Uncategorized – Brian Friedl https://brianfriedl.com Making Your Life's Mission Possible Fri, 30 Mar 2018 12:18:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=5.3.17 64732294 Free To Love https://brianfriedl.com/free-to-love/ Wed, 30 Mar 2016 05:54:28 +0000 http://brianfriedl.com/free-to-love/ We were not set free so we could freely satisfy our flesh. No, instead we were freed that we might bring the message of freedom to others as well as love and serve them.

Satisfying the flesh never leads to freedom but instead draws us back to a place of bondage, keeping us from fulfilling the mission (Matt 28:16-20) He has given us.

When our eyes and minds are set on Christ and His mission, there is little time to be focused on our flesh and its lusts. God gives us the desires of our hearts, which in essence are His desires when we are rightly walking by the Spirit. Embrace His design for your freedom today!

Personal Reflection

Warning: these questions are tough and direct.

In what ways are you using your freedom to satisfy your flesh instead of for God’s mission?

What sins are holding you back from seeing God’s restorative work in and through you?

Confess these to your Father in heaven and ask Him to fully use the freedom He has given you for His purposes.

Prayer Focus

LORD, give us a right understanding of your grace. Help us to see your freedom with purpose and may our hearts be zealous for those you put in our path.  Help us to Know, Live, and Speak the Truth, be equipped to Love and Serve, and Skilled to make a difference for you…in Jesus’ Name, Amen!





Definitely Disciplined https://brianfriedl.com/582-2/ Wed, 30 Mar 2016 03:06:33 +0000 http://brianfriedl.com/582-2/ Self discipline seems to merely be a trend of the past in our society with the exception of extreme athletes. While physical discipline is needed even more so is that true for spiritual discipline.

Paul instructs Timothy to discipline himself for the purpose of godliness. So all our faculties are to be disciplined in this manner.  Bodily discipline is great but being ready for the battles in your mind is even more important.

Discipline is necessary in every area and we can apply its principles from one place to the next. The tenacity that is developed in the physical realm can be duplicated in the spiritual realm as well. Our need in all realms is Christ. Let this nerd drive us to the discipline of seeking Him above all else at all costs.

Personal Reflection

In what ways do you struggle with self discipline?  List the top 3 weakest areas.  Pray for wisdom in overcoming them and seek out scriptures to empower you on your journey.

Prayer Focus

Gracious God, teach us to be disciplined in all areas, especially godliness.  Refine us to be holy as you are holy.  We desire to honor you and glorify your name. May you reign forever on the throne of our hearts for all to see and glorify You.  In the Name of Christ, Amen!

The Power Of Sacrifice https://brianfriedl.com/the-power-of-sacrifice/ Thu, 24 Mar 2016 13:36:00 +0000 http://brianfriedl.com/the-power-of-sacrifice/ How can we look to the cross and the events leading up to it and come to the conclusion that Jesus was weak? What He endured was more pain than most of us will experience In a lifetime.  Not to mention the heartbreak he felt over His people and above all the separation from His Father.

All of this was for you and me that we might be reconciled to God.  He was the only acceptable sacrifice for our iniquities. What have we done to deserve this favor?  What valuable treasure do we bring in exchange for this great gift and sacrifice…none. He did it because He loves us.  Furthermore He has welcomed us into the kingdom of light and desires to work through us to reach and reconcile others.

There is no measure of the depths of our Savior’s love!

Personal Reflection

Take time to meditate on the magnitude of what was sacrificed by Jesus for you to be ushered into the kingdom of God. What work does he want you to do now? Give Him praise for His mighty work of grace

Prayer Focus

Gracious God, you have withheld nothing from us.  LORD, give us a clear picture of your great and mighty love. Let it consume our hearts and move our feet to action for you.  Let us likewise be reconcilers in your ministry for the sake of your great Name.  It’s in that Name we pray, Amen!

The Greater And The Lesser https://brianfriedl.com/the-greater-and-the-lesser/ Tue, 22 Mar 2016 11:00:09 +0000 http://brianfriedl.com/?p=568 As I was driving home this morning it hit me that the moon and sun are similar to the law of sin and death and the law of the Spirit of life in Christ.

The moon reflects and points to a greater light.  It is not capable of extinguishing darkness.  Even on the brightest night there is still darkness present.  In the same way, even in our best attempt the law merely reminds us that darkness is present and we need a greater light.

O but what joy comes in the morning!  The darkness cannot hide from the light of the Son!  He has conquered death and all its chains. We are free indeed!

Personal Reflection

Spend time today reflecting on the freedom you have in Christ.  You are no longer under the law, but under grace. You are free to obey and live in the Spirit!  Let go of the mechanical attempts to obey and love the LORD your God and you will find obedience not to be a burden but a blessing!

Prayer Focus

Father we praise you in all your glory, for you have sent your Son, the greater light as a propitiation for our sin, once and for all conquering death and e to guiding darkness. We shout your victory from the rooftops to all who will hear. Great is your Holy Name! It’s in that Name we pray, Amen!


#Jesusisgreater #nomoredarkness #truthtalk4life

Proclaim Jesus! https://brianfriedl.com/proclaim-jesus/ Fri, 18 Mar 2016 21:54:08 +0000 http://brianfriedl.com/proclaim-jesus/   
Great teachers are always pointing to something other than themselves and then working to help others understand that very thing. 

As a primary writer of the New Testament, Paul did exactly that; constantly proclaiming and pointing to Jesus Christ. His heart longed for Jesus and for others to know that same joy.  His new life included teaching and admonishing others that they may be complete.  What a great example of a life surrendered and given for the body of Christ, the church. 

Personal Reflection

Examine your life and speech.  Are you proclaiming Jesus in everyday conversation?   Are you involved in investing in the body of Christ?  If you answered no to these questions, what are you waiting for?   Get engaged in a bible study today.  Look for ways you can serve your local church body. 

Prayer Focus

Heavenly Father, remove our pride and fear  and help us proclaim Jesus and His mighty works.  Use us to full measure for your glory and the blessing of your body of believers; our brothers and sisters in Christ, Amen!


#proclaimJesus #teachandadmonish #truthtalk4life

Matchless Wisdom https://brianfriedl.com/matchless-wisdom/ Thu, 17 Mar 2016 02:39:37 +0000 http://brianfriedl.com/matchless-wisdom/   

The Wisdom’s of God is certainly different from worldly wisdom.  Godly wisdom is, “…first pure, then peaceable, gentle, reasonable, full of mercy and good fruits, unwavering, without hypocrisy.” (‭‭James‬ ‭3:17‬ ‭NASB‬‬). Godly wisdom has a gentle strength and confidence that cannot be broken nor matched by the world. 

Wisdom tells us that we need not lash out at others when things get tough. Instead wisdom leads us to a place of gentleness and trust that is unwavering.  I love the phrase full of mercy and good fruits. Who doesn’t want to be like that?

Personal Reflection

Examine yourself to see whether you are making decisions according to God’s wisdom or man’s wisdom.  If it be man’s wisdom you are operating under confess, repent, and get back to seeking God’s wisdom.  If you are operating in Godly wisdom, praise him for his great faithfulness and gift!

Prayer Focus

LORD in heaven, please help us to be real with ourselves to see the true source of our wisdom. Let our hearts praise only you and not men.  May your wisdom dwell with your Word in our hearts forever. In the Name of Jesus, Amen!  


#matchlesswisdom #gentlewisdom #truthtalk4life

ALL Things https://brianfriedl.com/all-things/ https://brianfriedl.com/all-things/#comments Sun, 13 Mar 2016 11:57:09 +0000 http://brianfriedl.com/all-things/   
This truth is what gives me clear direction in the midst of the greatest storm.  We have to remember God is doing much greater work than what we can see.   He is reconciling all things to Himself.  We are just a part of that process that is causing all things to work together for those who love Him.  

He is able to redeem even in those times we see as tradgedy.  There is nothing the LORD can’t do!  He can take what was a broken life and make it new, but He goes even farther and causes that life to bless and bring truth to many others.  What an amazing Father we have in heaven!

Personal Reflection

Sometimes we get so caught up in the trial we are facing that we forget that God will keep His promise and will cause it to work together for good. This is especially true when the trial is self inflicted.  Take some time to think about how God may use what you’re going through for your good and the good of others.   How can you be a light to encourage others in this area?

Prayer Focus

Powerful and magnificent LORD, thank you for causing all things to work together for our good. Help us to remember this verse in time of need. You are faithful and keep your promises for all eternity.  Let us be diligent in looking for ways to encourage others with this truth. Help us to live this truth as the enemy tries to convince us that we have messed things up beyond the Father’s repair.  We are so thankful for your love and mercy!   We praise you in the precious Name of Jesus! Amen. 

#allthingsforgood #masterreconciler #truthtalk4life

https://brianfriedl.com/all-things/feed/ 2 537
Eternal Intercessor https://brianfriedl.com/eternal-intercessor/ Sat, 12 Mar 2016 15:35:32 +0000 http://brianfriedl.com/eternal-intercessor/   
What makes Christ’s intercession so much powerful than any other?  He has conquered death and is not constrained by it like the priests before Him.  He is the perfect sacrifice once and for all eternity!

He lives to make intercession for us. Did you catch that?  He lives as an intercessor for you today, tomorrow and forever!  

Personal Reflection

Meditate on the fact that Christ is not limited in His ability to intercede and that He lives to intercede for you for all eternity.  How does that grow your knowledge of God & Jesus?  The Holy Spirit intercedes in our prayers also. God has given us ALL that we need to live for Him!

Prayer Focus

All providing Father, thank you for your willingness to part with your Son to give Him as a ransom for so many. Thank you Jesus that you were, are, and will always be obedient to the Father in interceding for us. Thank you Holy Spirit for interceding in our prayers.  Help us to Know, Live, and Speak the Truth, be equipped to Love and Serve, and Skilled to make a difference for you!  All of these things we lift in the eternal power of Jesus Christ, Amen!


#eternalintercessor #perfectsacrifice #truthtalk4life

Unity Around The World https://brianfriedl.com/unity-around-the-world/ https://brianfriedl.com/unity-around-the-world/#comments Tue, 08 Mar 2016 11:56:50 +0000 http://brianfriedl.com/unity-around-the-world/  

 When I started my journey as a new believer I didn’t understand the family I was adopted into. I knew the people who had discipled me were awesome and I was thankful, but that didn’t even begin to describe the unity and shared mind of Christ that I have experienced since. 
I’ve had the privilege traveling the country for years and more recently have expanded these travels internationally.  The unity of believers is second to none.  I have been the recipient of hospitality,  love and prayer by what some would say are complete strangers.  The depth of Christ’s love permeates all of these relationships.  I’m left with a grateful heart that desires unity to serve one another in the cause of Christ 

Personal Reflection

The Christian life is meant to be unified with the body of Christ.  A me and God only mentality is not biblical and actually hinders growth.  Check out Ephesians 4 for more details.  Are your relationships with other believers unified in Christ?  Are you considering others as yourself?   God is challenging us to reach out to encourage our local body of  as well as those we meet at work, the gas station and across the globe. 

Prayer Focus

LORD, you know our shortcomings and yet you have adopted us and have called us to live in unity for you and your good purposes.  Equip us  to live in harmony with one another in the Gospel of Jesus. May it be so and may all who see know that we are Christians by our love for you and each member of Your household. In the unifying Name of Christ, Amen!


#unifiedbelievers #mindofChrist #truthtalk4life

https://brianfriedl.com/unity-around-the-world/feed/ 4 524
Reconciled To Be A Reconciler https://brianfriedl.com/reconciled-to-be-a-reconciler/ Mon, 07 Mar 2016 15:17:14 +0000 http://brianfriedl.com/reconciled-to-be-a-reconciler/   
There is but one way to righteousness, and that way is personally trusting Christ as our Lord and Savior.  In doing so, we are said to be “in Christ”.   Chapter 5 indicates that each man must give account for His actions in this life, yet if we are in Christ we are a new creation; the old has passed away; behold new things have come. We have been reconciled to Him. 

As a matter of fact He is reconciling all things to Himself through Christ and you are part of that process.  He has reconciled you to be a reconciler for Him.  He has equipped you for this ministry with the  word of reconciliation. Let’s get ministering!

Personal Reflection

All believers are in the ministry of reconciliation. They are ambassadors for Christ; pointing to Him in all that they do. Their lives are no longer their own, but His for His good purposes.  Your life is not your own but His, if He is your Savior and Lord.  Surrender to Him completely and be a reconciler.  

Prayer Focus

Gracious God, increase our understanding that you have rescued us for your glory and mission.  Give us your heart for ministering to and reconciling others.  We love you LORD and praise you for all your mighty works!  You are our all in all!  We lift all of this to you in Christ Jesus! Amen!


#reconciled #reconciler #truthtalk4life
