that we get to spend all eternity with you gives us joy upon joy!  Sanctify us with the truth. Your word is truth!  Free us from the clutches of pride and self-focus that we may serve You unhindered and focused on Your glory.  May we firmly fix our eyes on Jesus, in His Name we pray, Amen!



Comfortable With Being A Nobody Thu, 07 Jul 2016 08:32:20 +0000   
In the age of self-esteem and superstars, our ego is constantly being over fed to cause us to scream, “I am somebody!” And “Look at me!”.  John the Baptist on the other hand told people who he was not (The Christ) and to look to Jesus. 

Pride comes in many forms and sometimes passes under the radar in families, business, and even in the smallest places when we are all alone in our mind.  It’s like a small child unrelenting to get his question answered…Am I somebody?  It never seems to go away.  Therefore we must be on guard and know that we are not the Christ. As a matter of fact we are not worthy to even untie His sandal or mention His Name.  

I lost a friend this week who liked this quote, “I am just a nobody trying to tell everybody about somebody who can save anybody”.  Our pride hates to even hear these words because we’ve been pelted with how special we are because of us.  As a true follower of Christ we must become comfortable with no spotlight, no accolades, and always pointing to Jesus as the superstar. 

Personal Reflection

I confess I’m a work in progress.  I’m constantly learning more of who my Savior is, who I am not, and how we are more than conquerors in Him, with Him getting all the glory.  How about you?

1) Do you find yourself wanting to be the center of attention?

2) Do you feel you need to be told good job after everything you do?

3) If you were to die today what would others say was your biggest interest and most talked about subject?

My hope is not to bring guilt, but awareness.  Pride is sneaky.  Don’t let it steal God’s glory for the mighty work He has done. Rightly He needs to increase in our lives and we must decrease.  

Prayer Focus

Almighty God and Creator, You have set all things in motion. For the universe is Yours and proclaims Your glory.  We pray against our pride.  We ask that Your salvation would give us all the approval and value we need; that we might spend the rest of our lives speaking about all You’ve done rather than our feeble attempts at righteousness. May Your Son be lifted high, in His Name we pray, Amen!
