Christian living

How To Express Wisdom

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Wisdom is designed to be expressed.  We are not to just become huge storehouses of wisdom that dispense nuggets when asked.  We are in fact to live out the Godly wisdom we have received.  And what does it look like?   Good behavior.  When wisdom from above has its way it results in good behavior. […]

Christian living

Be Good For Goodness Sake

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   It can be so frustrating watching people who cheat the systems of life and seem to be getting ahead.  Take heart for a man will reap what he sows.  Surface goodness with a wicked heart will soon be exposed and those who have truly delighted in the Lord will be given the desires of […]

Christian living

Come, Taste, and See!

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  One of the things I love about God is that He is always initiating relationship.  He could have just said, you deserve death and zapped us; which would have been totally justifiable, but instead, He went to the absolute extreme and demonstrated His love for me that while I was a sinner Jesus died […]

Christian living

Abstain To Expose

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As Christians and children of light, we are to walk in the light bearing the fruit of goodness, light, and truth.  When we see “even expose them” we might be prone to think that we have to run to dark places and call them out and sometimes that may be the case, but think about […]