Repentance – Brian Friedl Making Your Life's Mission Possible Wed, 19 Feb 2020 13:08:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 64732294 Reconcile Not Condemn Wed, 19 Feb 2020 13:08:38 +0000

Ministers Of Reconciliation

As Christians, our end game is to reconcile others to God. Paul calls us ministers of reconciliation. (2 Corinthians 5:17-21).

This goal applies whether it is regarding someone who is or isn’t walking in the Lord. Our desire should be for ALL to reconcile with Him.

This goal never changes. Paul warns against pride and finger pointing. For all of us find ourselves caught in the clutches of sin at times.

Where would we be if another had not helped us reconcile with the Father through Christ? We need our brothers and sisters!

The next time you are tempted to point out the errors in others try this:

1) Examine tour own life instead

2) Pray for God to give you a right spirit that desires reconciliation.

2) Encourage your brother or sister to repent, return, and be reconciled.

Walk in a manner worthy of the gospel that saved and reconciled you. Never forget the grace you have been given. Be focused on Jesus as you help to restore those around you.






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Shepherd Switch Thu, 31 Oct 2019 13:32:42 +0000 Have you ever noticed how easy it is to forget God? That may sound strange but it’s so true.

We have a million different “shepherds” we can let lead us. Everything from TV, social media, movies, music, work, and friends.

We can get lost for hours binge watching or playing games. Generally speaking video games, TV, etc. aren’t the problem. It’s our hearts that has the problem.

We are not unlike Israel who wanted a king when they already had the King of the universe. We tend to want what everyone else has and will follow any ‘shepherd’ to get it.

In so doing, we get ourselves into difficult places of grief, addiction, depression, and jealousy. We forget the rest and joy we had in God and trudge on feeling all alone.

It’s the enemy’s tactic to keep you feeling alone, worthless, unusable by God, and hopeless. None of these things could be further from the truth.

There is only One Shepherd who truly knows what’s best for us; Jesus. He loves you, even when you have allowed other shepherds to lead you astray.

He has the authority to forgive sins and restore your relationship with your Heavenly Father. You simply need to sincerely ask for forgiveness and return to Him. Let Him be your Shepherd that leads you to living water and rest.

A sheep needs a shepherd. Let Jesus be yours today.

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How To Deal With Toxic Relationships in 7 Steps Thu, 27 Apr 2017 13:15:25 +0000 Unfortunately, several are struggling with hidden abuse in toxic relationships at work, home, and in the church.  It begins very subtly and lands you in a place where you carry the weight of all the abuser’s sin.  Though you are seeking reconciliation, you are unable to attain it with these individuals.  

I’ve been sucked into victim status on more than one occasion by this narcissistic process.  As I have shared in the past, I was performance driven for years; which in some ways makes me more of a target.   Abusers love performers.   They quickly friend them by giving them the approval they desire and the process of control begins.  Threads of guilt work their way into the conversation and hurt repeatedly gets blamed on the performer.  Over time, this process takes its toll and devalues the performers and binds  them in lies.  At the root of this dynamic, I found that I was seeking the approval of men rather than God. 

So what do you do if you’re trapped in a toxic relationship like that?

Read 2 Timothy 3:1-9

But mark this: There will be terrible times in the last days. People will be lovers of themselves, lovers of money, boastful, proud, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, without love, unforgiving, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not lovers of the good, treacherous, rash, conceited, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God— having a form of godliness but denying its power. Have nothing to do with such people. They are the kind who worm their way into homes and gain control over gullible women, who are loaded down with sins and are swayed by all kinds of evil desires, always learning but never able to come to a knowledge of the truth. Just as Jannes and Jambres opposed Moses, so also these teachers oppose the truth. They are men of depraved minds, who, as far as the faith is concerned, are rejected. But they will not get very far because, as in the case of those men, their folly will be clear to everyone.

‭‭2 Timothy‬ ‭3:1-9‬ ‭NIV‬‬

Yes we are sharing the planet with these individuals! When reading this passage we often think of the extreme criminal locked behind bars, but these folks may be with us at home, work, and in the church.  They are those who are quick to bruise us but unwilling to repent. 

STEP 1 – Surround Yourself With A Support Network Sincerely Seeking The Truth – When removing something negative always replace and do not just abandon. Human tendency is to grieve loss, that includes even toxic relationships. We must make no provision for the temptation to return to the old relationship to try to comfort the loss. Invest in the healthy relationships you have or find new ones.  No doubt there may be trust issues (experience talking) caused by the toxic relationship damage, but it’s imperative that you establish a support network to be there through this!  

STEP 2 –  Get Some Distance – Give yourself some space from that relationship.  While it’s been said that absence makes the heart grow fonder, it can also give you perspective on reality.  Sometimes this step seems impossible because of fear of the backlash.  This is where you need to get help from your support network to break free.    

STEP 3 – Infuse Truth –  Part of escaping toxic relationships is seeing the lies for what they really are.  Knowing truth is the key in doing that. Passages like these give no wiggle room and do not condone abuse.  Dig deep in God’s word daily to regain an understanding of who you are, why you are valuable, and the mission you are on. 

STEP 4 – Know You Will Never Change Them – God has the power to do anything and yet He has been referred to as a gentlemen because He comes into the heart where He is invited.  An unrepentant heart has no desire to change.  You could bend over backwards, offer all the grace you have, and the hardened heart will still not see, own, or repent.  Being a Christian does not mean others have a right to abuse you. 
STEP 5 – Seek Out A Qualified Biblical Counselor – Find someone who has Biblical knowledge and experience dealing with these situations to help you walk through healing. It’s beneficial to have someone who can help you take an honest look at your situation at all stages of the process.  Good discernment here is a must.  Find someone who is both trustworthy and wise; who can speak the truth in love and encourage.  They do exist and are worth finding!

STEP 6 – Realize That Forgiveness And Reconciliation Are Not The Same – It is possible for you to forgive someone and yet not reconcile with them.  When a heart is unrepentant, you may chose to forgive but reconciliation simply is not possible.  Pretending there is reconciliation, or assuming forgiveness and reconciliation are the same thing can lead to further abuse. In fact, verse 5 says “have nothing to do with such people”  Over time their lack of repentance becomes obvious to all involved.  Most of the time it already was obvious. Everyone was just too afraid to deal with it. We all love happy endings. Sometimes the happy ending does not include reconciliation.  

STEP 7 – Seek To Help Those Who Have Been Or Are Victims – I’m a firm believer that God keeps His promises and wastes nothing.  He has the power to take even the most horrific events of life and turn them into a powerful testimony that comforts and demonstrates His love and faithfulness while bring Him glory and honor (2 Corinthians 1, Romans 8:28).  This takes time, but ultimately frees us from the “leftover” damage of these experiences when we see them bringing hope to others. 


Identify any toxic relationships you have.  Don’t be content with just leaving them that way. 

If you see toxic relationships in others’ lives, pray for them and seek to be that support network they need. 


Father, my heart aches for those in the tough place of toxic and abusive relationships.  I pray that You would empower them in Your Spirit and truth to break free.  Equip Your people to come along side them and support them through this process.  May Your love abound extinguishing the lies of the enemy in Jesus’ name, Amen!

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Your Words Matter Sun, 23 Apr 2017 02:39:16 +0000 Words matter…and how we deliver them also.  I have witnessed far too many times when words fired like like an un-aimed arrow pierce the heart of a friend.  I have also been the one holding the bow.  The damage done is catastrophic and unnecessary.  

As Christians, we are to, “as much as possible live peaceably with all men.”  This demands that we take an inventory of our words and actions and make changes where necessary.  How can we be reconcilers and ambassadors for Christ, when we are letting our mouths go unstrestrained?

My heart breaks for the arrogant and proud heart that doesn’t consider the hearts of others. For one day it will find itself alone and depressed.   Only God can break a heart like this and lead it to repentance. 


In what ways have your words hurt others?

Confess your wrongdoings to those who you have hurt.  Make sure to hit all the parts. 

“I was wrong for…”

“I’m sorry for…”

“Can you please forgive me?”

“I will do my best not to do it again”

Make restitution


Father, for with our tongues we bless and curse; it ought not to be this way.  Help us to use our words to build up your people and encourage them.  Humble us and teach us to own our mistakes.  Let us seek to make peace in word and deed, in the name of Christ, Amen!

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Humbled Dependent And Prepared Thu, 23 Mar 2017 11:22:48 +0000 Late in the summer of 1989, I was at Young Life’s Frontier Ranch in Colorado, listening to a man share about the week leading up to the crucifixion of Jesus.  I was somewhat attentive, but also distracted by a beautiful girl I had met from Lubbock Texas.  After he shared the intense details of what Jesus had endured, I left the session at large and sat out on a fence under the stars.  

I had been trying to hold my life’s pieces together by myself and it seems that I had reached my limit in that moment. More importantly, through the truth shared from God’s word, I had entered into the presence of Jesus Christ. 

I have to admit I was a little caught off guard.  Perhaps that was because, like Paul said, Jesus is light and there is no darkness in Him at all.  Being in the presence of Jesus’ pure holiness causes our darkness to be see clearly.  That night, for the first time, I clearly saw the darkness of my soul; my blatant disregard for my loving Father in heaven, my willful disobedience and self-centeredness.  I felt worthy to be in His presence.  

As Simon (Peter) was cleaning his nets from the unproductive attempts , he likewise had an encounter with Jesus.  Our Lord requested that he put out into deep water and let down the nets again.   I’m sure Peter was tired, frustrated and there may have been a hint of sarcasticastic tone as he speaks to Jesus but obeys.  The nets end up getting filled to full measure so much so that it takes two boats to haul in the catch.  Peter falls at Jesus feet and says “Go away from me Lord, for I am a sinful man!”  

There are three things that stand out to me in this passage about the presence of Jesus. 

HUMBLED- Jesus is light and therefore exposes our darkness.  Peter was humbled. Jesus didn’t comment on Peter’s sin.  He didn’t have to. The powerful presence of His holiness and light revealed that Peter was not worthy to be in His presence. 

DEPENDENT- With God all things are possible. Peter had worked hard all night without any success.  I’m sure he had used years of experience and every trick he knew and yet his hands were empty.  Peter was taught a simple lesson that he would need reminding of later.  We need to be dependent on the Lord, not our own hands, to provide. 

PREPARED – Jesus prepares us for our mission.  Later in the text we see Jesus tell Peter that he will be a fisher of men.  To do this it was necessary that he be humbled and dependent.  As they arrive at shore, a new journey in life began for Peter as he leftbehind everything and followed Jesus. 


I believe those of us who sincerely profess Jesus as Lord must remain humble and dependent as we walk out our mission as fishers of men.  One of the biggest dangers in the Christian life is forgetting the holiness of God and thereby our need of Him. 

Take some time to remember back to when you first understood your sinful nature and your need of Jesus. 

Are you still operating in that humility and dependence?


Father, let us never discount your holiness and think that we are good enough.  May our hearts ever desire to be more obedient and dependent on You.  Hide Your word in our heart that we might not sin against you.  Fuel us by every word that proceeds out of Your mouth as we fish for the men and women You have set in our path.  We lift all this in the powerful and holy name of Jesus, Amen!

Love For Repentance Thu, 12 Jan 2017 13:42:50 +0000 As a parent of 22 children, I have certainly been wronged a time or two.  I have to say that lying, stealing, and disrespect are the top 3 behaviors I struggle to respond well to.  It may have something to do with the fact of entering high school at 4′ 10″ and under 100 pounds and getting bullied.  When people are disrespected in this way, my blood wants to boil and my mouth wants its revenge. 

God’s word is clear that instead of coming down harshly using God’s word as a justifying hammer, we are to respond with gentleness. If you’re mind is already saying “but…” like mine was, go back and read the passage again. This time maybe you also caught the word patient. So we have to be patient and gentle?  That’s not fair!  Your right it’s not fair, it’s mercy!

Have you ever considered that our acts of mercy have the power to point to the ultimate act of mercy at the cross?   That perhaps what is needed in the situation is a patient, loving explanation?  As I write these words, my heart is pierced itself, knowing I need more Jesus in this area. 

Logically speaking, your not going to win a battle of words with a bully or a slanderer.  But love has the power to make the mouth stop long enough for the heart to listen.  Our end goal isn’t to be in control, be right, or be a better wordsmith.  Our desire should be that God would grant repentance and lead them to the truth about Jesus Christ and His finished work at the cross.  We must love them in spite of our shortcomings and reactions to the words c?oming out of their mouths.  We must love them as God does!

#truthtalk4life #knowlivespeaktruthinlove

Make sure to share this in every avenue you have today with the hash tags above. Someone you know may need to hear it.  Blessings to you!   Follow me on Twitter,Facebook,and Instagram.  


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Acts Bible Study 19:21-41 Tue, 25 Oct 2016 10:51:47 +0000  
It’s amazing how we forget the true hand of prosperity.  We exchange the truth for a lie; believing that by our own hands we have obtained prosperity when in reality it is the LORD, the One True Living God who gives and takes away. 

Whether motived by greed or fear, we cling to that which is perishing rather than the Giver of Life.  Do not make the same mistake, repent and draw near to God.  

Read Acts 19:22-41

1) What things stand out to you in the text?

2) What challenges or questions do you have to have answered to understand this passage?

3) What’s the overall main idea?

4) What is the application for the original readers?

5) Howbfoes this passage apply for believers today and you personally?

May God bless you today as you received His word into your heart!

Who And Why? Mon, 08 Aug 2016 15:15:35 +0000 When I first watched the movie the Matrix I was intrigued with the idea that the world around us is one big illusion, created to distract us while the life is being sucked out of us.  There are several parallels that reflect the lives of some here are earth today.  But you have the truth of God’s word that breaks every chain of distraction and reveals His perfect plan.  
Notice what His word says you are:

1) A chosen race

2) A royal priesthood

3) A holy nation

4) A people for His own possession

It’s important that we are not distracted and miss one little word that ties his plan together. What comes after the word so? All of these titles given to us are so that we can proclaim the excellencies of our marvelous father in heaven!

Personal Reflection

We were once not a people but now we are His. Are you aware of who God has made you to be and why?  Take time to reflect on the love you have been given to receive the 4 names above.  We deserve nothing and yet He has given us everything!

Are you proclaiming the excellencies of your Heavenly Father with every part of your being?  That means your mind, your heart, your mouth and your body.  

Make today a day when all of you is in line with Him and your praise overflows!

Prayer Focus

Heavenly Father, we praise You for calling us out of darkness and into the light;for saving us from the bondage of sin and death; for making us who we are and giving us a vessel to proclaim Your excellencies!  We pray all of this in the precious name of Jesus, Amen!

There Is Always Hope Sat, 18 Jun 2016 11:41:46 +0000 The promise of God’s ear inclined to us when we turn to Him, is the thread of hope in the midst of the battle.  As hard as we try in or human efforts, we fall and sometimes hard causing damage we regret for many days, months, and years to come.

“But God”; two words that interrupt this cycle of sin and provide hope.  But God, in His great faithfulness and mercy, hears us when we see the mess we’ve made and turn back to Him and cry out.  He has made a provision for every stumbling, for every transgression.  For the blood of Jesus has washed every stain you have ever caused to be white as the purest untouched snow in the most beautiful of places.  He has the power to redeem every situation no matter its complexity.

You are declared clean when you put your faith in God’s provision of Jesus and His finished work at the cross.  When God looks at you He sees the righteousness of His Son. You are no longer held captive, but instead are free to live a life in the Lord. Will you stumble again?  Most likely. Don’t waste your time beating yourself up. Acknowledge your weakness, mourn your sin, turn and cry out. For He will hear your cry.

Personal Reflection

By all means learn from your mistakes but remember:  Every moment spent beating yourself up over your bad choices is a moment you miss gazing at our beautiful LORD and sharing Him with others.  Your eyes can only be fixed in one place.  Make sure they are on Him!

When your eyes are focused on Him you will want more of Him.  God speaks of loving Him and keeping His commands in that order.  Commandment keeping flows as a by product of loving Him.  Let the passion of your love grow by leaps and bounds!

Prayer Focus

Precious LORD, we confess to you that have have all stumbled and strayed and made messes in our lives.  Help us to turn from any wickedness that impedes our view of you.  Guard our hearts and minds in Christ Jesus that our love for you may overflow.  Thank you for hearing our cry, sustain us by your hand of grace that we may do Your will, In Jesus’ Name, Amen!

So What? Fri, 20 May 2016 13:02:34 +0000   
Did you catch the “so that”?  God’s plan for you is to live in righteousness through His son Christ.  Wait a minute, don’t miss the dead to sin part. Jesus’ work on the cross accomplished all of this. 

Personal Reflection

If you are struggling with sin this morning, repent and return to God’s truth.  Every sin promises life and comfort but delivers death and shame.  Too often we dwell on all that we’ve done wrong instead of what Jesus has done right.  This only keeps us off track longer and in a place where lies seem more like truth.  Have you ever thought any of these thoughts:  

How can God use me if I keep doing this?   

  • Why can’t I beat this sin? 
  • I’m a fake. 
  • How can God use me? I’m not worth anything. 

These are planted thoughts to keep you from Christ. It’s a simple principle really. Satan knows that when our eyes are on ourselves they are not on God.   The longer our eyes are on ourselves, the longer we will feel alone, abandoned, and worthless.  We know we’ve sinned because God’s perfect law clearly shows us that, but it also brings with it understanding that we need a solution…we need a Savior. 

Be serious about the temptation you struggle with but always remember sin was conquered by Christ.  For you are more than a conqueror in Christ.  God is teaching you that all you need is Christ.  Turn from sin and run to Him today. 

Prayer Focus

LORD help us to understand your teaching. Let us fully receive in our hearts the truth that Jesus is sufficient in all things.  We know this requires us to learn through trials and joys.  Bring us whatever is necessary that we might more closely walk with Him in the light.  Break the chains of sin that we might walk in your freedom.  We lift all of this to you in the Name above all names, Jesus Christ, Amen!

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