Salvation – Brian Friedl Making Your Life's Mission Possible Thu, 14 May 2020 16:13:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 64732294 He Is Our Hope Thu, 14 May 2020 16:13:43 +0000

So Many Voices. Only One Can Save

There are many voices in life that claim to rescues us, everything from a diet to the government. There is only One who has the power to save.

“And there is salvation in no one else; for there is no other name under heaven that has been given among men by which we must be saved.””
‭‭Acts‬ ‭4:12‬ ‭NASB‬‬

In the quiet of the night when we are facing giants, who is my help? God alone.

When I have lost everything and I don’t know where to begin, who will give me strength? God alone.

When I have fallen into sin and despair, who will lift me out of the pit? God alone.

When public servants are not following the constitution and holding its people in fear, who will defeat this enemy? God alone.

Our only hope is Him above all else. We place our faith in Him for all things. We take action based on His word and will.

Praying for each of you today that you would find your hope in Him alone.





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Still Living In The Good News Tue, 21 Apr 2020 13:14:34 +0000

Easter Is More Than A Day

It’s been over a week since Easter. As I read through Matthew 28 in my Bible today, I wondered how many of us are still running with fear and joy to tell others?

How many of us are living in the good news of Easter every day?

Easter was meant to be a day that changed all other days. It’s not just a holiday. It’s the best news this world has to offer.

Jesus’ payment on the cross was fully accepted to cover our sin. We are free from the bondage of our inquiries forever!

I’d like to challenge to honestly look at what your response has been to this news. Is it radically changing your life daily?

If I asked those closest to you, would they mention your commitment to sharing the good news of Christ?

In chapter 28, we see the fear, joy, excitement, and obedience as these ladies run to tell the disciples what they had seen.

The chapter concludes with Jesus giving his disciples a similar mission.

He instructs them:

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.”” ~ Matthew‬ ‭28:19-20‬ ‭

It’s your turn to run with fear and joy to tell others.

This mission is possible! Here’s a great set of resources to help you get equipped:







The Ultimate Promise Sun, 02 Feb 2020 13:34:23 +0000

He Will Take His Stand

We live in a fallen world with corruption, violence, injustice, and suffering. These things have brought much grief over the years as I have watched friends suffer as well as suffering myself.

No matter how hard it gets, no matter what we have lost, we have been redeemed! Our greatest struggle has been solved.

There will come a day when the enemy will be bound and no longer be given any authority in this place.

Our Savior will take His stand and all will be made right. No more corruption, violence, injustice, or suffering.

On the days when my heart is overwhelmed by grief, I call this truth to mind and hold fast to our Lord’s promises. He fills me with joy in the midst of turmoil.

What verses do you hold on to?




No Other Name Thu, 16 Jan 2020 11:33:20 +0000

Salvation By His Name Alone

I remember a time when I first heard the gospel. A part of me wanted to still cling to my sin. I doubted God’s word because it didn’t line up with my life.

I whole heartedly believed what I was doing was right. God gently and somewhat not as gently showed me the authority of His Word and power of His love which opened my eyes to see His truth.

The truth was, I was out of line and not living in accordance to His ways. I was celebrating in my sin. As much as I tried to justify my actions, I was in sin.

I didn’t need anyone to condemn me or point it out. I stood before a Holy God and my condition became apparent quickly. Rather than confess it, I hid and tried to keep living my life according to me.

Then I attended a summer camp in Colorado. I heard the account of what happened to Jesus because of my sin.

Keep in mind, I had always been a science and math guy and did not just accept things without proof.

Genuine tears streamed down my face as I realized that Jesus loved me as I was, even in my sinful state, so much so that he went to the cross for me to pay for my sin.

As hard as I had worked to be good and justify my attempts, I came up short. I found true acceptance and salvation in Jesus and His finished work at the cross.

Now I live for Him and to tell others of His love and forgiveness. For I am fully loved and free and want the same for everyone.





Have you been saved and want to know what God’s plan is for your life?

Come on a journey with me to discover your purpose with one of these options:




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What are you looking for? Wed, 11 Dec 2019 13:21:29 +0000

There are many things in this fallen world that are frustrating. It seems that the enemy gets away with an awful lot.

Those whose hearts are spilling over with greed seem to be lifted up. Abusers, traffickers, and oppressors seem to be on the rise. Cancer and disasters have stolen the lives of so many of my friends in the last 5 years.

Where is the Lord in all of it? He is not absent and nothing escapes His view. His plan is not thwarted by the temporal actions of evil. His sovereignty is never shaken.

We don’t understand this because our minds can not see into the hearts of everyone on the planet as our Lord can.

His concern is reconciling His people to Himself at all costs so that we all have the opportunity to be with Him for eternity. This sometimes means even causing the evil deeds of man to be turned to good for the sake of His people that love Him.

For those who lived before Christ, they watched expectantly for God to fulfill His promise of salvation. For those of us born after the cross, we see that He has indeed provided salvation through Jesus.

Now we wait expectantly for Him to come again. What a glorious day that will be!





While we watch expectantly, we are not waiting without working. Want to know what we are to be doing h til he comes back?

Grab a copy of my new book MISSION POSSIBLE: Living A life That Matters on Amazon. Click one of the links below:



The Greatest Words Sun, 01 Apr 2018 12:03:57 +0000 As Mary Magdalene and Mary approached the tomb, their hearts and minds must have been overwhelmed with grief and sorrow. For not only had the lost a friend and son, but the Messiah. And yet they pressed on with a dutiful and love filled courage.

Upon arrival, the found not what their heart mourned and expected. Instead and Angel uttered the words “He is not here. He has risen, just as He said…”. In an instant, their minds must have raced with new possibilities and hope. For joy abounded where short-sided grief and mourning once reigned.

They must have sounded crazy as they shared the angels words with the disciples, but in their minds these brothers would have recalled the words of Jesus telling them of His death and resurrection. For Him to have risen and fulfilled all of what He said was even greater than their misconceived notion of His earthly rule. For He had overcome death once and for all. Sin and death had lost. The victory had been won for all eternity!


Meditate on these words “He is not here, He has risen”

What do these words really mean to you?

What is their significance in your life?

What would your life be like without them?

Praise God for His mercy and great plan of salvation!


Father, we thank you that You not only hear us but you made a way for us to have access to you. You have reached down and rescued us from our sin and adopted us into Your Family. What love and tender care You have for us! Remind us of these truths in our darkest hours, when we can’t see clearly, and when we are in mourning. For with You all things are possible in Jesus, Amen!





Love And Surrender Fri, 16 Feb 2018 13:51:20 +0000 This week I have been meditating on two words, “Love” and “Surrender”; both of which are critical components of our salvation and and walk with God.

His Love

This week we celebrated our culture’s version of love with candy, cards and flowers, but our God’s demonstration of His love stands as the most powerful example in all of history. For He has given everything to us through Christ; withholding nothing. No candy, nothing flashy, just pure unadulterated love and sacrifice that we may have the opportunity to live forever with Him.

His Surrender

We cannot fully comprehend the mockery, scorn, and physical breaking of our Savior’s body: let alone the asphyxiation that squeezed out His life on the cross. There is no way to tally the value of the blood that was spilled to cover the multitude of sins of all the world; past, present, and future. Remember, that was our sin that held Him there also. He willingly surrendered His life to the will of His Father though everything in His flesh wanted a different ending, He surrendered it all on that cross for His Father and for us.

Our Love

Our Father in turn has simply asked us to love Him and others as He has loved us. This is no small task! Our flesh too will stand in opposition to such a lifestyle. We must be completely grounded in the knowledge and power of our Savior’s love to share in His victory. This Love is not to be squandered but instead be freely given to those God puts in your path daily that it may glorify Him and draw many into His fold.

Our Surrender

To truly live our life for God, we too must surrender. Every thought, every dream, and every ambition must be laid down. We must not be convinced that this is a one time event. For our flesh will try to convince us that we can now live however we want. That is a lie that many of us have fallen to at times. Instead, let us rise and purpose in our hearts to surrender daily to the One who surrendered all; that we may walk in His righteousness and love as He loves!


Are you seeing the way God loves reflected in the way you love Him and others?

Take time today to surrender everything to Him. All your hopes, dreams, and desires. Let Him be your hope, Dream, and desire.


Father, Your Love is beyond words! Teach us LORD to surrender to Your will and live as You have designed us. Lead us on level ground as we learn to love as You have loved and may Your name be proclaimed in and through us to all the nations in Christ we pray, Amen!

The Greatest Gift Mon, 25 Dec 2017 13:42:11 +0000 While Jesus was most likely not born in December, this is the day we chose to celebrate the greatest gift ever given. He, Himself is the fulfillment of this prophecy and so many others. He is the answer to our heart’s cry, “Who are you LORD?” He is he only begotten Son(John1:14) and only begotten God(1:18). He is the greatest love we will ever know.

Knowing what He would endure, He came anyway to rescue and reconcile us to our Heavenly Father. He is the greatest gift we will ever know.

Because of this Gift, I walk as a free man; free from the bondage of sin and death. I’m no longer a slave to sin and fear, I am now a child of God; joint heirs with Christ. What have I done to earn this gift? Nothing. For it is a gift of amazing grace that my Heavenly Father has bestowed on me that I may know, be reconciled, and glorify Him.


Enjoy yourself fully today making memories with your family, but Make sure to take time to remember the greatest gift ever given. Reflect on your life without Him and the state you were in; that you may praise Him fully for who He is, the work He has done, and the victory that was won!


Heavenly Father, we praise you with all of our heart for the greatest gift we have ever received in Your Son, Jesus. He has transferred us from darkness to light and from death to life. Let our hearts never cease to be filled with joy and Our lips with praise. For this is good news and great joy that a Savior was born for all people including us. Thank you for loving us and having an amazing plan for our salvation. In Jesus’ name we pray and praise, Amen!

Glory Days Fri, 17 Nov 2017 10:34:14 +0000 If you have sincerely placed your trust in Jesus as your Savior, His victory over sin has become yours. It’s easy in the Christian life to let the moment that this happened become a distant memory like the glory days of high school. We may even long for those days again.

It ought not be so. Our salvation is meant to be the beginning, as well as the catalyst, that propels us deeper into relationship with God. As we thank God each day for the victory He has given us throughout the Christ, the gift seems to grow. The depth of His love is magnified as we see the depths of our depravity and need of Him.

We also see the power of His grace conforming us in the image of Christ. This ought to increase the excitement of our journey with Him. Each day is more glorifying then the previous. The glory days are now and ahead of us!


When was the last time you thanked God for Your salvation?

When was the last time you praised Him out loud for all He has done.

Take a moment today to sing your own song of praise to Him. It doesn’t need to rhyme. Just sing words of praise to Him out loud, in the shower, car, or wherever you are.


Heavenly Father, we thank you for your victory secured for us through the blood of Your Son. May our hearts be filled with gratitude and praise and may it cause each day to be better than the last. For You are worthy of glory all the days of our lives. For the best is yet to come. In Jesus’ name, Amen!

I Am Free Wed, 27 Sep 2017 12:44:19 +0000 I remember the days well when I was in bondage and slavery to sin. My flesh ran wild satisfying itself with as many of Earth’s pleasures as possible.  My pride was an unquenchable fire that drove my every decision.  I thought I was free, when in fact, the very opposite was true.  

God revealed to me the chains that held me captive and the One who had broken the chains. It was only then that I saw my rebellion and self-inflicted slavery.  I confessed and repented and His freedom came in like a flood, breaking the chains and liberating me from darkness.  Praise God, for The Son has set me free and I am free indeed!


Are you experiencing true freedom?

Have you confessed everything and repented? If not, do so right now. 

Spend some time remembering the day you first experienced freedom.  Sing to our Father in heaven Your own song of thank You and praise. 


Father, thank You for our freedom. You have broken every chain and are mighty indeed!  Help me to continue to walk in that freedom.  May my life reflect the beauty of Your name! Amen!

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