comfort – Brian Friedl Making Your Life's Mission Possible Sat, 12 May 2018 11:34:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 64732294 Preacher Within Fri, 22 Sep 2017 09:32:28 +0000 There have been times in my life where I have felt all alone.  Most of the time I wasn’t really alone but instead was deceived by the enemy, but the aloneness felt so real. In those moments, especially, my spirit hungered for truth while my flesh was in anguish.  

Where was my comfort?  Where was my strength when my bones ached with sorrow?  The deception and darkness was so great that I couldn’t see the light and refused to seek counsel. Who would rescue my from my despair?

We know the Holy Spirit has many roles including being a helper, comforter and teacher reminding us of God’s instruction:

“But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said to you.”  ~ ‭‭John‬ ‭14:26‬ ‭NASB‬‬

But what do we do when even He seems far off?There are times where the only thing we have to cling to is God’s word and His promises so we must preach to, and comfort ourselves with His word. 


Brothers and sisters, we must be ready for these times!   We know not when these times of drought will happen.  His word must be implanted in our memory so as to be ready for preaching to ourselves in any occasion. 

Get a reading plan today and begin storing up the treasures of His word.  For it is this powerful truth that will comfort us in the time of trial. 


Gracious Father, You have given us everything we need to walk according to Your way.  Fill us with Your word that we may be revived according to Your lovingkindness.  In those times of deception, May we preach Your word to ourselves that our countenance and vision would be restored.  We love You LORD, in Jesus, Amen

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Encouragement For The Tired Soul Thu, 26 Jan 2017 10:57:48 +0000 Doing the good work our Father in heaven  prepared for us to walk in can be very draining.   When you invest in the lives of others and bear their burdens, the potential exists for our bodies and minds to take a beating.  

We must make sure that the fuel for your ministry isn’t just your strength or skill.  Knowledge of the Father’s love and the eternal comfort He has given us is like and endless supply of food and water as we minister in the desert. 

I love the phrase “good hope”.  There are many choices for the objects of our hope. I hope that snow only falls on grass.  Somehow it never does.  I hoped the Packers would win. Where did that get me?  The hope we have in our salvation, through Christ,  cannot be compared with any earthly hope.  For it is always good and results is righteousness. It is a hope that never disappoints but instead is always increasing faith, more hope, and love.  We have that hope because of God’s marvelous grace.  Remember this was given to us while we were yet sinners(Rom. 5:8 NASB). How much more hope do we have now that we are children of God and see His goodness!

One other quick observation: Paul prays for hearts to be comforted and strengthened in every good work and word.  The goodness of God should be spurring us on to good words and deeds.  How can we contain the goodness of God?  For it was designed to fill us to overflowing; hat others may be filled to overflowing and so on.  

May your hearts be comforted and strengthened today as you work for Him in word and in deed!

#truthtalk4life #knowlivespeaktruthinlove


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Strength In Trials Sun, 22 Jan 2017 11:15:20 +0000 Recently, I reinjured my back.  The last time this happened, I was down for over 10 months. The longevity was mostly due to ignorance and loss of hope. While I firmly believe that that every test comes with a blessing, it gets harder to hold on to that truth when you are living in pain 24/7 and not sleeping. 

Examining some compononents of dealing with pain can be a helpful in preparing us to be ready. At some point we will all experience pain. 

Trials are always revealing our character.  We can hold it together for quite some time in our own strength but when there is prolonged pain our true self makes it way to the surface.  Rather than “manning up”, I’m going to keep my strength grounded completely in Christ this time.  

Temptation to numb the pain is incredibly appealing during times of prolonged pain.  There is really only on thing that will truly comfort and that is God in all three persons.  Every other substitute is like a drug that promises comfort but comes with a long list of side effects. 

We must not waver or justify “comforters” other than Christ.  There are many great tools that can and should be used, but make sure your affections are rightly placed on thanking the One who is responsible for the provision of those tools. 

Prayer is powerful weapon in times of trial and We are not alone in wielding it.  Look in Romans 8:26

“In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words;” 

The Spirit intercedes on our behalf.  Remember, we are never alone in the trial!   We also find that not only the Spirit but also The Son intercedes on our behalf (Romans 8:34)

who is the one who condemns? Christ Jesus is He who died, yes, rather who was raised, who is at the right hand of God, who also intercedes for us.”

He intercedes in regard to our salvation and continues to do so; making us inseparable from His overflowing love.  

And what familiar passage is sandwiched between these two wonderful truths?  None other than Romans 8:28

“And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”

So is the pain present? YES, strong as ever, but not as strong as my God who is at work in me.  Some good will come of this pain.  I will be lifted by the intercessions of the Spirit and the Son.  He will be my comforter, my shield and my refuge!

#truthtalk4life #knowlicespeaktruthinlove


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How To Deal With Hurt Thu, 12 May 2016 19:13:21 +0000 As a parent to 22 children, I can say I’ve seen a squabble or two.  When you have broken people from eleven different families merged together,  plus your own brokenness, there’s bound to be conflict.

Recently my two boys were wrestling on the trampoline. It got a little rough; one of them ended up getting thrown off and bumped his head.  This moved him to a place of vengeance coming after his brother. Took about 20 to 25 minutes to disarm and settle down. Had I not intervened, more damage most likely would have been done.

When it comes to the family of God, the same thing can happen, even as adults.  People can sometimes get a little rough and end up hurting one another.  Despite this reality, the church body is critical and part of God’s plan of redemption and our growth (See Ephesians 4).

If you’ve had an injury from the church as I have had, you may be tempted to take out your vengeance.  I urge you instead of repaying evil for evil, do good to your brothers and sisters.  For perhaps God is teaching you the truth that vengeance is His. For when we repay with evil we simply do more damage. We do not restore anything, God desires restoration and wants us to desire it also.  The verse above is sandwiched between appreciating those who lead and that familiar passage of rejoicing and praying without ceasing.

Personal Reflection

No doubt that following the Lord’s instruction takes rejoicing and prayer.  You see when we are hurt we usually shift our focus to ourselves and thereby skewing our perspective.  We stop rejoicing, start complaining and devise plans of revenge or watch and wait for whoever wronged us to fail.  Sometimes, we even invite others to take our side and are used as Satan’s instrument to divide the family of God. Put an end to the evil by desiring restoration, rejoice in all that the LORD has done for you, and pray without ceasing that your focus would be there.  You will not heal if you are clinging to your hurt like a security blanket and hurt never comforts. God does!

Prayer Focus

LORD help us to let go of the chains of hurt that bind us and corrupt our desires.  May we find forgiveness and release at the cross. Draw our eyes to you and all of what you have done for us.  Let our lips overflow with your praises! May we desire restoration, rejoice, and pray without ceasing; In Jesus’ Name, Amen!


#forgiveness #novengeance #truthtalk4life

What’s Your Platform? Mon, 08 Feb 2016 17:12:04 +0000 These were the first two verses of scripture I memorized.  As a matter of fact I memorized them because that’s what I thought being a Christian was about; performing, memorizing and impressing others.  Years later, I saw that God was preparing me for healing in the midst of great trials and that He was using my suffering as a platform to share His grace and truth.  This verse has continued to shape my ministry for over 25yrs. 

God is our Comforter and when we are comforted by Him, His intention is that the comfort would spill over to others around us as well. Brokenness is not only the reason for our mission but also the platform.  

Few things in this life connect people more closely than suffering.   People come out of the woodwork to help those who have been through a tradgedy. Look at Hurricane Katrina or the Trade Center afte 9/11.   When we endure such great trials, we receive with it a platform to comfort others because we have walked in the shoes of those suffering that same affliction.  

Personal Reflection

Don’t let any suffering go to waste. Make a list of each trial you have been brought through. Sometimes it’s tempting to thank God and then tuck these memories away so we don’t have to remember the pain.   Seek out and find someone who is struggling with something God has brought you through.  Invest in their life and in prayer with/for them.  You will be amazed at the healing God can provide as you walk with others comforting them with the comfort you received from Our Father in heaven. 

Prayer Focus

Gracious God, we pray that you would show us those in need of comfort from the things you have comforted us in. Give us the words to say from your Word that will bring peace to weary souls.  We pray that in all this you would be gloried; in the powerful name of Jesus, Amen!

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