live – Brian Friedl Making Your Life's Mission Possible Mon, 14 May 2018 13:14:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 64732294 The Power Of Grace Wed, 15 Nov 2017 12:49:04 +0000 There’s no question that grace is powerful. For we know that where sin abounds grace abounds all the more. By grace we have been saved, this is not something that we have earned, but instead a beautiful gift from Our Father in heaven.

While we remember grace’s power to save, we often forget it’s power to instruct us. As we reflect on the cross, our disdain towards sin multiplies and grace raises in us a desire to deny our flesh and all its lusts. Not only that, but It sets a fire under us to live in a sensible, righteous, and godly manner.

Grace by its nature was designed to rescue and lead us to godly living. If you think of grace and guilt rushes in, you’re missing something. Let grace have its full power in you. Let it be your rescuer and instructor that spurs you to Living for Christ!


Name all the things Grace can do in this passage.

Have you seen Grace do these things in your life?

Have you surrender to God and allowed His grace to instruct you? If not, do so today!


Father, Your grace is sufficient for us in Christ. Thank you for its power to save and its power to instruct us. Remind us every moment of the victory won by our Savior at the cross. Renew in us a desire to be taught by grace. May it lead to righteousness in Jesus, Amen!

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Live It! Mon, 17 Jul 2017 10:46:10 +0000 I’ve always been fascinated by science and how things work.  When the Lord interrupted my shallow life and revealed His truth, I immediately went into a mode of methodical practicing of the principles in scripture.  

And what did I discover? God’s word is true. He is faithful, powerful, and sovereign.  He transforms and confirms us to the image of Christ.   My faith grew by leaps and bounds as I practiced what God has given us in His word. 

I’m not proposing that you put God to the test but instead take Him at His word and do what He has instructed you to do and see what happens.  

We have been given the great commission in Matthew 28:18-20. Pay careful attention to the third instruction.  “Teach them to OBSERVE all that I have commanded you”.  This assumes that you, yourself are doing the command.  We have all had teachers who teach not from a place of experience but only knowledge.  Don’t be that teacher!

Our Lord was clear, He wants us to Know, Live, and then Speak His word to those around us.  We cannot skip the Live step of this equation and think it’s going to go well.  Start living His word today!


In what ways are acquiring Gods truth but not living it?

What’s one step you’re going to do to change that?


Father, You have given us your word to be lived out that we may effectively conduct the ministry of reconciliation we now have in Christ.  May our hearts delight in Your word and be moved to action.  Lead us on in Jesus, Amen!

Deny And Follow Mon, 12 Jun 2017 10:30:17 +0000 Jesus has a way of straight shooting right to the heart of the matter.  Whether parable or command, His words rest heavy in our minds.  

Here Jesus is explaining that to be His disciple it requires complete surrender.  He’s asking for us to divorce our flesh and all it’s desires.  In our customer-centric consumer society, we have come to believe that the world is designed to feed us our every need.  We are like the sun with an al a carte of needs orbiting for our enjoyment.  Christ must be the center, not us. 

It is impossible to keep this mentality and deny ourselves. We must throw away the old model in exchange for a new one.  What’s the new model?  It’s simple. All our needs find their complete fulfillment in the person and work of Jesus. Christ.  We don’t need 17 different flavors or sizes.  We can be completely content in Him in His perfection. 

Not only are we to deny ourselves, but we are also to follow.  Generally speaking, our world raises up leaders and looks down at followers.   The truth is we all follow someone. I’m not just talking about twitter or Facebook.  We all pattern our life after those we admire. It began when we were just infants.  We must be willing to follow Jesus at all costs.  

This kind of denial and following is likened to losing your life.  You turn over every thought, word, and action.  You were bought for the price of His body and blood.  In light of that truth, the denial and following seems like such a small offering. 


WARNING: You may be convicted if you read on

What evidence is there in your life that you have denied yourself and followed Him?

What do you need to deny that’s currently standing in the way of total surrender?

What is keeping you back from completly following Him?


Father, you are mighty in power and love. You have snatched us from the pit of despair and set us on the rock of Jesus Christ.  Conquer any pride that remains in us that seeks to control our surrender to You.  Let Your truth overcome our flesh, that we may plunge into the depths of faith in Your arms.  May Your name be glorified and our lives be a living sacrifice for You, in Jesus’ name, Amen!

How Must I Live? Thu, 13 Apr 2017 11:32:24 +0000 There is an evil present in me that wars against everything godly, pure , and right.  It seeks to convince me that I can have my cake and eat it too.  It often times floods my ear with phrases like “you deserve it”, “go ahead, you are forgiven, you can do whatever you want”, and “Surely God has not asked you to give up everything”

The whisper of God reminds me that I must be all in; not just on the surface, but every square inch and even the deepest parts of my soul must surrender.  If I’m not willing to leave it all behind and follow, I’m not really following Him. Instead, my affections are divided, somehow believing I can bargain with God.  

Following requires complete abandonment of goals, dreams, and desires of everything this side of life. We must lose our life to keep it. Again the dark voice returns to my ear, “that’s a little extreme don’t you think?”  The answer is “Yes!”   

If we want to talk extreme how about we look at what Jesus surrendered for the sake of the Father…for you. 

“And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.”

~ Philippians 2:8

‭‭He left behind His deity and surrendered everything, including  His connection to the Father.  One my say that kind of love is extreme.  That kind of obedience is extreme.  The cross was extreme.  


Compared to the cross what are you really giving up?

What do you gain when you give your life completely over to God?

Is not being in the wonderful presence of God for all eternity worth any sacrifice?


Open our eyes to see the full measure of our gift in Christ that we may loose all ties to all things in this life and cling to Him.  Let us rightly lose our life that we may keep it in Him, Amen!

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A Different Kind Of Love Thu, 22 Dec 2016 13:09:05 +0000

God’s love is not just an external force that acts upon us but is actually manifested in us. It continues to grow the longer we walk in Him. This marvelous process was made possible by the life and work of Jesus Christ. 
It is a strange thing for us that we might live life through another, specifically through the Word who became flesh, our savior, Jesus.  For our culture has been teaching from a young age about a different love and life.  One of conditions and self promotion.  We know God’s love is different.  

“But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” ~ ‭‭Romans‬ ‭5:8‬ ‭NASB‬‬

There is no greater love than the love of our Father in heaven!

This kind of love can endure the darkest of circumstances and still overflow with joy.  Remember Paul’s assessment: 

 “For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us.” ~ ‭Romans‬ ‭8:18‬ ‭NASB

May the love of God be freely manifested in your heart today; having its way in every area of your life because of the beautiful and selfless work of our Savior Jesus.  Let joy abound in the place of sorrows.  For our hope is secure despite our present circumstances. 


How To Live God’s Word Effectively Fri, 13 May 2016 12:21:03 +0000 It’s no secret that sin exists in each of us.  And its ultimate destination is death with a lot of damage, heartache and pain along the way.  God has a different vision for us; where satan tempts us to fail, God tests us to reveal how He has matured us as well as our constant need for Him.  His desire and destination is that we would be holy as He is holy.

Sin, filthiness, and wickedness zealously work against our pursuit of holiness.  We must lay down our egos that tell us we can manage this darkness, leave behind any trace of corruption, and receive His word implanted, unhindered, and undistorted.

We cannot stop there. Knowing the Word is great but by itself is not fully effective.  We must be doers of the Word and not hearers only.  Yes, we must actually live the it!   In so doing, we prepare ourselves for our mission.  The third part of the great commission says that we are to “teach them to observe all that I have commanded you”.  How can you teach people to observe if you haven’t done it yourself?

Personal Reflection

It’s time to examine your life and see if you are really living what you say you believe.  This is not a time to beat yourself up. Instead it’s a quick assessment so you can get pointed in the right direction and then run.  Have you been harboring any sin?  Now is the time to dump it.  It’s promising comfort and delivering guilt and shame.  The time has come to pursue holiness with everything you have.  This world needs change and God has chosen you as His hands and feet in this world to ignite it.  Get in His Word for yourself today and then live it out. You will NOT regret it!

Prayer Focus

Gracious God, you give us wisdom when we ask, in fact, every good thing and perfect gift is from you.  Father we ask for the perfect gift of humility, that we may not trust in our ability to manage sin, but instead trust in you and your Word which tells us to lay it all aside.  Today, may we cast off the darkness we have held onto too long and run into your marvelous light.  Conform us to the image of your son, that we might bring glory and honor to your Name, in Jesus we pray, Amen!

#knowlivespeakthetruth #dumpsinpursueholiness #truthtalk4life


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