peace – Brian Friedl Making Your Life's Mission Possible Fri, 11 May 2018 12:21:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 64732294 Pleasing Sacrifice Tue, 02 Aug 2016 11:15:25 +0000 In a world where we are busy and rushing from place to place, we can easily lose our focus and forget the amazing love we have been shown in Jesus and His finished work at the cross. 

The answer to that focus lies in His precious word.  As we fully take in today’s dose of spiritual food, consider this:  The peace won for you through the blood of Jesus pleases the Father.  What a loving Father we have in Him, that He would give what was most precious in exchange for our freedom!

He desired our reconciliation with Him and His plan of salvation is perfect. Satisfying the law and pouring out grace simultaneously.  It is suffering and surrender that produced the ultimate joy and victory.  We have been transferred from the kingdom of darkness into His family!  Let that blow your mind and minister to your heart today!

Personal Reflection

Spend time reflecting on the depth of God’s love for you.  Read a gospel account of the crucifixion.  Let the cost of your freedom sink deeply into you mind and heart.  How deep the Father’s love for us!  Sing out loud, to Him, your own song of thank you and praise. Don’t worry about rhyming.  Just let your thoughts pour out in song.  What a joyful noise it is when the love in our hearts spill over to our lips in praise!

Prayer Focus

Father, you are the greatest Giver of all!   You have paid the greatest price that we might be free and unified with You in Your glorious Son Christ.  Fill our hearts today with Your Love that we may carry the truth of Your salvation with passion and boldness to every listening ear in the Name of Jesus, Amen!



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How To Have Peace In The Storm Thu, 26 May 2016 10:47:58 +0000   

How quickly our emotions can shift. An anxious thought is like lighting a whole pack of firecrackers on the Fourth of July.  The overwhelming noise can consume us. 

Anxiety; however,  is no match for the peace and joy God has for us in Christ.  In the midst of the greatest turmoil, thoughts of Him delight straight through to our soul and turn chaos to a sea of tranquility.  

Personal Reflection

You may be thinking: So how do I get some of that or I’ve tried doing that but I’m still anxious.  Here are a few tips that have helped me in times of difficulty. 

You are not alone – God has promised that He will not leave you nor forsake His inheritance.  Sometimes anxiety is driven by the lie that we have to do it all by ourselves.  Here’s an experiment. Request to join our Journey In Prayer Facebook group and post a prayer request.   You will quickly see you’re not alone!

Cling to His Word – His Word has the power to transform our hearts in an amazing way. To give hope where there is none.  It is the truth that has stood the test of time. It brings life into any situation.  As quickly as our emotions can overwhelm us in anxiety so God’s Word can settle us into a place of peace. 

Worship & Praise – Notice when the Psalmist has trouble seeing God, he returns to the truth of His Word and gives Him praise.  Worshipping God for all He has done is medicine for your soul.  Feeling anxious?  Sing to the LORD and thank Him for all He has done in your life and praise Him for what He will do.  The greatest songs of praise are not on the radio, but the ones that burst forth from your heart to your Father in heaven.  Praise Him as He deserves; with your whole heart!

Prayer Focus

Father in heaven, help us when we look at the waves instead of looking into your eyes filled with love. Help us to fix our eyes on you and to remember all of what you’ve done.  For you are mighty and hear our cries. Nothing is impossible with you.  Remind us that you are with us, may your Spirit that lives in us Bring all things into rememberance from Your Word, and may we praise you today in the Name of Jesus, Amen!

How To Conquer Anxiety Wed, 11 May 2016 10:16:53 +0000 When anxiety makes a bid for our souls and its grip tightens, it is clear that our eyes have wandered from the source of our help. For if our eyes were rightly on the LORD, we would have been found delighting in His consolations.  We need not fret or worry, we simply need to return our glance to the one who holds all things in His grasp.

Anxiety is not a place you want to stay. Too many of us when faced with challenges spend too much time figuring out what we are going to do instead of looking for what God is teaching us. One of the lessons He continues to teach is that He is our rock and refuge.  We clearly see this theme over and over again in the Psalms.  When the psalmist is being pursued on all sides and anxiety is creeping in, he turns to the LORD reminds himself of the truth of who God is and His mighty works.

The LORD brings peace where there is turmoil, strength where there is none, and life where there is death. May you turn to Him today.

Personal Reflection

What are you most prone to be anxious over?  Is it possible that God is asking you to trust Him with that?   God’s Word reminds us of the truth of His faithfulness, love, and mighty works.  If you’re not in His Word meditating daily, you are setting yourself up for anxiety and a crash of anxiety.  Get a reading plan from or a paper copy somewhere.  Get a good study Bible, read, and meditate on it today!  Begin in the gospels (John, Mark, Matthew, or Luke and move on to Acts and Psalms and see how God overcomes adversity and anxiety.

Prayer Focus

Father, meet us in our deepest anxiety and remind us who you are.  For even the wind and waves obey you. Nothing is outside the realm of your control.  Where we have doubt, replace it with faith.  For we believe; help us with our unbelief.  Let our minds be fixed on you continually and may our lips be filled with praise.  In the Name of Jesus, Amen!

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Anxiety Or Prayer? Sat, 30 Apr 2016 11:37:29 +0000 Anxiety really doesn’t help your situation and in fact can lead to physical fatigue and illness.  Have you noticed that whenever God gives us instruction about what we should not do, He follows that with what we should do? The same is true here.

Rather than be anxious, pray with thanksgiving.  This is a simple solution but not easy.  When our emotions are in high gear our biggest enemy can be ourselves.  Running to prayer instead of emotion takes practice and usually requires some close brothers and sisters in Christ to help.

I have to confess I’m still working on this one.  Life can get overwhelming at times for a guy with 8 minor children in our home.  Praise God that he is patiently teaching us that He is faithful in all things at all times!

Personal Reflection 

Prayer is powerful because God is powerful. He hears the cries of His people and has compassion in them.  What causes you the most anxiety?  Pray today that God would lead you through and give you victory over that which tempts you to be anxious.  He desires that victory for you.  Seek out a solid believer to walk with you in this journey.

Prayer Focus

Heavenly Father, we cry out to you for help as our emotions take us on roller coasters sometimes.  We know in our minds that we need not worry yet fears are relentlessly trying to overtake us.  Firmly guard our minds with the truth of your Word.  Sanctify us with that truth.  Fix our minds on the solid foundation of Christ. In His Name we pray, Amen!





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Walk Worthy In The Spirit Fri, 15 Apr 2016 13:32:20 +0000 Ephesians 4 is one of my favorite chapters in all of scripture. The beautiful unity of the church at large has always intrigued me.  Regardless of gender, age, socio-economic class, ethnicity, or any other possible division, there can be oneness in love.

It’s also no surprise that we also see fruit of the Spirit mentioned.  Our walk and forebearing with one another requires us to walk in the Spirit. Unity requires diligence to preserve it.  There is work involved.  Damage happens in any body of believers. Forgiveness and forebearance are necessary. Remember, even the disciples argued over greatness.

We must walk in a manner worthy of our calling…We must walk in the Spirit, in love, forebearing with one another, preserving unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

Personal Reflection

It’s necessary that we are part of a local body of believers and this is just one reason.  How do we learn to forbear with one another if we are not together?   It’s easy to get along with someone you never have to spend time with, but then we are never challenged to grow either.  

You may have been hurt by a congregation that did not live this passage out. I can certainly empathize as I have been hurt as well. I have come to find that we cannot let the failure of man keep us from living the truth of God. 

Find a bible-believing church to attend this week.  God wants to grow you in love and unity.

Prayer Focus

Gracious God, no where have we seen this passage more true than with you.  You have been so patient in your love and have jealously desired the Spirit which you have made to dwell in us. Please keep us walking in your spirit that we may walk in a manner worthy of the calling to which you have called us.  We pray this in the powerful Name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, Amen!


#walkworthy #walkintheSpirit #truthtalk4life

The Power Of Sacrifice Thu, 24 Mar 2016 13:36:00 +0000 How can we look to the cross and the events leading up to it and come to the conclusion that Jesus was weak? What He endured was more pain than most of us will experience In a lifetime.  Not to mention the heartbreak he felt over His people and above all the separation from His Father.

All of this was for you and me that we might be reconciled to God.  He was the only acceptable sacrifice for our iniquities. What have we done to deserve this favor?  What valuable treasure do we bring in exchange for this great gift and sacrifice…none. He did it because He loves us.  Furthermore He has welcomed us into the kingdom of light and desires to work through us to reach and reconcile others.

There is no measure of the depths of our Savior’s love!

Personal Reflection

Take time to meditate on the magnitude of what was sacrificed by Jesus for you to be ushered into the kingdom of God. What work does he want you to do now? Give Him praise for His mighty work of grace

Prayer Focus

Gracious God, you have withheld nothing from us.  LORD, give us a clear picture of your great and mighty love. Let it consume our hearts and move our feet to action for you.  Let us likewise be reconcilers in your ministry for the sake of your great Name.  It’s in that Name we pray, Amen!

Peaceful Presence Thu, 17 Mar 2016 10:01:27 +0000   
Wow! What a powerful verse!  So many times we can live in turmoil and anxiety simply because our focus and trust is incorrectly placed. Ccc Furthermore we can miss the very presence of God during these situations and trials. 

Not only by thinking on the excellent things of God and practicing them will we have the peace of God, but the very presence of the God of peace will be with us!   Part of practicing is training our eyes to stay fixed on Christ the author and finisher if our faith.  

Why should we be shaken? If we follow the very one who holds all things in his hands.  We need not be anxious, but simply make our requests made known to our loving Father trusting in His answer.  How freeing this truly is!

Personal Reflection

Notice Paul urges them to practice the things:

1.  What was Learned

2. What was Received

3. What was Heard

4. What was Seen in him

So his ministry of what he taught was consistent with what he knew, lived and spoke. So much so that he felt comfortable asking others to see the Christ in him and practice that living.  

This is challenging as I continue to practice walking closely with Christ.  If I’m honest with myself, there are days where I wouldn’t want anyone to watch and imitate what I’m doing. 

How does this truth move in your heart to desire change in yourself? Again don’t be anxious about it, bring even this to your Loving Father trusting in Him to bring you to this place of maturity 

Prayer Focus

God Almighty, we want to be like Paul, knowing, living, and speaking the truth.  Our only hope is you.  As we open our lives for others to see may they see the work of your love in a sinner’s heart that they may have hope in you also. Teach us to surrender and to do your will; all to the glory of Christ, Amen! 


#practicelivingforGod #Christinme #truthtalk4life

Kneel To Solution Thu, 04 Feb 2016 15:23:53 +0000
You can exchange anxiety for peace through prayer in faith. Too many times we ring our hands and waste energy “figuring” it out rather than rejoicing and trusting God.  We get news of cancer, job loss, or other thing we deem as catastrophic and irrational care and anxiety sets in.  “What am I going to do?” Seems to be the logical first question rather than “What is the LORD going to do in this?”

Rather than running to solution, let us kneel to solution.  Have you ever considered your plan may solve the problem but God’s plan will not only solve the problem, but also change someone’s eternity and secure peace that is a stronghold for your every thought. Which plan is better?

Personal Reflection

What the biggest challenge ou are facing right now.  Have you kneeled for a solution?  Rejoicing that God has allowed you the opportunity of this challenge for his glory and York strengthening.  If not put down your phone or step away from your computer and pray with Thanksgiving

Look for ways you can encourage others struggling in the same things.  Better yet invite them to rejoice with you and pray without ceasing and with thanksgiving

Prayer Focus

LORD, you are our stronghold.  We are all searching for answers only you provide. Grow our minds and hearts  to trust you by whatever means necessary and teach us to sincerely pray with thanksgiving, anticipating and trusting in your answers. For all things are possible with you. In Christ’s Name we pray, Amen!



#prayer #thanksgiving #truthtalk4lif

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