alone – Brian Friedl Making Your Life's Mission Possible Thu, 29 Jun 2017 07:51:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 64732294 You Are Not Alone Wed, 16 Jul 2014 12:28:38 +0000 We are not as alone as we think we are.  There can be many reasons why we feel alone.  Perhaps we have been rejected by the world at large.  It could be that we are facing difficult times that seem different than anyone else we know or we don’t want to take a chance on the embarrassment of revealing this struggle.  

It’s very possible that the enemy is trying to get you to believe  that you are alone will distract you from carrying out your mission today.  In any case the truth is: you’re not alone.

I spoke with a gentleman yesterday who was tired and worn from parenting an adopted child that challenges him and his family on a daily basis.  He was ready to give up and felt like he was all alone.   I was encouraged as I shared some of the struggles we have had over the years.  

There have been many days where I’d have like to just throw in the towel and call it quits, but in that moment, someone came along side of me and encouraged me that I’m not alone.  God reminded me that He will be with me to the end of the age (His words).  At other times, the Holy Spirit has reminded me of the very promises in His Word that I am not alone.

The lie of being alone is very real and does take its toll daily on the lives of thousands of people.  I want to challenge you this morning to open your eyes to those around you.  Extinguish the lie of being alone by reaching out and encouraging one another.  Put away your phones, and listen closely to the words, emotions, and facial expressions as people desperately give clues to you about their need for encouragement.

Go be a blessing today and extinguish the lie today… Know, Live, and Speak the Truth!


Heavenly Father, open our eyes to see those around us who are coming along side us as well as those that need someone to come along side them.  Equip us to walk with and encourage them.  Thank you for Your Word, Spirit and people.  In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen!

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