Faith – Brian Friedl Making Your Life's Mission Possible Fri, 13 Apr 2018 17:48:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 64732294 What To Fear Fri, 13 Apr 2018 13:07:10 +0000 The last week has been like one of those dreams playing out where stuff is happening but you’re unable to move your body to react. One of my good friends is laying in a bed at a hospital that thinks he’s not worth wasting the blood and plasma on. They refused to do an organ transplant even though someone direct donated a liver and kidneys. My gut aches thinking through this and writing it.

Two words come to mind as they often do, “But God”. Though man, in his finite wisdom, seeks to play God, he will never be God. Two impossible surgeries have already been completely successfully. The stage is set for God to move. We’re in the final 2 minutes of the fourth quarter. All eyes are watching.

Though it appears that Jesus is sleeping while the storm is raging, He has all of us in His hands and at the perfect time, He will move forward His perfect plan. We need not try to wake him up in a panic. He has this!

At the end of the passage, Jesus asks them “Why are you afraid? Do you still have no faith?” The end result was still fear but instead of fearing the world they feared the Savior of the world.


Read Mark 4:35-42

What storm is is raging for you?

What would it look like if you let Him sleep trusting that His plan was perfect and fearing Him?


Father in heaven, thank You that You never leave us or forsake us. Thank you we need not panic. For You hold all things in Your hand and You are carrying out Your perfect will. Help us to trust and fear you instead of the raging storms of this life, in Jesus’ name, Amen!




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Have We Forgotten The Victory? Mon, 15 Jan 2018 14:31:08 +0000 Last night my children and I went to an event our church sponsored at a local Rec Center. The Saints vs. Vikings game was on and I’m not a fan of either team. As we played in the gym, I could hear the emotions being shouted from the room next door.

The cheering and laughter reached its peak at one point, and the gym filled with elated Vikings fans. There was no need to ask what happened as all of them began to tell of the last moments of the game. I heard things like “Never give up”, “You gotta pay attention!”, and “You’ll” have to catch it on replay”.

I began thinking about how watching a game on replay is different since you already know the outcome. My mind then wandered to how the Christian life is kind of like that. We already know the ultimate outcome. During a replay, you are still tempted to ride an emotional rollercoaster, but the knowledge of victory grounds us.

Should this not also be the case in the Christian life? When we see the LORD’s name being profaned? When babies are being slaughtered without regard? When marriage has lost its sacred design? Have we forgotten that Christ’s FINISHED work on the cross has purchased our freedom and guaranteed our victory for all eternity? We need not put our hope in the systems of this world. We are children of the One True Living God who has sealed His promise of victory with the Holy Spirit that lives in us.

While we may be tempted, we must remember we know the ending of this story. We need not get emotionally distraught. We may feel behind “in the game” of life, but the game is not over yet. Hold fast to the One we know has the victory. We don’t know what will happen tomorrow, but we do know that when this life is over, our Victory is sure in Him!


Spend some time searching for verses that confirm victory is the LORD’s.

Meditate on what that means for you.

Ask The Holy Spirit to remind you swiftly of Jesus’ victory when you are getting lost in the emotion of the struggle.


Father, You are seated on the throne and have the victory! May our minds be grounded in that love-driven Victory, that we may bring You honor and glory in every thought and action. Guard our minds from the temptation to fear the waves. Instead fix our eyes on Jesus, that we may see Your perfect love cast out that fear and lead us on to victory in Him. Amen!

All In Sun, 01 Oct 2017 11:17:30 +0000 Our faith is more than just thoughts in our head to feel good.  It’s an unwavering internal conviction in our heart that overflows to our mouth in the form of public confession of who Jesus is and what He has done.  In do so we, willingly, identify ourselves as His followers; come what may. 

An internal change only with no public confession communicates something other than joy.  How could we receive the marvelous gift of eternal life and not confess, shout and praise the One who gave it to us?  

Not only is it an opportunity to praise Him but it also invites an accountability from others in the body of Christ.  It establishes the seriousness of you presenting your body as a living sacrifice to the LORD.  It confirms you are “All In”.  No flying under the radar, playing Christian, or hanging our in the Christian country club.  You are His!


Are you hiding your faith from some who would ridicule you?

In what areas and to whom can you live and speak your faith where God has you right now?

God has given you a spirit of boldness to be a minister of reconciliation.  Walk in that spirit.  


LORD, You are worthy to be praised. We rejoice that our hearts know You and Your mercy so much so that we want to scream from the rooftops Your mighty deeds.  Give us a boldness to change the world for You with Your love. In Jesus, Amen!

The Greatest Of These Is Love Sat, 26 Aug 2017 12:33:23 +0000 Over 20 years ago now, a young man and woman were joined in matrimony.  Their theme verse was 1 Corinthians 13:13.  I suppose at the time that verse was picked be cause it’s a “good wedding verse” and it looked great on the church banners they made for the ceremony.  In truth, we desired love as it was defined in the Bible.  The unconditional; for better or worse kind of love. 

Certainly our years together facing challenges and celebrating triumphs have tested every facet of our faith, hope, and love.  I can concur that the greatest of these is love.  My bride has demonstrated to me love whether I’m at my best or worst.  She has stayed by my side and built me up when I was crushed.  She’s loved me silently when I didn’t feel like talking.  She has always been there right by my side.  What a gift from God she has been to me!

So this is way more than a good wedding verse, it is an amazing life of love in the Father’s love; one we can choose to partake in with one another.  I’m so thankful for my sweet bride who has chosen to do so and bless me richly.  I can only hope to return this blessing.  


Take some time to ponder the great love with which our Father in heaven loves us. Check out romans 5:8, John 3:16 and so many others!

What relationships can you pour that love over into?  Your marriage? Your family?  Your friends?

Start today loving others as God has loved you.  


Father you have given us faith, hope, and love and the command to abide in these three.  Equip us to do that to change the world for Your glory.  Let Your love have its way in our hearts that others may come to know You.  In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen!

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How To Get Wisdom Wed, 28 Jun 2017 12:03:08 +0000 Does anyone else feel like there is a lack of wisdom these days?  This can be seen in those around us as well as ourselves. On the other hand, there is an increase in arrogance and self reliance.  

The war against pride that takes place in our minds is one of the greatest battles we will face.  For wisdom is not only comprised of knowledge and experience, but also requires humility.  No one is born wise.  We must humble ourselves to gain wisdom because it doesn’t come from within. For when we think we know, we are unable to receive anything new. 

Where does true wisdom come from?  The one who knows all things and holds all things together, God, Himself.  He was here before the world began and spoke all things into being. For who knows more than Him?

In addition to humility, we must ask in faith.  It is by that faith, that our eyes are open to truth, wisdom, and the secret of joy in this life. When we doubt, we are no longer moving in a direction of truth and wisdom, but instead are randomly shifting back and forth with no course or destination.  

How great is our God that He generously gives us wisdom when we ask in faith!!!


Are you depending on God for wisdom or on yourself?

Are you doubting the LORD’s provision or trusting in faith without doubting. 

Confess if needed and pray that God would magnify your belief, squash your doubt and pride, and fill you with His wisdom!


Heavenly Father, You are wisdom as much as You are love.  You are all knowing, everpresent, and all powerful. Even the wind and waves obey You. Would you please help our unbelief, get rid of any of our doubts and the pride that entangled us, and fill us with Your wisdom? We ask all this that we may glorify You in all we think, say, and do.  In Jesus’ name, Amen!

How To Change The World in 3 Steps Mon, 23 Jan 2017 12:18:50 +0000 This weekend I was driving the 15-passenger family van home from Wisconsin, when my daughter questioned me about whether we were going to help this homeless person on the street. I scanned the street to determine her location and excitedly answered “Yes!” Quickly, I asked for two sandwiches we had made for the trip and a bottle of water then glanced over my shoulder and made my move across a busy lane of traffic  pulling up next to her.  She seemed a little unsure so I motioned for to her to come over. When she saw the homemade sandwiches in my hand, her face lit up.  I shared “May God bless you”.  “God bless you too” she replied. It was only a moment shared, but as I looked at her weathered face, I could see the love had been received. Traffic had already backed up, so I was on my way.

The top 2 questions I get asked are, “How do I share my faith?” And “How do I change the world?” This would often be called our testimony.  While each person has there own unique story that needs to be told, the substance of the story is really God’s rescue mission of us.  You can attend classes, seminars, and workshops that help you formulate a plan and craft your story, and that’s great;   However, people really want to see the impact your relationship with God has had on you.  We can have the greatest story in the world and without action it is just another story. 

There were hundreds of cars passing by this woman on the street with drivers looking away assuming someone else will help or citing how “these people” are making thousands of dollars per year.   Did she need words or judgement in that moment?   My daughter saw that she was hungry physically and spiritually.  Our testimony is not only words but also actions.  There are 3 actions that come to mind that communicate our faith and change the world. 


What really has the power to grab our attention, cast out fear and cover a multitude of sins? Only love. Love has the power to do something that the 4 spiritual laws can’t. It pierces the depths of a person’s soul and shatters the need and notions of performance, leaving us to make a decision to fully trust our beautiful Savior or still cling to our own efforts. You want to share your faith? Then bathe in the Father’s love and love others with that same love. 


Serving others is something all of us can do.  You don’t have to have the right words.  One of the most powerful ways we tell our story is by loving others through acts of service.  It can be as simple as holding the door for someone or sharing a smile with them. The are literally hundreds of ways to serve.  Connect with your Pastor and ask where service is needed.  Don’t be surprised if he says taking out the trash. No job is too small.    Jesus found it pleasing to wash His disciples feet.  Serving is contagious and is a catalyst for more acts of service, but more importantly, it is part of sharing our faith with others and changing our world. 


I don’t want to make light of your personal testimony.  You know who and what you were before you had an encounter with Christ.  You also know what God has done since.  Praise Him for all of His work!    You can share that story without a ton of prepwork. This story needs to be told, but we don’t have to run from person to person with a drive thru version making sure we get a confession from them. 

Be willing to invest the time to bring others along with you on your journey. Share with them the areas  where God has taught you.  We are commanded to teach others to observe all that he commanded us.  This implies that we are applying and learning these commands ourselves.  Discipleship takes time. It means walking with others, helping pick them up when they fall down.  You may experience disappointment, sadness and grief.  

So there you have it. You want to share your faith and change the world?  Be ready to invest and start loving, serving, and discipline today.  You may have the opportunity to only do one of these steps with someone you meet, but in all things be about Your Father in heaven and His work.  For He has done a mighty work in you; share it in word and deed!

#truthtalk4life #knowlivespeaktruthinlove


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Faith In His Promises Mon, 09 Jan 2017 05:46:52 +0000 I love these words our Savior has instructed us; they remind us of the unmatched power our our Father in heaven.  With God it’s not a matter of “if  it’s possible” but that “all things are possible.”

There have been times where life has brought me so low, I couldn’t even see up.  My faith was there, but due to prolonged difficult circumstances, it was weakened. I cried out to God,  “I believe but help me in my unbelief.”  I poured over His promises in scripture as a lifeline for my faith and He heard my cry. He faithfully answered and led me through.  For He was with me through flood and flame and I neither drowned nor burned.  This is faith and even that is a gift. 

The power of faith is fueled by His promises and expands every moment we seek Him with our whole heart and watch for Him to work.  Cry out to Him today. Ask Him to help you in your unbelief. Seek Him diligently in His word, and look for His faithful hand.  Faith changes everything from the inside out!

#truthtalk4life #knowlivespeaktruthinlove

Make sure to share this on your Facebook and use these hashtags to reach as many as you can with God’s amazing word!


How To Share The Gospel Sun, 01 Jan 2017 13:16:54 +0000
As I studied our passage in Colossians 1:1-8, I was struck by the word INCREASING; the word “Auxano” in Greek. Jesus used this word in Mt 13:32 and Mark 4:8. It reminded me that God is interested in Growth…Not just Growth in numbers, Not growth of buildings. The growing in relationship and bearing of genuine “fruit” that is brought forth through the power of the Gospel. 

Sometimes we get so hung up on “How do we share the Gospel?” question that we miss the fact that if we believe the Gospel to be true and we pursue relationship with Christ, He will bring forth the fruit and He transforms us to be the evidence of His Gospel. 

 The Gospel has the power to transform, do we? Have we forgotten that the Gospel is the power of God for salvation to everyone who believes, to the Jew first and also to the Greek. (Rom 1:16) I don’t remember reading anything about our abilities to share the Gospel as having any impact on increasing (auxano) the kingdom. 

 I firmly believe that if you want to be “better” at sharing the Gospel and being ready in season and out of season to share it, you must pursue your relationship with Christ as if your life depended on it, because it does. The more you seek Him through study, prayer, and service, the more you will see His fruit through you, the more the Gospel will be shared…not because you came with your strategy, but because God has faithfully transformed you in the likeness of his Son, your joint heir…

May you pursue Christ this year as if your life depends on it because it does!

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Faith Not Fear Wed, 28 Dec 2016 13:55:30 +0000 Fear has been said to be one of the greatest motivators.  I’m not convinced that’s healthy motivation.  We all fear at times and some are greater than others.  Fears usually come from bad experiences and cause falsely placed dependencies.  

Perhaps you had an abusive father, brother or some other male in your life.  This may even bring discomfort thinking of God as our Father.  Maybe you were ridiculed after a speech you gave in the 4th grade and now you are deathly afraid of speaking in front of others.  

Fear doesn’t feel good and stresses your physical body as well so it’s only natural that we seek to avoid it whenever possible.   The Lord; however, has a way of bringing us to a place where fear must be challenged.  We can see this with David, Esther, Peter, Gideon and many others. 

So what’s the solution to fear?  Is it for us to falsely depend on ourselves and trust no one? Certainly not!  God tells us not to fear because HE IS WITH US.  We no longer need to fear anything in this life or the life to come.  The uncontended power of our God was witnessed at the cross and tomb with Christ’s death and resurrection.  He will strengthen and uphold us!

Read the Old Testament and you find that He was faithful and claimed Israel as His people and He chose to be their God.  Read the New Testament and we find that God is faithful and has rescues all who call upon His name.  

What are you facing today that seems impossible?  Are you paralyzed by fear of some kind?  Trust in God today for even the wind and waves obey Him.  Nothing is impossible with Him!



Provision And Praise Mon, 26 Dec 2016 12:03:34 +0000
The shepherds chose to trust in God’s provision and went to see the thing that was told to them (Luke 2:15).  Trusting and obeying meant they got to get one of the first glances of their Lord and Savior.   

It also meant an increase in their faith and knowledge that God is who He says He is and that He will keep His promises. For we are all learning to trust in our Father’s provision for us. 

There is one other observation in this account.  Truth about our Savior cannot be kept to themselves.  

“When they had seen this, they made known the statement which had been told them about this Child.” ~ ‭Luke‬ ‭2:17‬ ‭NASB‬‬

It’s as if truth is a raging river that flows wherever God’s momentum carries it.  The powerful force erodes lies and continues to change everything in its path. But rivers don’t stop; they keep carrying on all of what’s been gathered thus far.  They fill every nook and cranny the come in contact with. 
So why did the shepherd go back, glorifying and praising God for all they had heard and seen?  They had witnessed and participated in the work of God!  How amazing that God chose these lowly shepherds as His mouthpiece to announce The birth of our Savior!
The same is true today when we go to the cross, hear, and see the mighty work Jesus has done there. God uses the lowly (us) to carry His good news. Let our mouths be filled with proclaiming the provision of our Father in heaven. May His truth flood the nations and may He be glorified!

