presence – Brian Friedl Making Your Life's Mission Possible Sat, 24 Mar 2018 10:58:48 +0000 en-US hourly 1 64732294 Fasting: What Is It Good For? Sun, 24 Jul 2016 12:33:06 +0000 Over the last few weeks there have been multiple confirmations that God was desiring for me to fast.  With my wife away, my first thought was picking Something that would be easy for me to do, followed by the  Holy Spirit’s infused conviction of picking something that is truly denying myself.  In hindsight, in the 28 years that I’ve walked with the. Lord I have never truly fasted. 

I thoroughly enjoy food. I pretty much eat whenever I want to. Healthy stuff, but often.  As a matter of fact I have coined the phrase,”I don’t like to eat on an empty stomach” to justify snacking (make sure your metabolism is high if you go this route).  My favorite meal of the day is breakfast so that is where I decided to start; fasting breakfast for one week.  What follows are my observations of this event.

While fasting is not commanded in the Bible, it appears to have been expected as part of regular activity as Jesus said to His disciples, “When you fast…”  I can honestly say I would recommend it to anyone interested in seeking God’s presence and guidance.  Note: you know you’re body and its health best.  You make your best choices for you.  fasting is normally to be done privately but I wanted to share the benefits and encourage you. This may be my last post in fasting because the rest will be private.  🙂

I was hungry on day 1. My mind continually thought about food.  After preparing breakfast for 10 of our children I went in my office and prayed specifically for my family, friends, and breakthroughs for those held in chains of sin, and those imprisoned for their faith.  I could still smell the food and it was trying to distract my prayer time

Day 2 seemed a little easier.  My mind diligently desired to hold to this fast believing that it would be effective for the LORD not in my strength but His. 

By Day 3, I began to notice my clarity of life, my mission, the vision for our family and many other things had intensified. I no longer was thinking about food when I woke up, but how sweet the time of worship and prayer would be. 

On to Day 4.  I distinctly remember my patience being like iron as I had some children really trying to test me :).  I was committed to the vision for our family and was unwavering; even more patient than normal. 

Day 5 – Thoughts of just having an “early lunch” we’re trying to creep in as I smelled the sausage cooking.  My daughter who is an amazing cook was at the helm so I went outside to pray.  Every prayer time was more blessed than the day before. 

For Day 6 I had the wonderful blessing of finishing water removal from our basement.  Normally I would have been tempted to complain, but that line of thinking was far from me.  I was so thankful for everything God has done for us.  The task was finished swiftly and without complaint. 

Day 7 was yesterday; filled with the smells of breakfast delights and yet I knew what waited for me in my office was even more sweet!   

Some quick observations:  

1) I found that my attachment to food was greater than I knew.  Denying myself even just one meal revealed this truth as well as how much more satisfying God is than food. 

2) My prayer times were more focused and intense. Often times my eyes filled with tears of sorrow or joy. 

3) Fasting removed distraction so I could hear guidance from God for our family, ministry, and business.  

4) fasting help direct my need to draw even closer to my Heavenly Father. 

5) I prayed specifically for breakthroughs for some individuals and that remains to be seen what God will do. 

Personal Reflection

What is it that would be the hardest thing for you to give up?  Have you considered fasting that for a week?  If not give it a try and comment on here the results.  I’d love to hear how it’s impacted you and your relationship with God and man. 

Prayer Focus

Father, thank You for Your presence with us.  You are all we need to be satisfied and yet You give abundantly beyond!  Our lips are filled with Your praises.  For You have brought us out of darkness and into the Light of Your Son Jesus.  We have new life! As we seek to deny ourselves , take up our cross and follow, be the strength in our bones and the breath in our lungs to intercede on behalf of those around us.  May we shepherd well for You and for Your glory in Jesus Name, Amen!



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Joy Forever Wed, 29 Jun 2016 10:00:37 +0000   
David has rightly understood that the LORD is faithful and will make known to him the path of life and salvation that is found in His provision; the coming Messiah.  

With the fulfillment of Jesus’ suffering, death, and resurrection, comes access to our God. We can enter the presence of our King and approach His throne no longer fearing death, but rejoicing in the life He has given. In fact, we have joy for all eternity!

Personal Reflection

Often times we reduce joy to happiness; the two are not the same.  Happiness is produced by a situation that causes a temporary emotion of pleasure.  Joy is a full and undying state of pleasure and gratitude that is available forever. 

Are you experiencing true joy in your relationship with God?  Do you experience His presence? 

No greater act of love and sacrifice has been seen than what took place at the cross.  It is the place where all our sorrows and all our joys meet.  Spend time today in Luke reading his account of the crucifixion and resurrection.  Praise God for the joy He has set before you!

Prayer Focus

Thank you Father for the gift of our salvation in Christ Jesus. For we were helpless before Your provision.  You have given us a full measure of Joy in Him.  Our hearts overflow with gratitude and we will never cease to praise You in His precious Name, Amen!


#joyforever #salvation #greatprovision #truthtalk4life

How To Have Peace In The Storm Thu, 26 May 2016 10:47:58 +0000   

How quickly our emotions can shift. An anxious thought is like lighting a whole pack of firecrackers on the Fourth of July.  The overwhelming noise can consume us. 

Anxiety; however,  is no match for the peace and joy God has for us in Christ.  In the midst of the greatest turmoil, thoughts of Him delight straight through to our soul and turn chaos to a sea of tranquility.  

Personal Reflection

You may be thinking: So how do I get some of that or I’ve tried doing that but I’m still anxious.  Here are a few tips that have helped me in times of difficulty. 

You are not alone – God has promised that He will not leave you nor forsake His inheritance.  Sometimes anxiety is driven by the lie that we have to do it all by ourselves.  Here’s an experiment. Request to join our Journey In Prayer Facebook group and post a prayer request.   You will quickly see you’re not alone!

Cling to His Word – His Word has the power to transform our hearts in an amazing way. To give hope where there is none.  It is the truth that has stood the test of time. It brings life into any situation.  As quickly as our emotions can overwhelm us in anxiety so God’s Word can settle us into a place of peace. 

Worship & Praise – Notice when the Psalmist has trouble seeing God, he returns to the truth of His Word and gives Him praise.  Worshipping God for all He has done is medicine for your soul.  Feeling anxious?  Sing to the LORD and thank Him for all He has done in your life and praise Him for what He will do.  The greatest songs of praise are not on the radio, but the ones that burst forth from your heart to your Father in heaven.  Praise Him as He deserves; with your whole heart!

Prayer Focus

Father in heaven, help us when we look at the waves instead of looking into your eyes filled with love. Help us to fix our eyes on you and to remember all of what you’ve done.  For you are mighty and hear our cries. Nothing is impossible with you.  Remind us that you are with us, may your Spirit that lives in us Bring all things into rememberance from Your Word, and may we praise you today in the Name of Jesus, Amen!

The Power Of Sacrifice Thu, 24 Mar 2016 13:36:00 +0000 How can we look to the cross and the events leading up to it and come to the conclusion that Jesus was weak? What He endured was more pain than most of us will experience In a lifetime.  Not to mention the heartbreak he felt over His people and above all the separation from His Father.

All of this was for you and me that we might be reconciled to God.  He was the only acceptable sacrifice for our iniquities. What have we done to deserve this favor?  What valuable treasure do we bring in exchange for this great gift and sacrifice…none. He did it because He loves us.  Furthermore He has welcomed us into the kingdom of light and desires to work through us to reach and reconcile others.

There is no measure of the depths of our Savior’s love!

Personal Reflection

Take time to meditate on the magnitude of what was sacrificed by Jesus for you to be ushered into the kingdom of God. What work does he want you to do now? Give Him praise for His mighty work of grace

Prayer Focus

Gracious God, you have withheld nothing from us.  LORD, give us a clear picture of your great and mighty love. Let it consume our hearts and move our feet to action for you.  Let us likewise be reconcilers in your ministry for the sake of your great Name.  It’s in that Name we pray, Amen!

Peaceful Presence Thu, 17 Mar 2016 10:01:27 +0000   
Wow! What a powerful verse!  So many times we can live in turmoil and anxiety simply because our focus and trust is incorrectly placed. Ccc Furthermore we can miss the very presence of God during these situations and trials. 

Not only by thinking on the excellent things of God and practicing them will we have the peace of God, but the very presence of the God of peace will be with us!   Part of practicing is training our eyes to stay fixed on Christ the author and finisher if our faith.  

Why should we be shaken? If we follow the very one who holds all things in his hands.  We need not be anxious, but simply make our requests made known to our loving Father trusting in His answer.  How freeing this truly is!

Personal Reflection

Notice Paul urges them to practice the things:

1.  What was Learned

2. What was Received

3. What was Heard

4. What was Seen in him

So his ministry of what he taught was consistent with what he knew, lived and spoke. So much so that he felt comfortable asking others to see the Christ in him and practice that living.  

This is challenging as I continue to practice walking closely with Christ.  If I’m honest with myself, there are days where I wouldn’t want anyone to watch and imitate what I’m doing. 

How does this truth move in your heart to desire change in yourself? Again don’t be anxious about it, bring even this to your Loving Father trusting in Him to bring you to this place of maturity 

Prayer Focus

God Almighty, we want to be like Paul, knowing, living, and speaking the truth.  Our only hope is you.  As we open our lives for others to see may they see the work of your love in a sinner’s heart that they may have hope in you also. Teach us to surrender and to do your will; all to the glory of Christ, Amen! 


#practicelivingforGod #Christinme #truthtalk4life

Presence In Unity Wed, 17 Feb 2016 11:16:36 +0000   
This passage is sandwiched between the teaching points of discipline and forgiveness.  There is a reality that when people are together sin will happen and forgiveness will be required.  For we have been instructed that we need to bear with one another, implying that it will take work to live together.  

As in all things the Lord had promised His presence yet again.  He will not leave nor forsake us. Instead He is with us to the end of the age, even in the most challenging of times.  Note that we must be gathered in His Name.   What unifies us and is the prerequisite of the Lord’s presence?  Unity in His Name. Despite disagreement, the joint connection in His Name overcomes any obstacle and His presence leads us in love, grace, and restoration. 

Personal Reflection

Have you been avoiding conflict with a brother or sister in Christ?   Perhaps it’s time to gather in unity in the name of Christ and seek restoration.  Though these discussions can be challenging they can also be amazing experiences of God’s presence.  If anyone has wronged you seek them out to destroy the wedge between you.  If you have wronged someone, seek them out, own your sin and ask for forgiveness.   Pray together of one accord in the name of Jesus and see His power of restoration unleashed. 

Prayer Focus

Almighty Father in heaven, help us to have the courage to make straight what is crooked. In your name let us gather to resolve anything that stands in the way of your mission.  Thank you that you never leave nor forsake us but instead, you humble and leads us in the path of unity  and restoration.  Let us rejoice together in your presence, in that unity, and in prayer through the power of Jesus’ Name , Amen!

#twoormore #inhisname #powerfulpresence

Provision, Presence, and Protection Mon, 01 Feb 2016 16:32:42 +0000 Hebrews 13.5-6

I’m convinced that the greatest temptation in the Christian life is to not trust in the provision of God.  God continues to remind us that He is our provider.  If we journey back to the garden for a moment, we find the fall was the result of not trusting in God’s provision.  Adam and Eve let the seed of doubt take root and grow into the weed of discontent and as a result we are born into sin.

The ironic part was that everything they needed was already in the garden, including God Himself.  Notice in verse 5 that discontent and the love of money are solved in the person of God.  Said another way, when God is with us, we are without need.  The very presence of God fills us to overflowing in abundance.  The provision and presence of Jesus and His finished work at the cross is our provision.  Even as Christ gave us the great commission, He promised His presence.  As we meditate on the Word of God and seek to know Him, we learn that we can be completely content in Him.

Finally, we see the absence of fear as a result of God’s presence.  Not only are our needs met, we are protected.  This does not mean that God is going to protect us from every physical ailment or harm, though I believe He does protect us often and we don’t even realize.  It means that from an eternal perspective, we are protected.  There is nothing in this life that can separate us from God’s love when we trust in the provision of Christ.

Personal Reflection:

1. Are you content withe the provision of Jesus and His finished work at the cross?  Set a goal to read through the book of John over the next several weeks, paying careful attention to the provision found in Christ.  Challenge yourself the next time you ask the question, how does the provision of Christ compare to this trial (I’m going to guess that the trial cannot compare 🙂

2. Are you experiencing the presence of God?  Maybe said another way, are you taking time to prepare your heart and mind for God’s presence?  Set a goal to carve out time each day this week to just focus on Him.  This will most likely take some work if this is new to you.  Don’t lose heart just keep doing it and you will not regret it!

3. Are you living in the confidence of God’s protection?  Too many times our eyes are fixed on the temporal rather than the eternal.  Begin each day thanking God for His protection and Him securing your salvation.

Prayer Focus:

Gracious God, almighty LORD, you have given us our portion in Christ.  Help us to see the love and power in your provision.  Guide us into your presence every moment of every day.  Let us experience the power of your protection as we carry your truth to the nations, the name above every name, Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen!


#provision #presence #protection #truthtalk4life

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