Praise – Brian Friedl Making Your Life's Mission Possible Sat, 17 Mar 2018 09:37:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 64732294 Mon, 20 Nov 2017 13:04:00 +0000 For the LORD’s lovingkindness is better than life! Said another way; the gift of Christ is better than anything we will ever encounter this side of life.

A belief like that changes everything. When we have the best, we don’t need to go searching for satisfaction in some other thrill or experience. We have what is sufficient through God’s grace.

When our greatest need is satisfied, we are able to live in confidence and without fear of missing anything. We can carry out our mission joyfully knowing He has supplied our every need in Jesus. This joy quickly spills over into praises to great for words!


Do you believe that His lovingkindness is better than life?

What would this belief do in your life and relationships?

How would this confidence affect the way you carry out your mission for God?


Gracious Father, you have given us reason to never stop praising You. For You have rescued us from the dominion of darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of light. We are now Your sons and daughters. Our lips run over with praise. May our lives be a living sacrifice for You and increase Your Kingdom in Jesus’ name, Amen!

Glory Days Fri, 17 Nov 2017 10:34:14 +0000 If you have sincerely placed your trust in Jesus as your Savior, His victory over sin has become yours. It’s easy in the Christian life to let the moment that this happened become a distant memory like the glory days of high school. We may even long for those days again.

It ought not be so. Our salvation is meant to be the beginning, as well as the catalyst, that propels us deeper into relationship with God. As we thank God each day for the victory He has given us throughout the Christ, the gift seems to grow. The depth of His love is magnified as we see the depths of our depravity and need of Him.

We also see the power of His grace conforming us in the image of Christ. This ought to increase the excitement of our journey with Him. Each day is more glorifying then the previous. The glory days are now and ahead of us!


When was the last time you thanked God for Your salvation?

When was the last time you praised Him out loud for all He has done.

Take a moment today to sing your own song of praise to Him. It doesn’t need to rhyme. Just sing words of praise to Him out loud, in the shower, car, or wherever you are.


Heavenly Father, we thank you for your victory secured for us through the blood of Your Son. May our hearts be filled with gratitude and praise and may it cause each day to be better than the last. For You are worthy of glory all the days of our lives. For the best is yet to come. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Signs Of A Healthy Church Wed, 13 Sep 2017 12:35:00 +0000 What’s the atmosphere of your church like?  How would you describe it in one sentence?  What’s your favorite part?  People have asked me what Sunday morning worship is like.  This verse is one of the ones that come to mind when I attempt to answer these questions. 

The word of Christ.  One of the reason I love to go to church is that our Pastor teaches directly from scripture. He’s not seeking to tickle our ears with a nice uplifting message. Instead, he spends hours during the week working to understand the original author’s message and then listening to God for how to share with all of us.  He preaches the full word of God.  He doesn’t skip over the tough parts or hop from topic to topic.  We must desire and allow the word of Christ to dwell richly in us; for it is the source of our wisdom. 

Teaching and Admonishing. None of us have attained a place of complete knowledge of God. Every step we take toward knowing Him opens our eyes to a new depth of how much of Him we have yet to understand. We forget, lose focus, and even willfully disregard our Father in heaven.  We need to be taught and reminded who God really is, what He has done, and what He is capable of. We need our brothers and sisters in Christ to do so.   To receive this we must open ourselves to relationship with them.  Finding a local body of mature believers and seeking Christ together is critical to your walk with God. 

Singing with Thankfulness. There’s something about a song that can burn in your brain and teach you for many years going forward.  Our hearts were designed for praise and song.  Our lips long to sing of His great mercies and shout of His excellence.  Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs have the power to refocus our eyes where they belong.  Singing with thankfulness together is a powerful medicine that is meant to be taken daily. 

So what is a Sunday morning like?   It is a body of believers that seeks hard after Jesus, that He (the living Word) would dwell richly in them.  Through the wisdom of His word, they teach and admonish one another through Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs.  It is a place of love and powerful worship and I am blessed!


What is your church like?

Is God’s word the rudder that steers your church?

Is it a place of teaching and admonishing?

Do you thankfully sing His praises?


Father, we thank You that You have given us a body of believers to worship with even if we haven’t found them yet.  Lord I ask that Your people would see their need for one another and that You would provide a place for all those that are worshipping You from afar; apart from the body. Draw them together that they may grow and carry out Your great mission.  In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen!

How To No Longer Thirst Mon, 04 Sep 2017 12:54:44 +0000 There have been many things in this life that I have thirsted for; only to find out later, they were nothing more than a perpetual desert offering no refreshment.  They produced more bitterness, resentment, complaint, and sin. 

There is only one Source of living water that promises and delivers that we will “never thirst” again. In fact, He promises “…the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”  For it will supply out every need for all eternity!

Thankfully, I enjoy this spring of ever-flowing water and refreshment because of my relationship through Jesus Christ with my Father in heaven.  For on my own, I could strive a lifetime and never reach Him, but He in His great mercy has dipped His hand down in the mire, drawn me out, and set my feet in the firm foundation established by His son Jesus.  For His lovingkindness is better than life!

If you are striving and thirsty, consider commenting below this article. I would love to talk with you more.  


Are you truly satisfied in Jesus?

Can you honestly say that His lovingkindness is better than life?

Spend some time reading your Bible and reflecting on all that was paid to purchase your salvation and what love was offered as a result.  

Set your phone/watch alarm today to praise Him before every meal as well as before bed.  For He is worthy of our praise indeed!


Father, you are a mighty God of grace.  While we could not measure up, You have reached down and established a covenant relationship with us. You have rescued us from eternal darkness and transferred us into the kingdom of Your son.  You have made us joint heirs in that kingdom.  Our lips could never praise You enough, yet we will never stop bringing glory and honor to Your great name.  Thank You gracious LORD.  For we are nothing without You. May You have Your way in our hearts today. In the name of Christ we pray, Amen!

How To Walk Through Grief And Suffering Tue, 29 Aug 2017 10:58:20 +0000 We can’t escape grief and suffering in this life. I have found that it actually increases in frequency the longer I live.  Part of that could be that my eyes are more aware of it, but also because I meet and invest in more and more lives every day.  I suppose one could live as a hermit and try to limit the damage, yet the loneliness itself would be a Grief to me.  In light of this, we must learn to walk through grief and suffering.  

David was a man well-acquainted with the pains of this life; physical and emotional especially.  I listened to a sermon this weekend from Pastor John Nett as he shared from Psalm 40.   In that Psalm we see David suffering  greatly and also how he walks in the midst of it.  John shared 3 steps that David took that are simple(not easy) and effective:

  1. Call to mind God’s grace and faithfulness in the past
  2. Praise and Proclaim the goodness of God to anyone who will listen. 
  3. Committing or recommitting to the LORD

We must master placing our focus on God and letting our minds dwell in His faithfulness if we are to keep walking in the toughest of storms.  This week I have seen friends lose homes, a child, jobs, and hope.  What do They have to cling to in the midst of all this grief?  A faithful father who comforts us that We may in turn comfort others.  A Father who is worthy of our praise from now into eternity.  Our lips will forever be filled with His praise!


How do you usually deal with grievous news?

The next time you see or hear of a suffering, recall as quickly as possible a time when God has faithfullly led you throughor met your need. 

How does this change your thoughts and emotions?

Our greatest platform is suffering.  When we praise Him from that platform people are encouraged, they see He is real, and they can come to know Him.  For it is Romans 8:28 at its finest.  Don’t miss that opportunity to glorify our Father in heaven.  


Gracious God, You are good in joy and in trial.  For we count it all joy  because we know You are making us complete and lacking nothing.  Use us to full measure for Your glory. Even in the darkest of times, let us remember Your goodness and shout Your praises to all who can hear.   Bring us through the valley of mourning to Your mountains of joy.  Thank you for Your faithfulness and grace through Jesus, Amen!

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Even Mud Is Beautiful In Its Time Thu, 08 Jun 2017 11:45:06 +0000 Often times when I go for my morning run, my eye will capture an image and stop me in my tracks so I can grab my phone and make this image part of my story.  

A few days before this photo was taken, it simply looked like a muddy mess near a pile of unwanted rocks.  But now, it has become a delightful landscape. So many colors and textures to give a radiant display of creativity. 

Are we not like this?   Our lives seem but a muddy mess today, but we can be confident that the journey we are on is leading us to a glorious and beautiful place.  A place where our gifts and abilities will glorify our Lord and Savior.  For He has prepared good works in advance for us to walk in.  We are His workmanship!

No matter how many times I’ve been a muddy mess,, I can see He is leading me to a place of beautiful worship and and the fulfillment of His perfect plan.  For beauty has its time as much as the mud, but we cannot begin to fathom all the LORD is doing.  We must fix our eyes on Him, confident in what He has created us to be in His time 


So are you in a time of mud or beauty right now?  Every season of life has its place.  Take some time today praising God OUT LOUD for where you are today, even if that’s the muddy mess!


Heavenly Father,you are maker of all things and You are unfathomable.  You handiwork amazes us.  And we too are Your handiwork.  Encourage us in our times of muddy mess, that You have made us beautiful through you Son Jesus.  Give us a vision for how we specifically glorify You with all you have given us.  Let us know Tour presence full, in Jesus’ name, Amen!

The Key To Survivng Storms Sun, 21 May 2017 11:32:23 +0000 Two back to back giant storms recently ripped though our area dropping golf ball sized hail, loads of rain, and 60 mph winds.  While we didn’t have any real property damage,  it had taken its toll in many unseen ways. 

Say hello to jack. He’s the tamest wild rabbit I have ever seen.  I’m guessing that his mom, brothers, and sisters were taken out during the storms and that he was hurt as well.  That stands to reason since ever other attempt to try to catch a baby wild rabbit on our acreage has been fruitless.  They tend to be sharp and fast. Not this guy.  He was desperate and worn.  

We can find ourselves like Jack. Worn, slow and grieving the loss of a life that once was filled with family, fun, and comfort.  Feeling like all that’s important has been ripped from us.  The storms of this life can be great enough to do some serious damage, but there is one who is greater than every storm. One who can still the most raging waves and heal every wound.   He is the One true living God; Our hope and our salvation.  He is a Father to the fatherless and is able to meet us in that storm and remind us of His marvelous power that has overcome all the troubles of this world. 

What’s the key to surviving any storm?  Keep your eyes fixed on Christ.  If we can do that; we do not sink, but instead walk on the water with Him.  When our eyes are off ourselves and on Him, we don’t lose sight of the mission we are on.  We also don’t forget the loving Father we have in our corner and we are not swayed by the lies of the enemy that try to convince us that we are alone, unwanted and invaluable. 

Think about the roughest time of your life.  Maybe it’s been years or maybe it’s right now.  

Where do you see God in it?  Is He strengthening you through His word?  Is He, comforting you through His Spirit and His people? 

In what ways can you meet others in their storms and encourage them?  Take action and encourage someone today!


Gracious God, You are Lord over the greatest storm.  For we know that even the wind and waves must obey You.  Enable our eyes to remain firmly fixed on You, unwavering, even in the hurricanes of this life. Ready our hands to reach out to all who are hurting.  Open our hearts to comfort those who have lost hope.   Let us see Your goodness, love and grace and our mouths shout Your praise!  Glory to You forever and ever, in Jesus’ name, Amen!

#Hehasovercome #ragingstorms #powerfulSavior

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The Problem Of Injustice Fri, 17 Mar 2017 09:31:16 +0000 Everywhere we look, we can find what appears to be injustice. Perhaps it’s a drunk driver who survives while all his passengers are lost, or someone less deserving got the promotion, or maybe your husband or wife treats everyone else wonderful but not you.  You body burns with indignation and your lips want to scream, “It’s not fair!”.

The first truth we need to understand is that justice doesn’t always happen immediately.  Instead, it happens in the timing and context of God’s perfect will.  Justice can be served quickly, but often we might feel that it is delayed longer than we think it should be.  This could be because God is not willing that any should perish and His grace draws even our accusers and abusers to Himself.

Secondly, where we would seek punishment, He desires repentance. Being rich in mercy, He has offered the most miserable of sinners the greatest gift of grace.  Would we really want God to operate as we do?  Where would we be ourselves, if God only sought punishment? Not in a good place for sure!

Lastly, vengeance is not ours but god’s.  Our focus needs to be on Him, which in turn, brings forth Thanksgiving, testimony, and praise.  These three are well within your grasp and authority.  When we trust God is the perfect balance of Grace and justice, we are truly free to worship Him as He deserves!


What injustice is distracting your worship of God?

What would happen if you let go of that injustice and clung tightly to our Father in heaven?

Rather than vengeance make your life about thanksgiving, testimony, and praise. For the problem of injustice is that it distracts us from our worship and enjoyment of our Father in heaven.


Heavenly Father, You are all knowing. For only You can judge rightly.  By Your Spirit, we ask the You would empower us to trust in Your justice and perfect will.  You will bring down the stronghold of our enemies in Your time.  You will break the greatest of enemies to pieces and all will one day know you as LORD; whether as an enemy or Your child.   Use our perceived injustice to demonstrate Your grace, teach us who You are, and carry out your mission.  Let us be focused on You and our worship be unhindered. Fill us with thankfulness, testimony, and praise, in the power of Christ, Amen!

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Perpetual Blessing Sat, 28 Jan 2017 12:00:49 +0000 Too many times our relationship with God gets reduced to a one-time salvation story.  The truth is, we need to reflect on that powerful and personal experience at the cross each moment of every day.  It fuels us in our mission for Him.  We need to remember that our sins were once scarlet and have now been made white as snow and that our lawless deeds have been forgiven!
Jesus stepped into the filth of humanity to pull us from our own self-inflicted pool of sin.  For without His intervention, we surely would have drowned.  

I recall the moment I realized that I had sinned against the holy God of the universe.  I stood condemned and then something amazing happened.  God revealed The gift He had given me through His Son.  I marveled at His obedience, perfection, and sacrifice.  I was overwhelmed as I pondered that He left His place on high that He may fish me out of the mire.   What a loving Father we have in Him!

Take some time to go back to where it all began.  Recall your earliest memory of understanding the gospel.  Meditate on the victory won for you at the cross. Let praises fill the air and know that you are blessed!

#truthtalk4life #knowlivespeaktruthinlove #childofthemosthigh


Privileges And Praise Sun, 15 Jan 2017 13:35:42 +0000 The LORD being sovereign over all creation is a foreign concept it seems in multi-generational self-centered and entitled society.  As soon as someone is deemed sovereign, the assumption is loss of rights and privileges. 

This is not always the case; however, with God. When we were “bought” with the blood of Christ we actually gained rights and privileges.  

1. We gained the right to become children of God

2. We became joint heirs with Christ

I could stop here because this is more than we could have asked or imagined

3. He has given us the Holy Spirit indwelling sealing His promise

4. He gave us gifts

5. He cleanses us from all unrighteousness

6. He hears us when we cry

7. Jesus intercedes with the Father for us

8. He works all things together for our good

9. No weapon formed against us will prosper

I could literally keep going on for hours of all the rights and privileges of being His.  Let us never forget or be silent about all of these.  

Make a list of these today and praise your Father in heaven each day for them!

#truthtalkife #knowlivespeaktruthinlove


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