Wisdom – Brian Friedl https://brianfriedl.com Making Your Life's Mission Possible Mon, 30 Dec 2019 13:13:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.3.17 64732294 Critical Growth Plan for 2020 https://brianfriedl.com/critical-growth-plan-for-2020/ Mon, 30 Dec 2019 13:13:37 +0000 http://brianfriedl.com/critical-growth-plan-for-2020/

Daily In His Word

Every year at this time, I build my education and personal development plan. It usually includes training for speaking, social media, business, etc. These may vary from online to in person events all over the US.

The most important component; however, never changes. I read through the Bible at least once per year. It is by far the most critical part of my training and has challenged me to grow more than any other venue.

It equips me to be ready for the enemies attacks. It encourages me when I lose sight of my vision. It reminds me of God’s love for me when I need it most and it builds a storehouse if wisdom.

The pages of His word are more than just content. They are divinely inspired and have the power to transform me through the renewing of my mind.

Every word, phrase, paragraph and book accomplish their work in me. My mind becomes a repository of the Word for the Holy Spirit to call into memory’s in times of need.

If you want 2020 to be the best growth-filled year yet, make sure to include reading His word daily. You can get a copy of the Bible App on your phone and the select a ‘Bible in a year’ plan.

Make the most important step in your personal development this year.





Want to see what God’s word says about your purpose and wake up excited for each new day?

Grab a copy of my new book MISSION POSSIBLE: Living A Life That Matters






Message me for details. Group discounts for 3 or more.

How To Express Wisdom https://brianfriedl.com/how-to-express-wisdom/ Thu, 17 Aug 2017 14:42:37 +0000 http://brianfriedl.com/how-to-express-wisdom/ Wisdom is designed to be expressed.  We are not to just become huge storehouses of wisdom that dispense nuggets when asked.  We are in fact to live out the Godly wisdom we have received. 

And what does it look like?  

Good behavior.  When wisdom from above has its way it results in good behavior. That’s the kind of wisdom I want! How sweet it is when God’s wisdom is experienced by all because one of His children live it out. 

Gentle.  Wisdom is not seeking to be seen as the one who is wise, but instead desires goodness for all its recipients


Get by yourself and ask God to help you examine your intentions. 

Are you desiring true wisdom that is expressed as good to others?

Or are you seeking to be seen as wise?

Are you gentle in wisdom or Do you lord it over others?


Father, humble our hearts and teach us Your wisdom.   Help us to soak it in to the depths of our souls, that it may be the fuel of our good deeds.   May the glory be Yours now and forever more, in Christ, Amen!

How To Get Wisdom https://brianfriedl.com/how-to-get-wisdom/ Wed, 28 Jun 2017 12:03:08 +0000 http://brianfriedl.com/how-to-get-wisdom/ Does anyone else feel like there is a lack of wisdom these days?  This can be seen in those around us as well as ourselves. On the other hand, there is an increase in arrogance and self reliance.  

The war against pride that takes place in our minds is one of the greatest battles we will face.  For wisdom is not only comprised of knowledge and experience, but also requires humility.  No one is born wise.  We must humble ourselves to gain wisdom because it doesn’t come from within. For when we think we know, we are unable to receive anything new. 

Where does true wisdom come from?  The one who knows all things and holds all things together, God, Himself.  He was here before the world began and spoke all things into being. For who knows more than Him?

In addition to humility, we must ask in faith.  It is by that faith, that our eyes are open to truth, wisdom, and the secret of joy in this life. When we doubt, we are no longer moving in a direction of truth and wisdom, but instead are randomly shifting back and forth with no course or destination.  

How great is our God that He generously gives us wisdom when we ask in faith!!!


Are you depending on God for wisdom or on yourself?

Are you doubting the LORD’s provision or trusting in faith without doubting. 

Confess if needed and pray that God would magnify your belief, squash your doubt and pride, and fill you with His wisdom!


Heavenly Father, You are wisdom as much as You are love.  You are all knowing, everpresent, and all powerful. Even the wind and waves obey You. Would you please help our unbelief, get rid of any of our doubts and the pride that entangled us, and fill us with Your wisdom? We ask all this that we may glorify You in all we think, say, and do.  In Jesus’ name, Amen!

Word 👍🏻 https://brianfriedl.com/word-%f0%9f%91%8d%f0%9f%8f%bb/ Sat, 31 Dec 2016 12:32:03 +0000 http://brianfriedl.com/word-%f0%9f%91%8d%f0%9f%8f%bb/ I have been reading God’s word for almost 30yrs now.  There is no writing that has impacted my life more.  Being a skeptic by nature, I have tested every sentence I’ve ever read against life and I have found all of these things to be true. The more I test it the more it’s validity is revealed.  

This book is like no other. Listen to some of the words used to describe it:





Able to judge

You will not experience anything from it unless you submit yourself to the Word and spend time meditating on it.  The transformation that the Bible has the power to deliver is just one of the reasons this book is the bestseller of all times.  If you want an amazing, adventure-filled life, with great hope, get in this book!

Challenge for today:

Pick one of the 66 books in God’s word (Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, proverbs, Psalms, etc) and then begin reading today. Take time away to organize your life by its truths. 
It will shape every aspect of your life; prayer, worldview, and mission. 


Choose Wisely https://brianfriedl.com/choose-wisely/ Sat, 03 Dec 2016 12:19:58 +0000 http://brianfriedl.com/choose-wisely/   
Perhaps one of the greatest predictors of a healthy and mature walk with Christ is who we surround ourselves with.  It is our responsibility to have dominion over the thoughts and ideas vying for space in our minds and hearts, whether that be in media or in human form.  

We must choose carefully, who we allow access to shape our minds and hearts.  We are either progressing toward wisdom and maturity or foolishness and harm.  

For those of you with wise counsel, send a them a quick text or message of thanks today.  For those seemingly lacking in wise counsel. Seek out a solid Bible-believing and grace-filled church.  Get to know the elders and pastors and begin to walk surrounded with good counsel from God’s word. 

Where Is Truth?  https://brianfriedl.com/where-is-truth/ Mon, 25 Jul 2016 12:42:38 +0000 http://brianfriedl.com/where-is-truth/   
My mind has always been curious and wanting to understand how everything works. Yes I was that annoying student in class that occupied the teacher as she answered all my questions.  When I first read the Bible in between my freshmen and sophomore year, I couldn’t get enough!

The more I read the more I understood myself, others around me, and who God is.   I was finally getting answers to my questions that others seemed to have a hard time answering.  Questions like what is my purpose in this world?  Why is there so much suffering?  How do I have hope in the midst of my struggle?  I’m not the only one who has discovered this

You want the ultimate answer book to life’s biggest questions?   You probably already own 2-3 copies.  It’s time to read it and start getting some answers.  

Personal Reflection

Warning: direct questions forthcoming

If you compare your hours in scripture this week to hours in front of the TV, how does it line up?

Do you believe with all your heart that The Bible is the ultimate place of truth? 

Do you have a genuine desire for God’s Word?

This is not the time to spend the rest of the day feeling guilty.  It the time to fix your priorities and start knowing, living, and speaking the truth!  There is is so much life waiting for you in there.  Take it in and let it shape you like you do with your TV.  

Prayer Focus
Father we have all prioritized other things above Your word. For this we confess that we have been distracted.  Fill our hearts with a desire for Your word that is unwavering. May our minds be filled with truth that blesses those around us and shows them who You are.  All this by the power of Jesus, Amen!



https://brianfriedl.com/769-2/ https://brianfriedl.com/769-2/#comments Mon, 18 Jul 2016 09:25:10 +0000 http://brianfriedl.com/769-2/   

One of my favorite past times at night is walking outside and stargazing at the handiwork of our Creator. There seems to be an infinite arrangement of beauty. Over forty years, every time I look I see something new. 

Our Creator Himself is like this. He has depth beyond depth of knowledge and wisdom.  We couldn’t possibly explore it all even in all the time we have been given on the planet. Yet I desire to try. 

Have you ever stopped to consider the magnitude of God’s providence and the level of knowledge and details required.  It blows my mind to think of all of what God created, sustains, and reconciles to Himself!

Personal Reflection

Take some time today to think about as many experiences as possible that led you to faith as well as grown your faith. All the others lives intertwined with yours at just the right time to feed and nourish you. What a huge blessing!

Prayer Focus

Father, thank you for your majesty and infinite knowledge and wisdom.  For when we ask for wisdom you give it liberally and faithfully to no end.  Let us seek You with our whole hearts that we may walk in your wisdom, truth and Spirit in Jesus’ Name, Amen!

https://brianfriedl.com/769-2/feed/ 1 769
Simple Truth https://brianfriedl.com/simple-truth/ Tue, 12 Jul 2016 11:01:05 +0000 http://brianfriedl.com/simple-truth/   
Such a simple truth. We will reap whatever we sow.  Whether that be iniquity or blessing.  We cannot sow peas and hope to get tomatoes.  While our minds laugh and say, “duh!”, the truth of the matter is that we do this more often than we realize. 

For example, we sow frustration, criticism, and condemnation when our children won’t listen, and then we wonder why our children are being disrespectful and critical toward his/her brother or sister.  We sow disrespect toward our spouse and then we get frustrated when others are disrespectful to him/her and wonder how others could be this way. 

It’s time we wake up and carefully watch what we are sowing.  Sow good seed

Personal Reflection

What have you been sowing? Strife, discontentment, arguing, pride? Or blessing, peace, compassion and love?

Be intentional! If you have sown iniquity, today is the day to change that. Apologize to those you have offended and hurt. Make a commitment to them and stick to it.

Prayer Focus

Father, teach us to sow good seed in all that we do.  Let us not grow weary in this. Give us diligence and endurance that we may harvest the fruit of good seed for Your glory.  May your Name be lifted high in the Name of Jesus, Amen!

How To Live God’s Word Effectively https://brianfriedl.com/how-to-live-gods-word-effectively/ https://brianfriedl.com/how-to-live-gods-word-effectively/#comments Fri, 13 May 2016 12:21:03 +0000 http://brianfriedl.com/how-to-live-gods-word-effectively/ It’s no secret that sin exists in each of us.  And its ultimate destination is death with a lot of damage, heartache and pain along the way.  God has a different vision for us; where satan tempts us to fail, God tests us to reveal how He has matured us as well as our constant need for Him.  His desire and destination is that we would be holy as He is holy.

Sin, filthiness, and wickedness zealously work against our pursuit of holiness.  We must lay down our egos that tell us we can manage this darkness, leave behind any trace of corruption, and receive His word implanted, unhindered, and undistorted.

We cannot stop there. Knowing the Word is great but by itself is not fully effective.  We must be doers of the Word and not hearers only.  Yes, we must actually live the it!   In so doing, we prepare ourselves for our mission.  The third part of the great commission says that we are to “teach them to observe all that I have commanded you”.  How can you teach people to observe if you haven’t done it yourself?

Personal Reflection

It’s time to examine your life and see if you are really living what you say you believe.  This is not a time to beat yourself up. Instead it’s a quick assessment so you can get pointed in the right direction and then run.  Have you been harboring any sin?  Now is the time to dump it.  It’s promising comfort and delivering guilt and shame.  The time has come to pursue holiness with everything you have.  This world needs change and God has chosen you as His hands and feet in this world to ignite it.  Get in His Word for yourself today and then live it out. You will NOT regret it!

Prayer Focus

Gracious God, you give us wisdom when we ask, in fact, every good thing and perfect gift is from you.  Father we ask for the perfect gift of humility, that we may not trust in our ability to manage sin, but instead trust in you and your Word which tells us to lay it all aside.  Today, may we cast off the darkness we have held onto too long and run into your marvelous light.  Conform us to the image of your son, that we might bring glory and honor to your Name, in Jesus we pray, Amen!

#knowlivespeakthetruth #dumpsinpursueholiness #truthtalk4life


https://brianfriedl.com/how-to-live-gods-word-effectively/feed/ 1 668
Sovereignty In The Midst Of Deceit https://brianfriedl.com/sovereignty-in-the-midst-of-deceit/ https://brianfriedl.com/sovereignty-in-the-midst-of-deceit/#comments Fri, 29 Apr 2016 13:24:40 +0000 http://brianfriedl.com/sovereignty-in-the-midst-of-deceit/ Where is this truth more evident in scripture than in the lives of the disciples and Jesus?

Peter is rebuked when he was in opposition after Jesus told them He must be crucified.  It was a harsh and necessary rebuke:

But He turned and said to Peter, “Get behind Me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to Me; for you are not setting your mind on God’s interests, but man’s.” (Matt 16:23 NASB)

Faithful were those wounds that Jesus inflicted on Peter.  They were for Peter’s benefit. Each part of the wound was meant for good.

On the contrary how deceitful a thing it was for Judas to betray our Lord with none other than a kiss to identify Him for His arrest!  Notice Jesus response:

“Immediately Judas went to Jesus and said, “Hail, Rabbi!” and kissed Him. And Jesus said to him, “Friend, do what you have come for.” Then they came and laid hands on Jesus and seized Him.” 

(‭‭Matt 26:49-50‬ ‭NASB‬‬)

Two things here that could stir our emotions and desire for justice.

1) He calls him “Friend”

2) He seems unshaken by the fact that He is about to be arrested.

It is clear what is about to happen and Jesus, having the Holy Spirit, remains calm, trusting in the sovereignty of His Father. How powerful is that?  I have certainly been betrayed my fair share of times.   I’m sad to say my response at times has been one of seeking revenge and justice.  I’m reminded here by our Lord’s example that we need not worry or be anxious about justice or anything for that matter. For Our God is sovereign even in the midst of deceit.


How easily are you shaken when someone deceives you?  We could use this proverb as grounds to possibly remove a few friends and try to avoid these deceivers, but something tells me you can’t avoid them completely.  Praise God today that nothing is outside the realm of His sovereignty!  We have no need to get worked up and anxious. We have the sovereign Lord in command over every second of our eternity.


Father we confess to you we are prone to retaliation and wrath.   Guide our hearts to a place of trust. For you have said vengeance is yours.  Let us know, live, and speak the truth of your sovereignty each and every moment of today.  May the peace that passes all understanding guard our hearts in Christ Jesus right now, in His Name, Amen!


#sovereignoverdeceivers #woundsofafriendarewelcome


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