children – Brian Friedl Making Your Life's Mission Possible Thu, 07 Jun 2018 15:23:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 64732294 Not Ashamed, But In Love Fri, 29 Jul 2016 11:38:32 +0000 I remember early on in my walk with God, I would be afraid to talk about My faith.  I’m guessing I thought people would think I’m not intelligent because I believe “those things”.  In essence I was ashamed of the gospel.  

How could I be ashamed of the very thing that rescued me from myself?  The power of pressure to conform in this world is great, but the gospel is greater!  It has the power to change our eternal destiny!  There reached a point where I finally understood that Jesus was my answer to every question.  I was now in love with Jesus and no longer ashamed of Him. 

Personal Reflection 

Are you living your life like you are ashamed of the gospel’s impact in your life?  Do others around you know that you are a follower of Jesus and lover of His gospel?   Get in His Word – it will change you! Maybe it’s time to have your mind fully grasp the truth and power of Jesus’ finished work at the cross.  Christ is now your righteousness.  As God looks at you He sees His beautiful Son.  Let that truth not be contained, but burst forth that it may produce bountiful fruit abundantly!

Prayer Focus

Father, we thank You for the amazing gift of salvation through Your Son. Your ways are perfect and true.  May we never be afraid of sharing the truth of Your word that brings life.  What can man do to us, for we are Your children now. You have sealed this promise with the Holy Spirit.  All glory to You in the name of Jesus, Amen!



Abstain To Expose Mon, 06 Jun 2016 11:05:49 +0000 As Christians and children of light, we are to walk in the light bearing the fruit of goodness, light, and truth.  When we see “even expose them” we might be prone to think that we have to run to dark places and call them out and sometimes that may be the case, but think about how light works for a moment.    It exposes darkness because it is being light, not because it is drawing attention to darkness.  Wherever there is light darkness is exposed. Be the light as God intended.

Exposing darkness can be as simple as not choosing to participate in something.  I remember while I was in college, a group my friends would go to a grill your own steak place whenever one of us had a birthday. Most of us had been friends since kindergarten and we enjoyed sharing tons of memories together.  After supper; however some of them decided they were going to go an adult club.  Myself and another friend abstained from participating.  This created some tension and peer pressure but also gave opportunity to speak to the value of women in God’s eyes even without saying a word.  Exposing darkness can happen with a small flashlight; it doesn’t always need a flood lamp or lighthouse.

Personal Reflection

What opportunities has God given you to walk as a child of light?  Are there things you can shine light on or abstain from to expose darkness?  Pray that God would give you eyes to see.

Prayer Focus

Holy Father, we thank you that you have made us your children of the light.  May we shine your glory for all to see.   My darkness dwindle and may your righteousness, goodness and truth reign now and forevermore, Amen!

#shinegodslight #childrenofthelight #truthtalk4life


Spirit Of Adoption Sat, 30 Jan 2016 15:01:59 +0000 Romans 8.15-16

I remember the first time I was walking with one of my adopted children and introduced him to someone as “my son”.  I was so excited to claim him as mine and let others know also.  The same is true with our relationship with God. He delights in calling us His children.  Sometimes, however; we forget that we are children of God.

Romans 8:15-16 reminds us that we have not received a spirit of fear; instead one of adoption by which we cry out to God intimately as our loving Dad.  Furthermore, It goes on to indicate that the Holy Spirit testifies with our spirit that we are children of God.  Said another way, one of the roles of the Holy Spirit is to remind us that we are God’s children. What better way to remind us than for the Holy Spirit to dwell in us.

What an amazing God we have!

Personal Reflection:

Take some time to reflect on the fact that you were chosen and adopted by God(warts and all as they say).  What does being adopted by God communicate about Him?  What are the benefits of being adopted by God?  What is the role of a child of God (refence 2 cor 5:17-21 and Matthew 28:18-20)

Prayer Focus:

The human process of adoption isn’t all roses and often times is filled with difficulty while healing and maturation is taking place.  The heavenly process of adoption can be the same way.

Abba Father, we love you and thank you for rescuing us from ourselves and the bondage of sin and death.  We are grateful that despite our sin, you gave your son for us that in believing in Him, we may be called your children.  Help our minds to delight completely in you.  Let our hearts be joyful in the love you have shown to us.  Thank you for your Spirit who reminds us in the darkest of times that we are yours!  Give us a heart to those who, like you have chosen to receive children as their own in the process of adoption.  Give them your strength, perseverance and love to freely give to their children. In Christ’s precious name, amen…


#truthtalk4life #adoption #childrenofGod
