Light – Brian Friedl Making Your Life's Mission Possible Thu, 07 Jun 2018 15:23:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 64732294 What’s So Special About 960? Mon, 30 Jan 2017 12:19:35 +0000 The recommended amount of sleep per night is typically quoted at 8 hours.  This leaves 960 minutes free for the using.  So how are you going to use them?  Changing diapers, working, or surfing the web, maybe?   Regardless of whether you choose or not, the minutes are always expiring. 

If you are a believer, you were rescued from sin and death for a reason.  Had you not been saved, you would have spent an ETERNITY apart from God.  I don’t know about you, but to me, eternity is a long time.  960 minutes is a drop in the bucket compared to eternity.  Actually, our entire life is also. We were given an eternity with Him!

If we are going to live the life of joy that God has prepared for us, we must take the 960 minutes and live them out intentionally for Him.  We cannot just merely let the minutes come to their death unproductively.  To do so is to not understand our purpose. Each one was designed for His glory.  Let’s use them for that very purpose. 


  1. Have you been a good steward of your time?
  2. Do you know your purpose and are you living it out?
  3. What steps are you going to take today to glorify God in every minute?


Father forgive us for not seeing the opportunity you have given us in each of these minutes.  Transition or thinking, habits, and schedules, that we may glorify You in every moment.  May our time be walked out in a wise manner filled with light, purpose, and fruit for You. We love You and thank You in Jesus’ Name, Amen!

#truthtalk4life #knowlivespeaktruthinlove


Abstain To Expose Mon, 06 Jun 2016 11:05:49 +0000 As Christians and children of light, we are to walk in the light bearing the fruit of goodness, light, and truth.  When we see “even expose them” we might be prone to think that we have to run to dark places and call them out and sometimes that may be the case, but think about how light works for a moment.    It exposes darkness because it is being light, not because it is drawing attention to darkness.  Wherever there is light darkness is exposed. Be the light as God intended.

Exposing darkness can be as simple as not choosing to participate in something.  I remember while I was in college, a group my friends would go to a grill your own steak place whenever one of us had a birthday. Most of us had been friends since kindergarten and we enjoyed sharing tons of memories together.  After supper; however some of them decided they were going to go an adult club.  Myself and another friend abstained from participating.  This created some tension and peer pressure but also gave opportunity to speak to the value of women in God’s eyes even without saying a word.  Exposing darkness can happen with a small flashlight; it doesn’t always need a flood lamp or lighthouse.

Personal Reflection

What opportunities has God given you to walk as a child of light?  Are there things you can shine light on or abstain from to expose darkness?  Pray that God would give you eyes to see.

Prayer Focus

Holy Father, we thank you that you have made us your children of the light.  May we shine your glory for all to see.   My darkness dwindle and may your righteousness, goodness and truth reign now and forevermore, Amen!

#shinegodslight #childrenofthelight #truthtalk4life


How To Live God’s Word Effectively Fri, 13 May 2016 12:21:03 +0000 It’s no secret that sin exists in each of us.  And its ultimate destination is death with a lot of damage, heartache and pain along the way.  God has a different vision for us; where satan tempts us to fail, God tests us to reveal how He has matured us as well as our constant need for Him.  His desire and destination is that we would be holy as He is holy.

Sin, filthiness, and wickedness zealously work against our pursuit of holiness.  We must lay down our egos that tell us we can manage this darkness, leave behind any trace of corruption, and receive His word implanted, unhindered, and undistorted.

We cannot stop there. Knowing the Word is great but by itself is not fully effective.  We must be doers of the Word and not hearers only.  Yes, we must actually live the it!   In so doing, we prepare ourselves for our mission.  The third part of the great commission says that we are to “teach them to observe all that I have commanded you”.  How can you teach people to observe if you haven’t done it yourself?

Personal Reflection

It’s time to examine your life and see if you are really living what you say you believe.  This is not a time to beat yourself up. Instead it’s a quick assessment so you can get pointed in the right direction and then run.  Have you been harboring any sin?  Now is the time to dump it.  It’s promising comfort and delivering guilt and shame.  The time has come to pursue holiness with everything you have.  This world needs change and God has chosen you as His hands and feet in this world to ignite it.  Get in His Word for yourself today and then live it out. You will NOT regret it!

Prayer Focus

Gracious God, you give us wisdom when we ask, in fact, every good thing and perfect gift is from you.  Father we ask for the perfect gift of humility, that we may not trust in our ability to manage sin, but instead trust in you and your Word which tells us to lay it all aside.  Today, may we cast off the darkness we have held onto too long and run into your marvelous light.  Conform us to the image of your son, that we might bring glory and honor to your Name, in Jesus we pray, Amen!

#knowlivespeakthetruth #dumpsinpursueholiness #truthtalk4life


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The Greater And The Lesser Tue, 22 Mar 2016 11:00:09 +0000 As I was driving home this morning it hit me that the moon and sun are similar to the law of sin and death and the law of the Spirit of life in Christ.

The moon reflects and points to a greater light.  It is not capable of extinguishing darkness.  Even on the brightest night there is still darkness present.  In the same way, even in our best attempt the law merely reminds us that darkness is present and we need a greater light.

O but what joy comes in the morning!  The darkness cannot hide from the light of the Son!  He has conquered death and all its chains. We are free indeed!

Personal Reflection

Spend time today reflecting on the freedom you have in Christ.  You are no longer under the law, but under grace. You are free to obey and live in the Spirit!  Let go of the mechanical attempts to obey and love the LORD your God and you will find obedience not to be a burden but a blessing!

Prayer Focus

Father we praise you in all your glory, for you have sent your Son, the greater light as a propitiation for our sin, once and for all conquering death and e to guiding darkness. We shout your victory from the rooftops to all who will hear. Great is your Holy Name! It’s in that Name we pray, Amen!


#Jesusisgreater #nomoredarkness #truthtalk4life

Practice Truth, Live In The Light Wed, 27 Jan 2016 14:49:23 +0000 john 3 20-21









Brothers and sisters, we are deceived if we believe that we can live with a little darkness. Scripture tells us the following about God:

  1. For God is light and in Him is no darkness at all (1 John 1:5b)
  2. God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth (John 4:24)

If we love God, let us run from darkness into the light.  For today’s passage clearly states that anyone who does evil (darkness) hates the light (God)  and does not come into the light, that his darkness may be exposed.  Friends there is no fence riding with God. We must abandon the idea that we can manage our sin.  For sin cannot be managed and results in hatred toward God.  Participating in darkness causes us to question our identity as a child of God and produces a desire to hide, just as it did with Adam in Eve in the garden.  Praise God for our advocate in Jesus Christ as the depths of this truth penetrates us and transforms us to lovers of light.

I love the contrast found in verse 21.  “But he who practices the truth comes into the light that his deeds may be manifested as having been wrought in God”.  Notice the focus is not on self, but glorifying God.  We don’t walk in the light so that other see that we are doing so.  Instead we care about the very name of God and bringing Him glory and honor, presenting our bodies as a living sacrifice that others may see how amazing our God is. Obedience is an extension of love and worship.  When we choose to rightly take our eyes off of ourselves, focus on Christ, worship Him, and practice truth, two things happen

  • We realize all we need has already been given to us in Jesus.  Darkness cannot draw anyone in who believes they have everything they need in the light.
  • We are not afraid of the light, but instead rejoice in it as we know that it brings honor and glory to God.  1 John 1:7  reminds us that if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another and the blood of Jesus His son cleanses us from all sin.

So where are you at this morning?  Are you trying to manage a little darkness in your life? Have you been trying to hide from the light because of one area of your life?  Are you feeling disqualified as an ambassador of Christ? What is holding you back from believing that what God provided in Christ was everything you needed?

Lord God, we pray this morning that you would help us in our unbelief.  Remind us of the countless times that you have provided for your people.  Specifically, help us to grasp the magnitude of your complete provision in Christ for us.  Transform our hearts to worship and glorify you.  Give us a desire to LIVE(practice) the Truth in the light. Remove any obstacles that we have allowed to hold us back from trusting in your complete provision, in the Name of Jesus, Amen!
