Love – Brian Friedl Making Your Life's Mission Possible Wed, 19 Feb 2020 13:08:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 64732294 Reconcile Not Condemn Wed, 19 Feb 2020 13:08:38 +0000

Ministers Of Reconciliation

As Christians, our end game is to reconcile others to God. Paul calls us ministers of reconciliation. (2 Corinthians 5:17-21).

This goal applies whether it is regarding someone who is or isn’t walking in the Lord. Our desire should be for ALL to reconcile with Him.

This goal never changes. Paul warns against pride and finger pointing. For all of us find ourselves caught in the clutches of sin at times.

Where would we be if another had not helped us reconcile with the Father through Christ? We need our brothers and sisters!

The next time you are tempted to point out the errors in others try this:

1) Examine tour own life instead

2) Pray for God to give you a right spirit that desires reconciliation.

2) Encourage your brother or sister to repent, return, and be reconciled.

Walk in a manner worthy of the gospel that saved and reconciled you. Never forget the grace you have been given. Be focused on Jesus as you help to restore those around you.






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Truth And Love Sat, 12 Oct 2019 17:31:08 +0000 As a Christian I stand for truth and love. My truth comes directly from God’s word which clearly points out we all have sinned and need a Savior. It also tells of a love that is willing to do whatever it takes to reconcile us even to the point of death.

There are several who would like you to believe because of my beliefs, I am a hater. Before you subscribe to that belief, know that I willingly identify that I am included in that category of “sinner” also. I need a Savior as much as anyone; probably more.

I’m not driven to tell you these things because I want to prove I’m right or condemn. On the contrary, I’m driven by the love I received while yet a sinner (see Romans 5:8) and desire others to know this truth.

When the law (10 Commandments) came into being sin became clear. When Jesus came to fulfill the law, sin became even more clear. Men and women were no longer able to justify God’s truth as stories. For they had seen the Living God and all His signs and wonders.

As children of the Living God, our sins our forgiven because of faith in Christ’s finished work at the cross. The text says that He “chose us out of the world”. As a result the word hates us.

The world hating me will not keep me from telling others about sin and what God has done to resolve it, in my life and the lives of many. When we are in sin, and apart from Christ, we are in bondage.

I do not condone or seek to continue in sin, but instead seek To follow Jesus and all His ways.

In a loving manner, I will continue share the truths of the gospel to those around me. Some will receive and some will hate.




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With Freedom Comes Great Responsibility Wed, 24 Jan 2018 12:44:27 +0000 There are few things in life more precious than freedom. I’ve heard dozens of testimonies of people who have suffered under the hands of their own government. Now, citizens of the United States, these individuals are so thankful for the freedoms they have to work, buy property, and even vote.

At the risk of sounding s little like Spider-Man, I say this, “With freedom comes great responsibility.” Freedom brings with it choice. We have the options we were once denied. When it comes to our freedom in Christ, we now have the option to walk in His righteousness and light where previously we were only able to walk in sin and darkness.

Our flesh will not give up in this life; however, as it always wants more for itself. The freedom we have been called to is not for the sake of our flesh, but instead for the sake of Love for those around us. We must remember that when freedom is realized, choice is present. Notice that you are “called to freedom” implying that there was a purpose in mind and that purpose was not to gratify the flesh, but instead to walk in the light with Him and discipling others to do the same.


Read Galatians 5:13-25

How are we to go about living out this scripture ?

In what ways are you turning your freedom into an opportunity for the flesh?

Confess to God and to a trusted brother/sister in Christ and begin walking in the Doirit again today.


Father, we confess that our flesh is weak when it comes to following you and strong when it comes to its lusts for itself. Conquer this enemy of your righteousness that we may render it dead and move on to walking in Your Spirit and Truth. May your power of love be unleashed in us that we may carry out Your mission for the sake of the Gospel. Thank you LORD for calling us to freedom, may it all be used for Your glory in Jesus’ name, Amen!

Standing In The Gap Tue, 26 Dec 2017 13:26:26 +0000 John Maxwell, in his Leadership Reading Plan shares the following qualities of a leader obtained from Ezekiel 22:

1 Consecration: They set themselves apart and remain committed to their call.

2 Discipline: They do what is right even when it is difficult.

3 Servanthood: They model a selfless life, lived for the benefit of others.

4 Vision: They see what God sees and live off the power of potential.

5 Compassion: Love for their cause and their people moves them to action.

6 Trustworthiness: They keep their word regardless of what others do.

7 Decisiveness: They make good decisions in a timely manner.

8 Wisdom: They think like God thinks and avoid impetuous moves.

9 Courage: They take risks for what is right.

10 Passion: They demonstrate enthusiasm for their divine calling.

Ezekiel contrasts a poor leader vs. the one who stands in the gap. There’s always someone watching and ready to follow and though you may not feel like you’re currently in a position of leadership, you have been called to make disciples(Matt. 28:16-20). You were rescued for a reason and that reason includes, loving, serving, leading (discipline)others, and standing in the gap for them.


Which one of these leadership qualities are you the strongest at?

Which one is your weakest?

Be intentional about developing your skills in each of these areas. Dive deep into His word and look at leaders in the Bible to examine how they lead. Which areas were they strong/weak in. What was the result?

What’s one action you can take today to strengthen your leadership skills?


Father, You know Our strengths and weaknesses. You have called us to be disciple-makers and leaders. Teach and grow us into the leaders You desire us to be, through Your Word. Refine us according to Your perfect plans. Guide us, that we may stand in the gap and lead Your people well. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Sign up for The Maxwell Leadership Reading Plan at

Give Them Coal For Christmas Wed, 20 Dec 2017 13:36:24 +0000 Holidays, unfortunately, can sometimes bring out the worst in us. Strained family relationships, drama, and even hurtful comments can take an awesome time of worshipping our Savior and turn it into a desire to give coal out of revenge. God’s Word advises us it’s ok to give coal, but in a different way that brings God glory:

“Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. Be of the same mind toward one another; do not be haughty in mind, but associate with the lowly. Do not be wise in your own estimation. Never pay back evil for evil to anyone. Respect what is right in the sight of all men. If possible, so far as it depends on you, be at peace with all men. Never take your own revenge, beloved, but leave room for the wrath of God, for it is written, ” VENGEANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY,” says the Lord. ” BUT IF YOUR ENEMY IS HUNGRY, FEED HIM, AND IF HE IS THIRSTY, GIVE HIM A DRINK; FOR IN SO DOING YOU WILL HEAP BURNING COALS ON HIS HEAD.” Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.”

‭‭Romans‬ ‭12:14-21‬ ‭NASB‬‬

When we let go of our vengeance and cling to love, 4 results come to mind

Others see who God is.

God is Love. No place do we see this more clearly than the cross. He intentionally sent His son to us, while we were yet sinners, to become sin on our behalf, to die in our place, that we might be reconciled to Him in righteousness. We deserved His wrath and were given His righteousness. This show who God really is. He is love!

We are free to watch Him work:

Our Vengeance by its very nature binds us from experiencing joy. It is an all consuming power that leaves no room for grace. When we leave room for God’s wrath, we can be sure that it will be carried out properly and we are free to watch both God’s grace and justice without being emotionally distraught.

Evil is overcome:

Our Vengeance does not produce anything good. We are to bless those who persecute and seek to meet their needs. For good overcomes evil. Evil never overcomes evil. Again we find ourselves at the foot of the cross. God’s goodness prevails and conquers death, securing us an eternity with Him.

Coal is heaped:

When we carry out our Father’s instruction and overcome evil with good, lives are eternally impacted and He is glorified. Scripture also tell us that if you meet your enemies needs, “you will heap burning coals on his head”. So when the wounds and stinging comments come this Christmas, heap those burning coals of grace and be free to watch the power of God unleashed. ReflectionWho in your life needs some of those burning coals of love and grace heaped on Him/her?Where have you not left room for God’s wrath and already carried out your vengeance instead? Apologize and Make it right. PrayerFather, you have instructed us rightfully to bless those who persecute us, to love our enemies, and to overcome evil with good. Help us to carry this out and give you glory. May many come to know You as a result. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Worship Sat, 07 Oct 2017 12:49:49 +0000 The older I get, the more I hate sin, the more I desire time with Christ, and the harder I fight to focus on Him.  The world is certainly seemingly more complex, but in reality we struggle with the same things the men and women of old struggled with; distractions for the flesh. 

We suffer from information overload and some of us have allowed ourselves to become entertainment-driven.  Without a device in our hand or movie on the screen we are lost.  Being alone with God has moved off the priority list because now we can binge watch epsisodes of touched by an angel.  

There is no replacement for sweet times of worship with Adonai. We must nurture our love relationship with Him.  As we spend more time with Him, we will be more like Him, including loving the way He loves and our desire to be steadfast in Him will increase. 


Set aside 30 min. to have sweet worship time in word and song today!


Father, thank you for Jesus, that we can come into Your presence and enjoy You, Our Almighty God.  Help us to remove distraction and worship You as You deserve and bring a You glory! In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Our First Love Mon, 02 Oct 2017 11:56:11 +0000 Your Christian walk is a relationship not unlike a courting relationship.  In the beginning it’s very exciting and new.  After marriage, it can; however, turn a little stagnant.  You can still go through the motions, even in your sleep, but the zeal is missing.  The same is true with our relationship with God.  

The excitement of being freed from our sin should never grow old.  We must remember what we have done and what has been paid.  It’s as if we were living the best first date forever with all of our affections laser focused on the One who has rescued us from sin and darkness and transferred us to the kingdom of light.  

Let’s not get complacent in our relationship with Him.  Here are some ideas to keep the zeal in your relationship:

Read truth.  Get in the word first thing when you get up so you start your day with Him and with the right perspective.  Have to work early? Go to bed 15 minutes earlier and get up 15 minutes earlier.  No excuses 🙂

Attend Church. Surround yourself with true believers.  Great conversation and praise is sure to follow.  

Get Involved. Volunteer to serve at your church and in your community.  When we serve, we are more likely to see opportunities for prayer and seeing the hand of God move. 

Pray. Make it a daily habit to have conversation with God throughout the day.  Share with Him how thankful you are.   

Praise.  Sing your own song of praise of what He has done for you.  No need to rhyme, just sing the things you are thankful for.  I like to do this in the car when I’m traveling and praise Him loudly.  I found out recently that this stimulates the Vegal nerve in your body and helps you be more physically healthy!

Be intentional. Get the zeal back in your relationship with your First Love.  


Is God still your first love?  If not what are you doing about it?

When can you do the things mentioned above?  

Make a plan and begin working on your relationship now!


Father, You are a mighty God who has sought after and found us in the muck and mire.  By Your hand we have been saved and set on a rock to do Your will.  May it be so for Your glory, fill our hearts with zeal for You; our First Love. Amen!

Unity And Truth Sat, 30 Sep 2017 12:05:13 +0000 I have to admit that I’m tempted to think I’m right most of the time.  Anyone else suffer from this delusion?  It can really get me in trouble, especially when it’s fueled with emotion.   I would argue that it’s one of satan’s greatest tools to produce division in the body of Christ.  We must fight this pride-filled way of thinking as we do all deception; we fight with the Truth!  Pride aside, sometimes I am right but my delivery needs some work because my passion for truth can override my love for others.  We must fight for unity with both truth and love. 

Jesus packs powerful prayer in John 17 for himself, the disciples and all of us.  4 things grab my attention:

His Joy made full in us.  I love that Jesus desires that His joy be made full in us.  Think about the depth of joy Jesus must have had to endure the cross for us!  A joy worth dying for.  That’s the joy He prays for us and the joy I want!

Keep them from evil.  He doesn’t pray that we would be taken out of the world to avoid evil.  Instead He prays that we would be kept from it.  This is critical for those around us to see the power of the One true living God at work in us in spit of being surrounded by an evil world. 

 Sanctify them in truth.  God knows and sees all including the lies and truth. Furthermore, He is truth. His word stands forever, is unchanging, and frees us from the bonds of deception.  Ultimately it reveals the truth about who Jesus is, what He has done, and what He is capable of. 

 We are in one in Him.  Unity in the body of Christ is critical. After all, a house divided against itself cannot stand.  Jesus prays that we would be one as He and the Father are one.  How can you get any closer?  They are One.  No space can be found between them.  We are to have unity that they may know the Father sent the Son…so they might have life. For it is the sake of the gospel that should keep us united.  


Do you see a desire to be right in you?

Are you able to speak the truth in love when other brothers/sisters are out of line with scripture?

Jesus never compromised love for truth. He loved people with the truth.  Some received and some did not. 

Pray that the LORD would give wisdom and discernment if what to say and how to say it to bring unity and truth. 


Father, you have sent Your son, full of grace and truth,  thank you for His example of unity with You.  Thank you For joy, protection, truth, and unity.  Guide us and give us wisdom to walk out this prayer in Your Spirit.  Help us to speak the truth in love.  In Jesus’ name, Amen!

1451 Fri, 15 Sep 2017 11:54:22 +0000 One of the greatest hindrances to the great commission is no sense of urgency.  Since we woke up this morning, we logically assume we will do the same tomorrow. After working with thousands of people over the years one thing has become painfully clear: our time here is limited. I’ve lost friends, family, co-workers and co-laborers for the gospel.  Several unexpected.  

Do we not see that, daily, several in our presence are perishing?  Several are struggling, feel all alone, and need someone to come alongside, encourage them, and give them hope.   Put yourself in their shoes.  Do you want to wait another day?

The time is now to reach out to those in need. Look around you. Put down your phone and open your eyes and ears.  Listen for those who are broadcasting a distress signal.  Run to them with the love of Christ.  Listen and walk with them.  Do not neglect the grace you have been given. For the gift of Christ was given to you for the sake of others.    


Do not let another minute be wasted.  Make a list of who God has put in your path. How can you tangibly help them.  Do they need someone to talk to?  Do they need a helping hand with something?  Are they having trouble paying the light bill this month? You have the power to change lives for His glory for all eternity.   Surrender your every desire to Him and live!


Father, you are greater than our minds can comprehend.  Open our eyes to see and our ears to hear those in need around us.  Let us empty ourselves for them that they may see that You love them.  Use us to full measure for Your glory, in Jesus, Amen!

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Powerful And Loving Thu, 31 Aug 2017 12:51:29 +0000 Too many times we charge ahead striving for victory when what we really need to do is kneel in worship trusting in our Victorious warrior who has secured our freedom.  In modern Christendom, it’s common to hear about a patient and gentle God and I agree He is, but we must also remember that no one can stand before Him.  He is THE King.  A good king mind you, but a king.  Within His power, are life and breath of every living being.  For He has the power to create, to give, and to take away. 

Not only is He a mighty warrior but an amazing loving Father. Read Zeph 3:17 again.

“The LORD your God is in your midst, A victorious warrior. He will exult over you with joy, He will be quiet in His love, He will rejoice over you with shouts of joy.”

‭‭Zephaniah‬ ‭3:17‬ ‭NASB‬
4 ‭things stand out to show His love for His people:

He is with us

He is not a Set it and forget it kind of God.  We weren’t created and then watched from the heavens and we are not pawns in His game as the Clash of the Titans movie might suggest. He is a personal God who desires to dwell “with us”. For He has promised never to leave or forsake us  and that He will be with us till the end of the age.   He is certainly in our midst!

He exults over us

The text says He exults over us with joy. The verse cross referenced in Isaiah 62:5 where it speaks of how a groom rejoices over his bride.  They way he looks at her knowing that the love of his life is now joined to him and they are one. 

He renews us

“He will be quiet in His love” in some older manuscripts was “He renews you in His love”. I love the thought of how His love renews us as we enjoy His presence!

He rejoiced over us

Not only is He loving and gracious, but He actually rejoices over us with shouts of joy.  When He looks at us He shouts joyously!   What greater testimony can there be to the power and love that was demonstrated at the cross.  The power to crush sin and restore us to the Father so much so that He sees us as righteous and is so pleased that shouts of joy are uttered over us!


When was the last time you meditated on the power God has as a mighty and victorious warrior?

When was the last time you pondered the great love with which our Father in heaven loves you?

Spend some time in prayer thanking God for who He is, both a powerful, victorious warrior and a compassionate loving Father.  


Father, you own the universe and all that is in it. For you are greater than all you have created.  You command the many galaxies and the micro world as well.  Teach us to rest in Your victory and walk in faith.  Renew us in Your love and let us hear Your shouts of joy that we may confidently know the depths of Your power and love and be encouraged to walk in the good works You prepared in advance for us to walk in.  We pray this in the name of Jesus, Amen!
