find – Brian Friedl Making Your Life's Mission Possible Sat, 10 Jun 2017 11:54:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 64732294 Hide And Seek Sat, 10 Jun 2017 11:54:52 +0000 One of my favorite games to play is hide and seek.  The thrill of being the last one found or quickly finding others is an adrenaline rush for me. I remember playing in the dark one night with our oldest 7 kids.  I had gone to the trouble of climbing a set of shelves and hiding on top of a window box.  I thought for sure my daughter would eventually give up.  It was the better part of an hour but she finally found me.  
Several observations can be made from this illustration in light of this passage.  

  1.  God chooses who to conceal or reveal Himself to. We must seek Him with our whole heart to find Him. 
  2. He knows who genuinely seeks Him and those who confesses with their lips but their hearts are from from Him. 
  3. We must be persistent in our seeking of Him.  Those who seek, find, when their hearts are all in and they don’t give up. 

So how do you seek Him with your whole heart?  You must understand your condition apart from Him.  Scripture says, “apart from Me you can do nothing” (John 15:5) and “you were dead in your trespasses..for it is by grace, through faith, you are saved”  (Eph 2:1,8) If you are unable to save yourself you must go looking for another solution.  Not just browsing but searching diligently with all that you are. Your life depends on it!

And when the Lord shows you the absolute perfection in what He has done for you, your eyes will be opened and the game of hide and seek will be over.  What a glorious moment in your life!   For You have found your Savior! 


Are you seeking after God with all of your heart or have you lost your passion?

Read Ephesians 2:1-10 and then set a plan to read through all four gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John).  Take notes every time you see something Jesus did for you.  After each reading go for a walk or get to a quiet place to just mediatate on what God has done for you.  What a great opportunity to worship!


Father, thank you for all you have done!  We know that apart from Christ we can do nothing. We praise You for sending Him to us, for taking our punishment, and for conquering our sin!  Give us a heart that seeks after You with a zeal and passion that is unwavering.  May we find you in all Your glory.  In Jesus’ name we pay, Amen!
