Strength – Brian Friedl Making Your Life's Mission Possible Sat, 25 Apr 2020 12:21:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 64732294 Call Out To Him Sat, 25 Apr 2020 12:21:04 +0000

He Will Strengthen You

I’ve spoken with several people recently who are struggling. Part of the struggle is coming from striving in their own effort.

For years I thought it best to serve and never ask for help. This often led to pride and struggle.

When we call out to God through prayer, He hears us and answers according to His perfect will.

Though we may not like the answer, He is concerned with making us bold with strength in our soul.

If you’re struggling, call out to Him today. Expect, in faith, that He will strengthen your soul with boldness.

Find these posts encouraging? I’m working on a website membership program where you can get access to ALL of my video training series as well as digital downloads that help you on your journey. Every time I create a new digital resource, your active membership will automatically give you access!

There will plans offered for individuals and groups.

You can also grab these great resources right now!







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Show Your Weakness Sat, 29 Feb 2020 16:46:01 +0000

See His Power

One of the hardest parts of the Christian life is surrender. Our pride is more crafty than we realize. It hides under cover of what appears to be humility and good intentions.

If the power of Christ is to be seen and experienced through our life to others, we must be intentional about Him getting all the glory. His grace for us must be received as sufficient for our portion.

Though many say they aspire to be like Billy Graham so that their impact for the Lord may increase, secretly they seek the approval of men.

We have all fallen into this trap. We want to know we are valuable. The truth is we are most valuable when we are able to showcase our weakness and the Lord’s strength He has provided.

People are able to see there is hope for them in the midst of their weakness. The Lord’s power can be fully seen when we step out of the way and point to Him.

What is our mission? Are we more interested in accolades for us or people coming to a saving faith in Christ?





Find these posts encouraging? I’m working on a website membership program where you can get access to ALL of my video training series as well as digital downloads that help you on your journey. Every time I create a new digital resource, your active membership will automatically give you access!

There will plans offered for individuals and groups.

You can also grab these great resources right now!




You Are My Rock Sat, 15 Feb 2020 11:41:24 +0000

I Will Trust In You

Today is the funeral for my grandson who was born silent on this side, but rejoicing in Jesus’ arms.

It will be a day filled with tears, weak knees, and some laughter as we gather to celebrate his entrance into heaven.

Strength will be needed as I share a message from God’s word. My trust is in the Lord that He will deliver through me.

I will always trust in Him and He will be my trust. He has walked with me through the darkest of valleys, calmed my fears, and comforted my heart.

I know that today will be no different. He is my rock and hiding place. My feet are on solid ground.





Grief And Trust Sun, 09 Feb 2020 11:22:28 +0000

Who Has Know His Mind Or Counseled Him?

As Christians, we take great comfort in knowing that God is in control. But what happens when we experience loss or grief that hits home so hard it leaves us breathless?

Where is God during those times? Do we get angry with him? Do we think He has for some reason abandoned us? Or, do we continue to trust that He is carefully working all things together for good?

During these times, we must remember that He is not bound by time. He sees beyond any limitation and is able to make decisions while truly knowing all the facts and their potential outcomes.

Who on earth possesses such great knowledge and wisdom? Certainly not I! For I don’t claim to know the limitless mind of my Father in heaven, nor have I been His counselor.

Instead of trying to make sense of overwhelming grief, I simply cling to the One who spoke the stars into place and He who commands the waves to be still.

I may never understand the grief but I can know more and more the depths of My Savior’s love.




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Yet He Is With Me Tue, 31 Dec 2019 11:57:23 +0000

His Presence is My Strength

For some, 2020 doesn’t include making big plans, but instead they are just trying to survive. Perhaps they are facing the biggest physical battle of their lives.

Jospeh found himself in a similar position. His own brothers had gotten jealous and allowed him to be sold into slavery and survival mode.

The story is heartbreaking and sad, but five words changed everything. The five words are these: “Yet God was with him”

When we face the difficulties of this life and the overwhelming strain of a fallen word, we too, are not alone. We need not endure these sufferings by ourselves.

In the midst of brokenness, grief, and pain, God’s presence makes all the difference. His favor is refreshing water and strength to press on.

We have the blessing of knowing the end of the story. God’s plan was bigger than the current suffering. Through Jospeh, the remnant of Israel was preserved.

Whatever you are facing today, God is with you. He wants to bring you through so that all may see His glory, love, and power.

Praying for all my brothers and sisters facing overwhelming battles as you enter 2020. May God’s favor be upon you and may you feel His presence and strength in the storm.




With His Name Comes Victory Thu, 03 Aug 2017 15:41:01 +0000 As I studied 1st and 2nd Samuel this morning, a pattern emerged clearly.  David’s passion for the LORD’s name is kindled and after This comes the victory.  

Look at the showdown with Goliath. This giant doesn’t taunt just Israel but God Himself.  The text says in 1 Samuel 17, “when all the men of Israel saw him, the fled and were greatly afraid”. So what was it the pushed David beyond fear? Listen to his own words:

“Then David said to the Philistine, “You come to me with a sword, a spear, and a javelin, but I come to you in the name of the LORD of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have taunted. This day the LORD will deliver you up into my hands, and I will strike you down and remove your head from you. And I will give the dead bodies of the army of the Philistines this day to the birds of the sky and the wild beasts of the earth, that all the earth may know that there is a God in Israel,” 

~ ‭‭1 Samuel‬ ‭17:45-46‬ ‭NASB‬‬

We know the end of this story and it doesn’t end well for Goliath.  See the pattern?

Passion for name >>> LORD gives Victory

Looking further into 2 Samuel 7, we see God interacting with David and making His covenant with him.  At the same time, God gently realigns David vision of building the temple.  The end result is a prayer to God and again lifting the name in verse 23:

“And what one nation on the earth is like Your people Israel, whom God went to redeem for Himself as a people and to make a name for Himself, and to do a great thing for You and awesome things for Your land, before Your people whom You have redeemed for Yourself from Egypt, from nations and their gods?”

~ ‭‭2 Samuel‬ ‭7:23‬ ‭NASB‬‬

David from a place of humility is exulted and just as in the case of his battle with Goliath, victory follows. 


What giants are you facing today?

Is your focus on your own strength or upholding the name of the LORD?

Where do you think David’s passion for the name of the LORD came from?


Father, for You are mighty and Your name is deserving of all our praise.  Give us an genuine passion for You and for Your name; that every victory will be in Your strength and for Your glory.  In Jesus’ name, Amen!




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Flesh Or God? Thu, 16 Feb 2017 13:19:17 +0000 There are no thoughts or feelings hidden from God.  While it is true that that mouth is the overflow of the heart, the LORD knows the overflow long before it leaves the mouth. He knows the hearts and minds of men and acts upon that knowledge.  

I have caught myself too many times over the years justifying sinful thoughts and actions because “I’m human” or because “God’s grace is sufficient”.  When we do that, our relationship is not being built on love but instead selfishness.  Salvation is less about what we get and more about what was given and why. 
The gospel by its very nature reveals to us the depravity and wickedness in our hearts, demonstrates how we have estranged ourselves from our Heavenly Father, and provides a means of making it right through surrendering all that we are. 

The core in all of it is love. God’s love for us and our response of love back.  This is not a “How do I get to heaven” thing.  It’s a “I have sinned against my holy and perfect creator; I surrender and want to be shaped by Him” kind of thing.  Do you get the subtle difference?   My salvation isn’t motivated by my desire to get to heaven, but instead it’s driven by my desire to love and obey God because o who He is and what He has done. 


Are you still moved by the great gift of love that was given to you at the cross or have you forgotten your desperate need? Be honest and check your heart and mind.  Do you really want God in charge of every aspect of your life…total surrender?   Remember there is no fooling God.  Let this truth pierce your heart and bring you to a place of worship and surrender. 


Heavenly Father, we confess that our flesh is weak and it seeks our own gain. Help us to let go of choosing strength in our flesh and depend completely on you. For You are our Rock and our Refuge. You are our Salvation. Apart from You there is no hope. Thank you for rescuing us from ourselves. You are all we need!  Let our hearts be pure and filled with love for You in Jesus’ name, Amen!

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The Real Provision Fri, 03 Feb 2017 10:54:18 +0000 God has been, is, and always will be the Great Provider.  Whatever He gives to us has been carefully apportioned “according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus”.   Notice that God’s giving is inseparable from Christ’s glory.  When God gives in a way that leaves us with humble means, He has done that in accordance with that glory.  When He blesses us with prosperity, likewise it’s in accordance with Christ’s glory. 

Paul came to realize that the real blessing isn’t the gift itself, but the knowledge and confidence that what God faithfully provides through Jesus is enough to get him through no matter the physical need or circumstances.  God’s provision in Christ cannot be compared with the physical needs we have in any moment, yet God in His great mercy chooses to meet those as well. 

What and amazingly merciful God we have that is able to patiently teach us this truth.  Most of us rarely go without anything. Some of us know what it is to scrounge for a meal.  All of us have been given everything we need in Christ. This provision is greater than any other found in the physical realm.  Let us not miss the fullness of the phrase:

I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength ~ Philippians 4:13


For which is greater;  to learn to be completely content and strengthened in Christ or temporarily  satisfy our physical needs?  We must master the demands of our flesh and put them in their proper place.  When we do, we see the real provision God has given us through His Son Christ and we ovegrflow with joy in all circumstances. 

Am I content with what God has apportioned to me?

What needs distract you from seeing what God is providing for you in Christ Jesus?

Ask yourself, “Do I really believe that I have all I need in Christ?”


Heavenly Father and Great provider, You seek to show me my heart’s deepest need and are teaching me that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.  Your provision in Christ is all I need. Write that truth upon my heart with your permanent marker of Love. May Your truth be the fuel of every thought and may our response be lips filled with praise.  We lift all of this in stour Son, Jesus, Amen!

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Encouragement For The Tired Soul Thu, 26 Jan 2017 10:57:48 +0000 Doing the good work our Father in heaven  prepared for us to walk in can be very draining.   When you invest in the lives of others and bear their burdens, the potential exists for our bodies and minds to take a beating.  

We must make sure that the fuel for your ministry isn’t just your strength or skill.  Knowledge of the Father’s love and the eternal comfort He has given us is like and endless supply of food and water as we minister in the desert. 

I love the phrase “good hope”.  There are many choices for the objects of our hope. I hope that snow only falls on grass.  Somehow it never does.  I hoped the Packers would win. Where did that get me?  The hope we have in our salvation, through Christ,  cannot be compared with any earthly hope.  For it is always good and results is righteousness. It is a hope that never disappoints but instead is always increasing faith, more hope, and love.  We have that hope because of God’s marvelous grace.  Remember this was given to us while we were yet sinners(Rom. 5:8 NASB). How much more hope do we have now that we are children of God and see His goodness!

One other quick observation: Paul prays for hearts to be comforted and strengthened in every good work and word.  The goodness of God should be spurring us on to good words and deeds.  How can we contain the goodness of God?  For it was designed to fill us to overflowing; hat others may be filled to overflowing and so on.  

May your hearts be comforted and strengthened today as you work for Him in word and in deed!

#truthtalk4life #knowlivespeaktruthinlove


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Strength In Trials Sun, 22 Jan 2017 11:15:20 +0000 Recently, I reinjured my back.  The last time this happened, I was down for over 10 months. The longevity was mostly due to ignorance and loss of hope. While I firmly believe that that every test comes with a blessing, it gets harder to hold on to that truth when you are living in pain 24/7 and not sleeping. 

Examining some compononents of dealing with pain can be a helpful in preparing us to be ready. At some point we will all experience pain. 

Trials are always revealing our character.  We can hold it together for quite some time in our own strength but when there is prolonged pain our true self makes it way to the surface.  Rather than “manning up”, I’m going to keep my strength grounded completely in Christ this time.  

Temptation to numb the pain is incredibly appealing during times of prolonged pain.  There is really only on thing that will truly comfort and that is God in all three persons.  Every other substitute is like a drug that promises comfort but comes with a long list of side effects. 

We must not waver or justify “comforters” other than Christ.  There are many great tools that can and should be used, but make sure your affections are rightly placed on thanking the One who is responsible for the provision of those tools. 

Prayer is powerful weapon in times of trial and We are not alone in wielding it.  Look in Romans 8:26

“In the same way the Spirit also helps our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we should, but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with groanings too deep for words;” 

The Spirit intercedes on our behalf.  Remember, we are never alone in the trial!   We also find that not only the Spirit but also The Son intercedes on our behalf (Romans 8:34)

who is the one who condemns? Christ Jesus is He who died, yes, rather who was raised, who is at the right hand of God, who also intercedes for us.”

He intercedes in regard to our salvation and continues to do so; making us inseparable from His overflowing love.  

And what familiar passage is sandwiched between these two wonderful truths?  None other than Romans 8:28

“And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.”

So is the pain present? YES, strong as ever, but not as strong as my God who is at work in me.  Some good will come of this pain.  I will be lifted by the intercessions of the Spirit and the Son.  He will be my comforter, my shield and my refuge!

#truthtalk4life #knowlicespeaktruthinlove


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