Relationship – Brian Friedl Making Your Life's Mission Possible Wed, 19 Feb 2020 13:08:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 64732294 Reconcile Not Condemn Wed, 19 Feb 2020 13:08:38 +0000

Ministers Of Reconciliation

As Christians, our end game is to reconcile others to God. Paul calls us ministers of reconciliation. (2 Corinthians 5:17-21).

This goal applies whether it is regarding someone who is or isn’t walking in the Lord. Our desire should be for ALL to reconcile with Him.

This goal never changes. Paul warns against pride and finger pointing. For all of us find ourselves caught in the clutches of sin at times.

Where would we be if another had not helped us reconcile with the Father through Christ? We need our brothers and sisters!

The next time you are tempted to point out the errors in others try this:

1) Examine tour own life instead

2) Pray for God to give you a right spirit that desires reconciliation.

2) Encourage your brother or sister to repent, return, and be reconciled.

Walk in a manner worthy of the gospel that saved and reconciled you. Never forget the grace you have been given. Be focused on Jesus as you help to restore those around you.






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Love Like Jesus Fri, 13 Dec 2019 15:15:33 +0000

Love is a word used for everything from baseball to macaroni and cheese, but it’s true meaning is much greater than our temporary desires.

Love is a willingness to sacrifice it all for the sake of another, even if that includes our own death.

Love is a conscious and intentional choice to put another person first.

Love moves us to a place of looking outside ourselves to the mission God has given us.

Because of the love Jesus loved us with at the cross, our sins are forgiven. We are now children of God; brothers and sisters in Christ.

What is our response? We ought to love our brothers and sisters with the same willingness Christ had to lay down His life for us.





Want to learn more about the mission God has for you?

Grab a copy of my new book MISSION POSSIBLE: Living A Life That Matters and get the step by step process to discovering your mission and building a vision and action plan.



Photo Credit: Todd Hatfield

Same Mind. Same Mission. Wed, 30 Oct 2019 19:40:46 +0000 What’s the secret to great relationships? Having one mind according to Christ.

Yes we could all benefit from boosting our communication skills, but in the end having a shared Mission will withstand any challenges that we face.

Your spouse, child, or friend is not to be your enemy but instead a co-laborer for Christ. How can you help each other succeed?

Jesus knew that unity was key and prayed over us in John 17:

‘“I do not ask on behalf of these alone, but for those also who believe in Me through their word; that they may all be one; even as You, Father, are in Me and I in You, that they also may be in Us, so that the world may believe that You sent Me.”’ ~ John‬ ‭17:20-21‬

Jesus desires us to be unified like He and the Father are one! That’s unity!

Our unity is a testimony to God’s plan of redemption. How else could people across every ethnicity, culture, continent, gender, and financial background join together in one mission to love people and advance the gospel?

Have the same mind with one another according to Christ. Let us advance the gospel together!




Eternal Intervention Sat, 21 Oct 2017 12:36:17 +0000 Have you ever had one of those moments where you needed an intervention in your thought process and God was faithful to provide it? It’s so easy to let the cares of this world keep us from thinking from an eternal perspective regarding our mission here.  This morning God interrupted my thoughts with Revelation 22. 

We do know that our Savior is coming back and He is bringing with Him the reward!  The fruit of our lives will be evident to all.  Those that have placed their trust in Jesus and His finished work at the cross will live with Him in paradise.  Those that have tried to fake trust or disregarded Him will be separated from Him for eternity. 


We must not let worldly impulses control our thoughts and actions.  The more we truly love Christ the less likely we are to be caught in the snares of this world.  Let’s keep our eyes on Jesus!

Do you love Christ?

What are you doing to invest in your relationship with Him?

Reading, praying serving? How are you seeing Him move in your life on a daily basis?


Gracious God, what an awesome God you are!  The more we love you the more we have joy and obedience!   Thank You Jesus, that You have overcome the world; that nothing is impossible with You!  Give us the sincere desire to spend time investing in our relationship with You.  For You are the answer to every question in our lives.  We love you..Amen!

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What’s More Important Than Looking Good On The Outside? Thu, 16 Mar 2017 07:30:39 +0000 I grabbed my camera quickly as I often do to capture the beautiful scenery for the next day’s post before I lost the opportunity. This time it was of Canadian geese that had returned to an early spring.   I admired their beauty as I swiftly focused and grabbed the shot.  “Perfect”, I said to myself, “They didn’t even move”

Shortly after taking the photo something seemed odd.  Geese are incredibly loud creatures and I hadn’t heard even one make a noise.  As I studied more closely, I noticed that they appeared to be dead and frozen to the pond.   My stomached dropped.  How sad! The timeless and pristine photo I captured, though it looked like it was teaming with life, was actually a picture of a gravesite.  

Sadly, this reminded me there are several people who on the outside appear to be some pretty amazing believers; when in reality their hearts are still dead in their trespasses.  While their lips honor and build up, their hearts are far from the One through whom all things were created.  They do not seek to surrender, love, and carry out the work of God and their end is the way of death.   

To my relief, I found out later the birds were alive, but the illustration will forever be burned in my brain.  


Examine yourselves honestly to see if Christ is in you.  Do not be found as the man whose lips praise and whose heart detests our Father in heaven.  

Confess to the LORD anything that is separating you from Him.  

Turn from those things and follow hard after God alone!


Father we are guilty of caring more about the outside than the heart.   For You can see all things and You know our hearts.    Draw us to You and make Your thoughts ours.  Let us not be content with just giving You lip service and the doctrines of men, but instead let us run to You, surrendering all of our hearts in Christ’s name Amen!

The Pursuit Of Knowledge Fri, 24 Feb 2017 15:26:16 +0000 There’s something exciting about the knowledge. It informs us in our decision making, can reduce bad choices, and opens doors to new opportunities.

It can; however, lead to Spiritual blindness. We can get so wrapped up in our knowledge and self dependence that we deny the One who gave us the ability to learn.  We can pursue truth to the extreme and miss the ultimate truth altogether. 
I spent years being the straight A student, mastering every topic in my path. God is not a topic to be mastered, but instead, a relationship to be enjoyed.  Knowing God is not the same as knowledge of him 


In what ways have you pursued knowledge of God instead of knowing Him. Reset you pursuit to knowing and enjoying Him starting today


Father we confess that we have treated you like a topic to be mastered at times.  Help us not to exchange knowing You for the knowledge of You.  May Your love abound in us as we carry out the good works you You prepared for us to walk in. 

Love For Repentance Thu, 12 Jan 2017 13:42:50 +0000 As a parent of 22 children, I have certainly been wronged a time or two.  I have to say that lying, stealing, and disrespect are the top 3 behaviors I struggle to respond well to.  It may have something to do with the fact of entering high school at 4′ 10″ and under 100 pounds and getting bullied.  When people are disrespected in this way, my blood wants to boil and my mouth wants its revenge. 

God’s word is clear that instead of coming down harshly using God’s word as a justifying hammer, we are to respond with gentleness. If you’re mind is already saying “but…” like mine was, go back and read the passage again. This time maybe you also caught the word patient. So we have to be patient and gentle?  That’s not fair!  Your right it’s not fair, it’s mercy!

Have you ever considered that our acts of mercy have the power to point to the ultimate act of mercy at the cross?   That perhaps what is needed in the situation is a patient, loving explanation?  As I write these words, my heart is pierced itself, knowing I need more Jesus in this area. 

Logically speaking, your not going to win a battle of words with a bully or a slanderer.  But love has the power to make the mouth stop long enough for the heart to listen.  Our end goal isn’t to be in control, be right, or be a better wordsmith.  Our desire should be that God would grant repentance and lead them to the truth about Jesus Christ and His finished work at the cross.  We must love them in spite of our shortcomings and reactions to the words c?oming out of their mouths.  We must love them as God does!

#truthtalk4life #knowlivespeaktruthinlove

Make sure to share this in every avenue you have today with the hash tags above. Someone you know may need to hear it.  Blessings to you!   Follow me on Twitter,Facebook,and Instagram.  


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A Loaded Weapon Thu, 15 Dec 2016 19:22:25 +0000  
Our tongues are a loaded weapon that can be used for good or evil. This small part of our body possesses more power to destroy than an army of trained soldiers with nukes. For it has the power to pierce the soul. Yet it also has to power to bring life to the most desolate of places. 
While none of us can tame this tongue of ours, we serve One who can; our Creator who crafted every cell in it as well as our heart which initiate its use. This gives me great hope as this area is one I also struggle with.  

Again, the secret to having our tongues bless instead of curse is to surrender control to our loving Father in heaven. Only then will we know, live, and SPEAK the truth. Only then will we seek to build up others with it rather than tear down. 

For it is God’s living in and through me that has burdened my heart for others. Surrender to God is the reason I post daily from His word to bless all of us. If you have not fully given your life to Him, today is the day to surrender and start enjoying your freedom and cleansing! 



 Acts Bible Study 21:15-26 Mon, 07 Nov 2016 11:39:01 +0000  
Paul’s brothers were seeing the hostile climate and were concerned for his well being. Paul clearly has a mission and will endure whatever is necessary, yet balances that with the wisdom of his brothers in Christ.  

Read Acts 21:15-26

1) What do you see in the text? Who’s present? Where are they? Why are they there? When did this take place?

2) What questions need to be answered to fully understand the passage?

3)  What is the main heme if this section summarized in one sentence?

4) What was the application for the original readers?

5) How does this apply to believers today and you personally?

We are on the downhill of the book of Acts. I hope your enjoying your time in God’s word as much as I am!

Acts Bible Study 17:16-34 Tue, 18 Oct 2016 10:39:57 +0000  
Paul payed attention to his audience so he could preach and persuade them for Christ with the references they would understand.  It’s important to be observant and to listen and look for opportunities as we share the good news of Jesus. 

Read Acts 17:26-34

1)  Observation – What stands out in this passage?

2) Challenges – What questions need to be answered to understand the meaning?

3) Theme – What’s the main idea?

4) Original Application – What were the original readers supposed to take away from this passage?

5) How does this apply to you personally?

I hope you enjoy this spiritual food today!
