Victory – Brian Friedl Making Your Life's Mission Possible Thu, 27 Feb 2020 12:59:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 64732294 Facing Giants Thu, 27 Feb 2020 12:59:54 +0000

You Are Not Alone

We are facing giants each day, some external and some internal. They appear in the surface to be bigger, stronger, and faster than we are.

We could have cause to fear if we were trying to battle alone. The child of God is never alone. God goes before His children as a consuming fire. The battle belongs to Him!

When the giant seems large, we must remember the times when God delivered us from our previous giants. It is He who gives the victory and He is faithful!

David grabbed 5 stones while trusting he only needed 1. He knew there is no end to the giants on this side of life. Those other 4 stones would be needed at some point.

We, too, should expect giants and not be caught off guard or complain when we face them. For the Lord will deliver them into our hands; every last one of them.

Let us encourage one another as we face our giants together!





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The Ultimate Promise Sun, 02 Feb 2020 13:34:23 +0000

He Will Take His Stand

We live in a fallen world with corruption, violence, injustice, and suffering. These things have brought much grief over the years as I have watched friends suffer as well as suffering myself.

No matter how hard it gets, no matter what we have lost, we have been redeemed! Our greatest struggle has been solved.

There will come a day when the enemy will be bound and no longer be given any authority in this place.

Our Savior will take His stand and all will be made right. No more corruption, violence, injustice, or suffering.

On the days when my heart is overwhelmed by grief, I call this truth to mind and hold fast to our Lord’s promises. He fills me with joy in the midst of turmoil.

What verses do you hold on to?




Where Is My Help? Sat, 01 Feb 2020 14:29:47 +0000

My help comes from the Lord

I used to pride myself on my problem solving abilities. Life was was about amassing knowledge to be the best at everything so everyone would look to me as the hero.

At the root of it all was a lack of understanding who God is and who we are. I spend years striving for the approval of others while I attempted to solve everything myself.

This worked well for a while but became all the more difficult as my problems got more complex.

When I was introduced to my sin problem, I was also advised that it was something I couldn’t solve. I set out to prove them wrong.

After a short while of trying, i realized it was not possible. I was exhausted and my problem was still alive and well. I finally stopped striving for a moment and looked up at a mountain and stars of a night sky while in Colorado.

I was overcome with the presence of our Father in Heaven. I surrendered to the One who crafted that mountain and every star in the sky.

I realized that He is the master problem solver, He has established my value, He is who I will always need in every situation.

Maybe you’ve been striving to hold it all together and fix all of the problems you’re facing. Take a breath, look up, and see where your help comes from. It comes from the LORD.


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Have We Forgotten The Victory? Mon, 15 Jan 2018 14:31:08 +0000 Last night my children and I went to an event our church sponsored at a local Rec Center. The Saints vs. Vikings game was on and I’m not a fan of either team. As we played in the gym, I could hear the emotions being shouted from the room next door.

The cheering and laughter reached its peak at one point, and the gym filled with elated Vikings fans. There was no need to ask what happened as all of them began to tell of the last moments of the game. I heard things like “Never give up”, “You gotta pay attention!”, and “You’ll” have to catch it on replay”.

I began thinking about how watching a game on replay is different since you already know the outcome. My mind then wandered to how the Christian life is kind of like that. We already know the ultimate outcome. During a replay, you are still tempted to ride an emotional rollercoaster, but the knowledge of victory grounds us.

Should this not also be the case in the Christian life? When we see the LORD’s name being profaned? When babies are being slaughtered without regard? When marriage has lost its sacred design? Have we forgotten that Christ’s FINISHED work on the cross has purchased our freedom and guaranteed our victory for all eternity? We need not put our hope in the systems of this world. We are children of the One True Living God who has sealed His promise of victory with the Holy Spirit that lives in us.

While we may be tempted, we must remember we know the ending of this story. We need not get emotionally distraught. We may feel behind “in the game” of life, but the game is not over yet. Hold fast to the One we know has the victory. We don’t know what will happen tomorrow, but we do know that when this life is over, our Victory is sure in Him!


Spend some time searching for verses that confirm victory is the LORD’s.

Meditate on what that means for you.

Ask The Holy Spirit to remind you swiftly of Jesus’ victory when you are getting lost in the emotion of the struggle.


Father, You are seated on the throne and have the victory! May our minds be grounded in that love-driven Victory, that we may bring You honor and glory in every thought and action. Guard our minds from the temptation to fear the waves. Instead fix our eyes on Jesus, that we may see Your perfect love cast out that fear and lead us on to victory in Him. Amen!
